Thursday, February 26, 2009

goofball! yep thats me! :D

Well the life of a high schooler man i tell ya!

Well basically ive been have a good and fun week with having no history homework for once! YAY career week! lol. Well ive been going to school, hanging out in the art room after school cause well i love hanging out in the art room! her music and it's the best place to do homework it seems. Go home about 4 and then eat and do homework or go to practice and then do homework.

OOO so i have to tell u something! So my acne was getting really bad so mom took me to the doctor but they couldn't prescribe what i had last time that worked because i am too active outside and they don't want me getting burnt on my hands again so i got this different stuff and omg it is working it's magic! well i notice one new breakout but usually there are more than that a day! teen hormones suck ass! But this stuff kickes ass too so i guess there even! lol

Yeah thats it! kk i read ur's and u make me feel so innocent so i end up saying little stuff like that!! jkjk im not mad! Actually like always im pretty much a goof! lol just seriously write it accross my forhead please! lol u would!

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