Sunday, August 23, 2009

Montana Trip

A few weekends ago my family took my grandpa's car to deer lodge Montana where my uncle lives. On the way there mom and i had her car and dad and mat had his car...gpa's. Anyway i took some pictures on the way there. Here they are.

If you can see, there are road construction cones. It was 75...45...75...45...the whole way!

these are just the coolest things i have seen in the northwest! Those rocks like that...BEAUTIFUL!

It rained the whole time too...rain rain go away, come again another day...

While we were there we went to the fair that was that weekend and out to dinner and breakfast/brunch. My uncle and his girlfriend are old and don't cook so we went to the only restaurant in the town. From the brunch table we got to watch the parade go through town. Oh and when we woke up that morning there was snow on the mountains around the got to 31 degrees that night!