Thursday, February 19, 2009

Yeah yeah yeah...

I know it's been for ever since i last blogged on this thing. Sorry life's been really crazy!

Ive had a few vball tournaments, Some id like to not speek of! lol

Jeff stayed at my house one weekend and hung out.

Broke my skiing record with a total of 21 runs around all of mt. Spokane in about 5 hours with my friend i used to ski with way back when on ski team, Lauren. Good times racing down hourglass let me tell ya! lol

My grandparents have been having their ups and downs. My grandpa is now in a nursing home and my aunt from Arlington, WA is living with my grandma to keep her company since they are both retired and gma has a huge house anyway...i would be scared to live in it alone!

Our robot was shiped this last tuesday to portland. It has most of the kinks worked out but we will have to mess with it i know when we get to play with it in portland. Oh yeah bringing up portland, I will be gone March 4th through 7th in portland with the team...wooohooo 8 hour van drive with lots of men! lollol! Actually it's pretty even this year, half girls and half guys! wow!

Ive not been doing this so i could go to bed earlier and would probably be in bed right now if i didn't feel guilty for reading all ur blogs and totally not doing one! lol Looks like kristen's kept herself entertained! lol

Im closer to finishing my CAD and plans for my project in shop to actually start my project! grrr stupid parts being undefined and liberg riding my ass about them! I guess i learn.

yeah thats basically it in a nutshell. Comment for more i guess. Sorry no pictures im not one for transfering photo's off i even know how to do that!...and have not even carried a purse around for omg like 2 months or so unless im going out...there are certain times ;)! lol

Jeff's in town this weekend so were skiing together sunday and then i can sleep more saturday...i think this whole sun coming up earlier and going down later is making me more tired!

1 comment:

  1. woo hoo have a good weekend WINK! Glad to see you blogged
