Monday, December 8, 2008

I made it!!!

Well i didn't even have to tryout, but i got on a team! Im playing on Cheney vbc (volleyball club)! My mom stayed home today cause she had some huge migrane headache. She pulled a few strings and talked to some people and got me on this team. Yay! Im really excited cause my bff alexa is on that team to! OMG her and i could seriously be twins! When were together everyone around us is laughing their heads off! LOL teradacle rrr! inside joke yo! Man good times in seattle! :D

WEll today was going crappy till that happened and i texted kk durring so naughty! lol The homework was so easy, i finished in class!

OMG kk 9 more days of school till christmas break and we still don't have snow! This sucks!!!! I WANT SNOW!!! OOOOOO and who could not forget... 6 days till next monday when u 2 get ur gifts and i get ur gifts! How lucky i am! lol 2 for one! lol I love this attitude right now! so jolly and hopeful! Lifes good guys! We hit some bumps but when we hurdle over them we realize well that was not that bad! lol...

OK the best radio station like web radio. Have u been to You can make ur radio stations and listen for free! I love it! Im listening right now! WOOO GO kenney chesney! hahahahahahahahaha


  1. woo hoo! I am proud of you for making a team! I know how much it means to you to play! :)
