Tuesday, November 11, 2008

U of Idaho Rocks!!!

Thursday was nothing other than blah school.

But Friday was hella amazing!!!I mean Ms. Nelson, Briana, and i all went down to u of i and had the time of our lives. I have to say i am the best dj when it comes to road trips! heheThis was the sunrise coming down when it finally stopped raining! We ate breakfast at the u of i and then sat in on a pannel of engineers that have graduated from u of i. They were really resourceful. After that i wanted to already start thinking about classes next year...wooo sr. year! haha. Then we went on a campus tour...my second one for this month. hehe
This was the coolest tree i saw on campus!! I mean it is so intense with all the roots going different directions.
Walking down the hello walk way...looking up! God i love trees! I mean nature is so beautiful and relaxing. :D
Briana and i on the way home. Smile for the camera!:D

1 comment:

  1. YAY! I am so sad that my poster wasn't up. HOW RUDE! I spent all that time answering her questions...oh well...
