Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My life = Homework!

Like my title says, my life is homework. It sucks! Most days i hate it. But as life goes on with more and more homework i guess u get used to it. I guess u sort of just have to. Its just life.

I say that because sunday dad and i stayed up till 1am on my homework that i procrastinated on. Yeah my history book is now called the devils book at is evil!

When i got up dad said i was to tired to drive so he drove me to school and picked me up after i basically slept through the class consisted of sleeping and texting kk. What that class consists of doing nothing when u turn all ur stuff in before the due date.

Then i had a Wohelo meeting and i guess i am really further than i thought i was. Which is good.

Tuesday was lame too. But in a good way. I didn't get much homework and it was like a break day. After school i had a 4-H meeting and it was like 3 hours long! OMG i was so tired! Well that is mostly cause i had to tattoo 10 or so rabbits after the meeting and they didn't want to be nice. Darn rabbits some days! gee

Wednesday i had late start! WOOOHOOO!!! I actually have late start for 3 weeks in a row. Late start consisted of sleeping till 7:30 and then talking to kk and lou. Luv's u 2! Yep then chores here and there. Oh and taking mathew to school and myself to school too. Wow lots of driving today! Totally fine with me though. Class was hard today though, i felt. I have a essay due friday and a english test friday and my bridge in engineering due yeah and a try out tonight and tomorrow! Im gonna die! Don't expect me to do anything this weekend but sleep and organize and maybe scrapbook cause after all this stress im gonna need it!

yep so im off to a try out right now...tootles...wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Im sure you will to great at your tryouts...I would say dont procrastinate with homework...but I did so I cant expect someone else not to.
