Monday, January 5, 2009

Skiing with KK and Lou! Wooohooo! (that totally rymes)

This weekend Mathew had a race at Schweitzer Ski Resort.

It was a fun one to go to. He didn't do so well and probably won't like talking about it if u ask him how he did, but it was his 1st official ussa race off our home mt. It's all trial and error every time u race. You gotta find the right rythem for yourself...that's what i keep telling him.

We left home at about 5pm and made it to the hotel at around 7:30ish. You know how my dad's a perfectionist, well he is. He decided it was too hot in the room and that he wanted to open the window. It wouldn't open! He went to the front counter and told the lady that he wanted to be moved to a room that had a window that opened. They found a room and then we had to move all our stuff to that room. oh and then in the new room the remote to the tv wouldn't work so he programmed it to work with the tv. He's quite hillarious!

Here's lou and i! hehe. I stole this from u!

This is mathews best friend joe. OK my coach for club is Joe, mat's coach for skiing is Joe, and mats best friend from his team is Joe...too many Joe's!

Mathew after his second race...i think he's pretty pissed!

Kristen and i on the steps...thanks mom! Bad picture taker!

LOL love my face! Need to do that one more often! :P

A picture i took coming down the mountain! So pretty!
This trip was so fun. I had a blast skiing with kristen and lou. I love the mountain and want to go skiing so bad right now! haha. Lou ur a fun guy to race eventhough girls always win! :P haha.

1 comment:

  1. we had a good day! Sad about Mat and crashing..oh well! :D
