Sunday, November 30, 2008


Thanksgiving was a little different this year. Lets just say my parents forgot some ingredients in a few things and that led to lots of yelling at one another. Yeah so heck its just food. I mean like kk said last week, "at least you have food on ur table". I mean we have thanksgiving every year like 5 or 6 times anyway so like it matters if one time you mess up.

Friday was fun. I slept in and then at like 2pm mat, dad, and i went up to my favorite place, the alpine haus. It gets you into the mood to ski so easily. Well i basically got my Christmas present early. They should just stop trying cause it always happens like this. We went up there to pick up Mathews boots and poles, but instead the guy who had been working on the custom foot beds for his boots was not there so i got fitted for a new pair of boots and yep got them. I was going to get Mathews hamy down ones from last year but the lady said that they were massavy too big for me so yay i got new ones just for me. These are them. Aren't they a beauty! heheYeah so they fit me perfect. Well a heck of a lot better than mathews old ones. His would have been 3 fingers too big for me which is like a whole size plus a tad to big! The people up there care so much about u that if you love the feel of the boot and its the right size then if there is any little uncomfortable thing they will grind it out for u. My left foot is bigger than my left as so is that leg, but so they are grinding out the pinkey toe on the left one cause well it is also wider than my other legs and feet are so weird! I'm so excited for snow! I get to go pick these up with my skis on Saturday! I'm so excited! by then or close to then we should have snow! I WANT SNOW!!!

Saturday was my brothers birthday party and it was so fun. It was him, a girl (he wont let me call her a girlfriend), tiler, lyle and i went go cart racing at fast cart and it was so fun! 15 min is as long as you need!!! wow i was pooped! But that was probably cause well i crashed like 2 times but well it was so so i was not joking when i said "zoom, zoom, zoom, crash" this morning! I mean there was this one corner that u had to use ur brakes on or you seriously would slam into a wall, concrete wall! yeah i learned that the hard way! I wanted to go fast what could i say! I would hit the 2nd corner and then floor it till the next and then have enough speed to just coast till i got to "the corner" and then u had to use ur brakes! It was really funny seeing other people crash on the court! haha Then i was an illegal passenger in the back of my moms car cause dad didn't want pizza so heck it was actually sort of fun! lol im such a rebel!

Today i went up to jamie's house and we watched an extra credit movie called the patriot and omg talk about heads flying off! uggg it was so nasty! Then yeah her driveway is like a hill basically so i had to use my ebrake and well thought i pulled it all the way off till i let my foot off the acceleration and stopped. Yeah i pulled over and called dad and i guess u have to pull it till it clicks so i did and then sat there while i let the tires cool so they would not catch on fire. No harm done i just went like 3 houses down from hers and stoped. Dad said i would have been on fire if i had drove home like that so it was a good thing i stopped.

Wow what a weekend! But stop reading about mine and go write ur own blog u losers who never reply or comment! hahaha jkjkjkjk Well i hope to hear good weekends from all y'all too so post um so i can comment! tehe tehe! lol =D

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