Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Matt Nathanson Concert

Tuesday night i went to the matt nathanson concert with kk, katie and lou. It was so the beginning i was so energetic but towards the end kk and i were about to fall asleep on each other!!! I left at like 11:30pm and it was insane!!! We didn't even get to hear come on get higher!!! Crazyness!

Wednesday was chill. WEll a lot better than tuesday, atleast at school. I had shop, american experience, and engineering/ physics. One of the dudes in my EP(engineering/Physics) class was complete so he helped me understand that whole bridge design thing we were doing in solid works...groshoff is no help!!! Well actually grosh was gone so i had to and i now understand it! yay! no more freaking out ness! Then i insanly did 3 homework assignments because the 1st one was the one i did almost 100% wrong and i wanted to re-do it and then that nights homework then i asked for a extra practice sheet. Yeah what can i say i wanted to understand it and now i do! No more freaking out on my end. Im cool with my math. Math is my bestest friend! lol..

Today i had strings, photography, mentor, AP english, and math. I finished all my prints and it was so amazing. I was the only one back there and it was so quiet and peacefull...i could finally hear myself think! What a miracle! Then yeah goofed off in mentor cause there was a sub. Have lots of homework in english, and did all my math in class and finished allmost all my math for tomorrows assignment in class. Went home and no one was today was like amazingly quiet and peacefull just like i needed it to be. Did my homework to no noise but rain drops and omg if paper did not soak up rain i would have done my homework out side.

When dad got home he was on the net looking up some stuff and he was on mt. spokanes website looking at their web cam and it was snowing!!! IT WAS SNOWING!!!!! My dad was up there monday and since monday they have got 13in at the summit and 11 at the base!!! AHH JUST AMAZING!!!

And to make it even better. I don't have school tomorrow!!!This little piggy lets to go to U of I again and pretend she is a engineer going to school there! hehe k maybe not but close to it! :D

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