Wednesday, December 10, 2008

WOOO HOOO im "Crazy Hyper" today!!!

SO well i need to delete that last blog because im not on that team anymore. But instead i came home yesterday to 4 messages on the answering machine for me! I never get any messages on that thing! wow...but they were good messages. The River City U18 coach wanted me to come play for him. I said yes and then basically pissed off the team i was going to play for! Whops! But for once i chose the best for me. The coach is a really good coach and i actually cant wait to meat him tonight at practice. I mean i saw him at the practice but i mean didn't really know him or really say hi cause i mean there were litterally 200 girls there! Yeah! So yep i have practice tonight and tomorrow! Im excited!

Today though was like wow amazing! Well it started out pretty lame just normal morning chores then i got like really hyper talking to kk and it just sort of stayed with me through the day! I know how cool! lol

Like 1st period i got really far on my xmas present for my mom. Its a bandsaw box that is omg intence! Like it has so many pieces! But now im to the point where im making the lid fit and sanding and rounding the edges. Then i just have to put a finish on it! OMG i love sanding! haha how random!

3rd was omg "I HATE HISTORY!!" day. Like wow that class is intence! Stupid choice of taking a college class and being so actice...there are so many tests and i suck at tests! lol kk! my f! ooo gee! wow...but yeah it was a lame hour and a half of my life wasted listening and learning about our past.

Lunch...wednesdays lunches suck cause im the only one who has that lunch! Yeah so i go sit with some strings geeks and its really lame. blah blah blah...

5th...Engineering! I love this class! I finished my bridge and sent a picture to kk! hehe!

After school i went and practiced my violin for like an hour in a practice room. I needed it! Oh this is hillarious to me! So i guess i pissed the girl who used to be my stand partenr...she was a by telling her if she didn't turn the page when she was supposed to i would have the 3rd chair kid take her spot. She like left the room crying! whops! I mean to me if i was told that i would seriously actually turn the page when i was supposed to cause i wouldn't wanna loose my spot. She didn't and so the other kid is now my stand partner and now i actually have someone who can actually turn the pages! 1st chair whot whot get some privlages! haha! In a way im glad cause she was making me mad that we had to stop because she didn't turn our page! OMG freshy meat is fun to play with! lol :D Man im mean to them!

Then i came home and dad put my winter tires on my car while i ate what he called road kill. It looked horrible but was actually really good! haha...dads talented like that! wooo what now kk! haha i hurd about u and ur spagetti! lol Wanna have a cook off! with me id be a bake off! lol mmm i love sugar! Duh im a girl and a teen! Thats for u lou!

Well im off to practice! Im driving! Yikes freeway at night! ahhhhhhhh! i can do it! ill be the little red train going up the hill! lol

1 comment:

  1. I am dying to learn about practice! Tell me all about it!
