Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Scavenger Hunt

Today i said i was bored. Never going to do that again...don't we all say that? Well kk thought it would be funny to see me do a Scavenger Hunt on my SNOW DAY, anywho, i found some things that i thought i could do around the house and make fun so i did them. Here goes my 2nd try at this thing hope it works this time! grrrr...
This goes from end of hunt to begining because im too lazy to re arange them. ok! Deal with it pep's!
Catalog pose...theres 2

Do exactly what the sign says (any sign can work)
Im going with the live and is a long story.

Picture with an animal (the more unusual the better)...2 again
My friend and lover (lol) Franklin

An unsual perspective -- could be everyone's shoes, or the just top of their heads. .

Starting at the black ones going up and left are from newest to oldest...gotta have the vball in there too! haha
Capture your reflection in an unexpected place

Look in the vball face's reflection is infront of me...creepy!

The most relaxing place you can find

My beds my most relaxing place at home but out of my house im not saying cause then ud come bug wouldn't be relaxing then!

Mimic a statue -- fountains also work well

I think i make a pretty good statue. lol Plus the mirror is mimiking me anyway! lol
kk just say it..."u goofball!"

Good day...well ok i guess...i wanna play volleyball and build robots or design robots, and go to school, and well i want my computer to be friends with me but i don't think that's possible cause computers are objects and objects don't have feelings and gonna end it with a blah.


  1. Thats awesome! You did a great job! See now wasn't that entertaining!

  2. Thank you, thank you very much! (bow) It was very entertaining thanks for suggesting some of those pictures are hilarious!!!
