Thursday, July 30, 2009

Camp Overview....

I'm finally off the island and back in society and brought back lots of memories. If you wanna see any then you should already be my friend on facebook and you can look at pictures on there. That is not all but enough.

Since ive been back i went up to Silverwood with Katie and my brother, started Speed, Ajility, and Jump training at my school to get ready for school ball. I went 4 days in a row and vic my coach called me iron woman cause im the first he has seen survive 4 days in a row of his workouts and wanna come back! lol. Yes they are tough but so worth it! I worked on AP and college essays too. I got my schedule for school today and um it is messed up. I have to take a chem or physics to graduate and i didn't get either of them so i have to go talk to my counselor but i can't till like mid august. But im signed up for 0 hour strings, AP English, Design and Development Sr. Design class, Civics, Pre-Calculus, and a free perioid but somehow i have to jiggle that around so im in physics or chem. Tis fun stuff!

Yesterday i went to CDA for my SR. Pictures. I had my make up done at macy's cause i don't do make up, and kristen did my hair...i looked hot! haha...:P Then we went around town to various places and took pictures. It was soooooo fun! And i hear we r going to do it again which im sooo up to! I might just have to become ur model kk! hahahahahaha...Im excited! If you have not gone, go to kristens blog to see a few of them. :)

Tomorrow kristen, mathew (my bro) and i r going up to Silverwood. It will be fun! :)