Saturday, December 20, 2008

Snow Day's!!!!

We got about 24in. of snow wednesday and thursday. My strings concert was canceled wednesday night, there was no school thurday and friday.

This is how much snow was on the cars before we tried to leave. Dad left before the big storm hit thursday. He had a tough time getting back in. We actually dug a path for him because we had such a high burr on the road infront of our driveway he had no chance of making it over it without bottoming out. WEll actually he didn't even make it to the street we live on without high centering himself. He got stuck on the corner of nora and felts, about a street away from our house basically. Some guy pulled him to our street then dad chained up and plowed into the driveway. It was actually very funny! vrrom vrrom! haha

Thats our light pole. It shows how deep the snow was across the street at the neighbors house in thier driveway and how much snow we got wednesday.

I used the lady who lives across from me's snow blower thursday to have a place for dad to get through from work and it was so fun! Love her! haha actually shhh her husband is sorta creepy. He watches me pull out every morning and everytime i do anything in a car. I think he's paranoid and i am his entertainment! haha

This is my brother and his two tag alongs. Mathew's the one who fell. I think he thought he could run through snow but actually found out if u do u fall! haha

Thats how much snow was on the rabbit hutches on thursday morning before i went out to feed while it was snowing!

We made our own little mountain from shoveling out! Man that was a lot of snow!

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