Saturday, January 31, 2009

Maybe i should blog one of these days! hehe

So finals went good in all but my devel history class. I honest to god almost want to give up on that class. I know over a fricking B+, i must be crazy! But the only reason is because that grade only represents my assignments basically because ive only passed one of her six tests, and the one i passed i used notes on. But haha, funny thing is that B+ was my lowest grade last semester. A in strings, A in Shop, A in photography, B+ in History (American Experience Running start from EWU), A in AP English, A in Engineering physics, and A in Algebra 3/4. I wonder what urged school boards to go to letter grading? I had 106.89% in Engineering/ Physics and wish that could be shown on my report card.

Last weekends Vball Tournament turned out to be ok. My team has it's moments. We ended up getting 1st in the Concelation Bracket aka Loosers Bracket, and got these cool necklaces with vballs on them! WHop WHop Bling Bling! lol :D

This week was a change and a fresh start. Instead of photography this semester i have art 2. And i have all A's! wow! lol. I got my final back in history and she gave me mine last, it was sad. She sat next to me and was all ashley breath. I was all i failed another one just like what a month ago, like all cool with it. She was all ashley i want u and i too keep working and find a study skill that works for u. When she said that i got all emotional and was all like im tired of studying so fricking hard and none of it works and i get to taking the test i like don't remember a thing and mostly blow cheese out my ass. Like i freeze and feel like crap. I feel so intemidated by that class and that teacher. That's when i texted u kk. I was feeling so frustrated that i can't do anything to help me cause i feel like ive already failed myself by not remembering any of this shit from last semester..."like my brain is spagetti and can't connect the ends". Sad day!

Then the week went on and on and on and i had practice and practice and i drove my car for the first time in what seemed to be forever, and i made it through the week. Thank god.

Saturday aka today, i was totally sick, and went to school and worked on the robot and the crate. We got so much done on it! Im proud. I came up with this really sweet design for our crate and we planned and drew it today and get to start building it monday. We fixed some of the batteries and got some of the tower finished and kinked with. I was the only girl there all day! I didn't really notice it till grosh was ganging up on me and saying ooo the girl wants to give imput! blah blah blah blah blah is all they hurd! Dumb asses! lol but god i love them! :D Man i have so many love hate relationships. lol

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