Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Scrapbooking Fun!!!

AKA Craft day to lou. hehe

I have a car as a few of you know and i got permission to drive out to CDA and spend the day with kk scrap booking. The drive there was good i mean no incidents to tell of. I mean i had never drove to her house before and had no problems with the directions she gave me. YAY!

I got there and her dad was blowing all the leaves to the street. CDA is lucky they have leaf pick up. Spokane does not and we have to bad it and take it to the composting place. UG!

We scrapbooked till 2 or so and then kk went with me and taught me how to do the whole gass thing...it's easier than i thought it would be. Then we picked up some lunch and photo's. After lunch we went to jo ane's and got some paper and stickers. I LOVE STICKERS!!! :D

We went home and i did one or 2 more pages then noticed what time it was. Time flies by too fast when ur having too much fun! hehe. Then we said our good byes and i left her and lou some cookies. I hear she had to confinscate them though, which is funny!

Before i got on the freeway heading home i kept trying to call my parents and tell them that i was heading home and it kept droping my call so i called kim and had her try while i was on the freeway. I was doing good and all and now understand rush hour....ugg. But when i got the the valley mall exit there was a bunch of flying wood and thank god non hit my window. I am a hundred percent sure though that i did run some over so i am keeping a good eye on my tires.

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