Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Phone...arg i wanna shoot you!

So don't text me or call me! my phone is retarded! no joke! wanna hear why? omg. Ok so i was all mom no one has been texting me since like Saturday night, and she was all that's weird! Cause i usually have to empty my mail box everyday! so then i looked in my sent box and hmmm maybe it's because no one is receiving them either cause i only really text Verizon people and they didn't have little check marks next to them. Then i went to the lunch table and senaida asked me why i didn't text her back! Um i did u just didn't get it! so then in English she finally got the text i sent her Sunday morning! yeah so i called Kim, Katelyn's mom, the lady who i pay for my phone kk, and she told me to call the Verizon store and talk to one of the service people. So i did and i told her all that and she looked up my phone # and said well your phone is due for some updates do you have a memory card? And i don't so she told me they are 25$ and i had just spent 15 of my 30 on gas sooooo i had to go home and explain to my dad why i needed 25 bucks. And the girl i was speaking to on the phone says the updates should fix it and if that doesn't work then they will call teck center! so ive seriously not been texting for 3 days now and it's like killer! cause im the one who comes up with corny stuff to say and then sends the random text and i can't do that cause frankly if i sent it to you u would probably get it like Friday! no joke! So kk im replying when i get it but frankly u won't get it! And i called Rushele today and left a voice mail. She called me back and said she had her phone in her hand on loud and she only knew that i had left her a voice mail and didn't see that i was calling! OK now that is messed up! So my phone is officially retarted and slow and blah, annoying!

Yep the life of ashley when she doesn't have a phone! it's so sad! how am i going to go 4 weeks without it! Actually i bet i won't even know i am not using it! haha...jeff's gonna be so phone deprived! him and his blackberry!haha


  1. BTW im going in tomorrow to have the updates put on my phone. so it should...SHOULD be all better by then...but i can't believe it took me this long to figure it out! I thought that people were mad at me for some reason or that kim turned off my texting but nope my phone is just stupid.

  2. That sucks! I hope you get it fixed! I was wondering why I haven't gotten a text from you in awhile!

  3. yeah and i went today and they called the tech center and they said there was nothing they could do! So yeah i have not texted anyone in like 4 days now! ahhhhh...But tomorrow kim and i r going in and making them give me a new phone so i can text cause this is ridicules! Im so mad!
