Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Mt. Spokane Ski Camp--Skiing with Jeff

This christmas break has consisted of lots of shoveling and skiing.
I went skiing Dec. 20th, 22nd, 23rd, 27th, 29th, 30th, and 31st. 7days of skiing is enough for one break. haha Well actually i will be going one more time this sunday.!

How was everyone's Christmas? Mine was good. Normal get what u picked before xmas, give back to mom and then re-get it! haha well in a way i like it that way. I get what i want and don't have to wake up early to see what it is. I got lots of clothes, my ski boots, a book bag, and some other stuff.
Sorry i have not been taking many pictures lately. Not really one for carrying a purse these days.

Inside lodge one looking pretty! :D

The guy with the yellow helmet is my brothers coach. His names Joe. OMG he is so cool! haha and hilarious! Mats in a good group this year. In this picture the team is swiping the course. Mathew is the one with the grey helmet...he's really fast so coach made his start later so he wouldn't crash into them...haha.

Mathew wipping out the Second time down his timed run. He recovered really fast and tucked to the end.

Mathew finishing and recovering...there was a rut he says! haha

Mathew up on the podium. Last year he was a J6 cause it was his 1st year racing and this year they moved him up to his age level and got 3rd in his first J3 race. Go MATHEW!!! It was funny cause Chuck (program director) was all "6th place" mat was all "thats me", but he said that till he was all "did they forget about me?" Then we herd "3rd place Mathew Bueckers". We were all shocked! His coach even was shocked!

See how the other two boys have the arms of the sutes hanging...mathew got a new one and decided not to wear anything under it but his underwear and when he got down from his timed run and he was all "im going in, im turning into a frozen tooth pick". He was so cold! The coaches don't bring down their jackets and pants till the end of all the races and so he put on my pants and his was funny! He had like 2 hand wormers too! haha funny kid!

Onto Jeff and his family coming into town.

Tuesday his family came into town and went straight up the hill. Jeff, Valia (his sister), and i skied the afternoon. His parents went and figured out where the xc ski area is. Then we all headed down the mountain about 4pm.

My mom stayed home tuesday and cleaned, ran errends, and took care of my grandparents. When we got home mom had cleaned the house like a mad woman. her. She went out and got pizza from Papa Murphies. I love the stuffed meat lovers pizza there and their bread sticks! mmm and she made a salad, chesee and triscuts, salsa and chips and got the costco chocolate pack that omg i love. The red container of chocolate yeah best present ever for me! haha :D His family came over and brought drinks. My dad and his dad and mom are so alike and my dad likes them. They got so into their conversations. Stuff about gravity and protons and neutrons and light, idk lots of science terms i was blown off of. haha

Then Jeff, valia and i skied together wednesday too and it was fun. I was not feeling 100% so i didn't ski all day and let them go and figure out the mountain for awile. They came back at 3 or so and we all said our good byes and thanks for coming up. It was a good time!

Here are some pictures i stole from jeff on facebook! haha

Jeff all bundled up!

Me on the side of the run and jeff taking a picture of the mountains. They don't have mountains in Tri Cities! haha

The same view taken lower on the hill.

Valia has her back to us and im smiling for the camera! Cheese!

All and all it's been a good break. Plenty of skiing, and hanging out with friends. I find it funny how ive hung out with only boys from camp. Haha

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