Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Vball Tourney and Robotics Competition

Ive been up to a lot this last week and have finally got a hand on being caught up on all my school work that i missed. March 1st my team played in the Sideout Tournament and well lets just not talk about it! Here is a picture of my team peppering. Im the tall one in the middle aka number 2! lol

These next ones are quite out of order but i hate messing with this thing so ur just going to deal with it.
This picture of a picture was taken at a new york style pizza restraunt we went to in portland, downtown portland. Haha ok so u know the big school vans? Well Groshoff parallel parked one of those perfectly! I can't even parallel park behind one car let alone 2! haha. Thats what i failed on my driving test! ha.

Here is our beautiful Robot. I don't think we have named her quite yet but we will! woohooo go 2146!
I was so facinated by this girl! The teams hand out buttons and usually people put them on like their shirts or what not and this girl totally did her hair! NICE!

This is part of the playing field! Ask and ill explain the game cause its too much to write here and it wouldn't make any sense!

So my team got 5th in portland with our aliance! It was so fun! We stayed in a really nice hotel and it was right across the street from the mall! SWEET! lol. We walked a ton, well to everywhere but the hotel and to pizza and well too and from portland of course! lol. It rained the whole time like on and off! Insane ness! I would go crazy with the weather they have there! Rain, sun, rain, sun! ahhhh! lol But it was so fun and worth it!

1 comment:

  1. Good Job on the Robot!! Thats awesome you guys did so good!
