Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Ashley is accepted into University of Idaho!! oh yeah that's right! lol...mommy and i r going on a road trip in a few weeks to stay in the dorms! whop whop! haha :) I am really excited!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hmmm what have i been up too???...

Well lately i quit volleyball, took the SAT, won lots of ribbons and a trophy at the Spokane Interstate Fair, judged the rabbits down at the Rockford Fair, went to the Colbie Caillat concert, and Rodney Atkins concert (both with kk), worked on my WOHELO stuffs, applied to colleges, signed up for a WSI Class that i will be taking with kk :), and etc....there has been a lot in the month i have been absent from this blog thing.

I will have to post pictures later. LOTS of Pictures later! lol :)