Friday, January 23, 2009

Finals Week! AHHH...but it's going to be a good weekend. :D

Im going to start with last weekend.

Last weekend was fun. Saturday mom and i got up early and went to cda for a rabbit show. We actually did really good!

Then after that we packed up and went home, fed the rabbits, packed the car again, and left for kennawick. I was the dj the way there and on the way home...wooohooo! lol...even while i was doing my homework on the way back but thats another story.

We got to Jeff's house at about 6pm and they had dinner ready and everything. I think they were hungry cause we got there, they showed us our rooms and said now lets eat. lol love his family.

That night we (jeff and i) watched Independance Day. Such a old, but good movie! I love it when the alien dude pops out and like attacks the scientists! Muuuhaha! lol. I did some notecard organizing for my essay then went to bed.

Valia, his sister, also had to play sunday, but across town, and so we both were up really early. Ok i was up and ready before anyone else was up and im pretty sure i was the last one to bed too! Yeah i know im insane. The night before, his parents showed us where bfast was incase one of us were up super dooper early so i found the food but yeah had to look in all the drawers to find the

We won, lost, lost, lost, won, lost. But most of the losses were close so we played hard, could have played harder but honestly we lost cause of missed serves. I mean were u18 and can't make a effing serve, come on! I don't play backrow so i don't have to worey about good incase though! lol

We finishe the tourney really late so jeff and his family strongly suggested that we stay another night. I was all for that! lol :D Dude i had my own bathroom and everything so ya know i was totally chil with staying.

We headed home at about 8am. I wrote my essay the whole way home. When we got home we had plenty of cleaning to do and i had plenty of homework to finish.

Tuesay -friday were finals. I feel fairly confident about my test grades.

Thursday and Friday were half days. I enjoyed them very much. I took naps both day and omg they were amazing! Then friday nida and i hung out till 3 and watched movies and it was so fun! We are hilarious together! Oh kk i can't wait for u to meat her! OMG i love my friends! All of u! ahhh...all those memories! LOL this summer!

Tomorrow nida and i r going to cda to load music on this and to go see bride wars at 12:35. Im really excited. Then Sunday kasey and her mom are going to pick me up and we are heading to moses lake for a tournament. I hope we do really well! :D


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