Thursday, March 26, 2009

Spring break hear i come!

Last weekend kk, lou and i all went down to rei and i window shopped while planning my ingenious plan for what my parents should get me for my birthday; I want the Osprey aura 65 womens backback blue. Then they helped me with some math which the word problem u were WRONG! haha no worries! haha.

Sunday i went up to Lookout pass ski resort and it was disgusting! Slush instead of snow! ewww! So i obviously didn't want to ski much! I decided i would get some volunteering in so i went up and gate judged with this german lady who now loves me, named christina! haha she is so funny! We sat on buckets and watched 200 little kids go down a kombi course! It was fun but boring in a way! haha oh and cold! haha can't forget about being cold! SPRING WHERE ARE U?? I slept the whole way home! haha. Then i did my homework and went to bed.

Then this week went by way fast! i can't even tell u what happened! All i know is kk brought my ipod to my school today and i love her! haha. Man oh man thank god that no one is home to make fun of my dancing! haha CRANK IT! :)


Friday, March 20, 2009

Seattle Tournament...lots of singing!

Last weekend kk aka kristen, my mom and i all went to bellevue/snohomish for a vball aka volleyball tournament. Kristen and i sang the whole time! I believe i sounded like a man about 4 times cause i lost my voice and then kept drinking more sprite and ended up having to pee really bad at about northbend. omg and that bathroom was the coolest bathroom ever like you don't ever see cool bathrooms but it was like walking into a tree and it was sooooo cool!

Saturday we played ok. I figured out that we win everyother game which is sort of bad! we need to win all games! We won 3 when i played! gee! keep me playing! haha. Jessica was sick and kept complaining and blah blah blah...don't play if ur sick! We went to applebee's for dinner and it was ok. I should have ordered something else i think though, it was good but blah and plain. i loved the shrimp but the noodles were so nasty!

Sunday we played better! WE got 2nd in the Silver bracket which we should have gotten 1st but well can't take it back, just gotta move on.

Mom got me some really sweet tie die spandex and there amazing! And a tie die shirt...i love tie die!!!!

We headed straight home after the tournament! Like kk didn't hit the brakes once i swear! haha. We sang the whole time back too! Oh man we need to try out for american idles duet version! haha.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Vball Tourney and Robotics Competition

Ive been up to a lot this last week and have finally got a hand on being caught up on all my school work that i missed. March 1st my team played in the Sideout Tournament and well lets just not talk about it! Here is a picture of my team peppering. Im the tall one in the middle aka number 2! lol

These next ones are quite out of order but i hate messing with this thing so ur just going to deal with it.
This picture of a picture was taken at a new york style pizza restraunt we went to in portland, downtown portland. Haha ok so u know the big school vans? Well Groshoff parallel parked one of those perfectly! I can't even parallel park behind one car let alone 2! haha. Thats what i failed on my driving test! ha.

Here is our beautiful Robot. I don't think we have named her quite yet but we will! woohooo go 2146!
I was so facinated by this girl! The teams hand out buttons and usually people put them on like their shirts or what not and this girl totally did her hair! NICE!

This is part of the playing field! Ask and ill explain the game cause its too much to write here and it wouldn't make any sense!

So my team got 5th in portland with our aliance! It was so fun! We stayed in a really nice hotel and it was right across the street from the mall! SWEET! lol. We walked a ton, well to everywhere but the hotel and to pizza and well too and from portland of course! lol. It rained the whole time like on and off! Insane ness! I would go crazy with the weather they have there! Rain, sun, rain, sun! ahhhh! lol But it was so fun and worth it!