Wednesday, December 17, 2008


So ive been a little busy working on this stupid thing that i love called a computer. Yeah mine needed upgraded but we had some minor set backs. All is well now and im going to update u on what ive been up to this last week.

Well wednesday and thursday i had practice with my team. I drove and didn't crash or die. haha inside joke! I actually love my team so far. Were really fun together...playing wise we have our serious moments and omg hilarious moments! haha hannah is so trouble!

All weekend i worked on this thing and buy monday dad had it running correct. WE couldn't get the hard drive light to stop lighting so yeah had to fix that which was very confusing!

Monday i had school and then came home and kk picked me up and we went and saw 4 Christmasas. OMG go see it! Its hilarious! The ending omg we couldn't stop laughing for like 2, maybe 3 min after the movie actually ended! It was good stuff! If u wanna know what everyone got for xmas look on louies page cause he had the camera and explained it very well! haha i mimiked u kk! :D

Tuesday i had robotics. We watched that movie about brainstorming from IDEO again kk! I love it and think we should watch it again and make signs just like them to hang in our CAD room! That would be sweet!

Wednesday i woke up to mom yelling at me to get up cause i had to go change the rabbits crocks cause she was leaving and didn't have time to do it! UG so i froze my butox off doing that for like an hour plus some and then came in and ate. By that time it had started snowing and i went down to my "hole" and got ready for school plus duh talked to kk! oh and lou but i sort of forgot about u after i restarted my computer! haha sorry! We figured out that i can look and organize my music from itunes from my ipod on my computer but they won't save onto it! OK APPLE COME ON! COME OUT WITH SOME STUPID FREE DOWNLOAD THAT MAKES THIS POSSIBLE FOR PEOPLE LIKE ME! GEE...Yeah i am pretty pissed but figure there is away around apple and i just have to figure it out!

Then driving to school omg there was this semi getting off the freeway at argone and he like was fishtailing and couldn't stop and i saw out of the corner of my eye and had to slam on the brakes and control skid to the line eventhough i had a green light cause he was croozing and actually ended up back on the freeway! OMG what a morning!

My day at school was blah till engineering when we got to break our bridges. It was fun! Mine held 20lbs. The biggest that was legal held 35lbs. One group made a totally illegal one and it held 75lbs it was insane! like after it cracked in half like people could stand on it! It was cool!

Then driving home it took me 30 min when it usually takes me 10. yeah i think my average speed was 5mph. No joke! There were some people who couldn't make it up the hill under the railroad bridge and then there were two recks on the argone bridge over the freeway! Crazyinsane.

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