Sunday, June 28, 2009


So im going to be at camp (June 29th-July 24th). It would be amazing if you would write me letters, because maybe u will get one back. ;) Here is the address:
Ashley Bueckers CIT
Camp Sweyolakan
Marine Route
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814
or you can e-mail me at put "Ashley Bueckers CIT" in the subject line!
Thanks and hope to hear from you! I love mail! :)

Friday, June 26, 2009

What a week!

I might as well blog real quick before i leave you guys for a while.

This week was an adventure. I don't even remember half the stuff i did. lol. My brother left last Friday for mt. hood so the house has been really, really quiet. The family shopped last weekend, and then Tuesday Katie and i stuffed envelopes at the camp fire office, wednesday i job shadowed at my dad's work in the materials lab where i got to break 8 concrete cilenders and wash rocks and do some science tests on rocks with this one guy with a really cool beird! lol. Then mom and i went out to chilies with some of her girls from where she used to work (my dad's work) and it was fun. We just chilled the rest of the day watching movies. Yesterday idk what i did, nothing special obviously.

Then yep today i leave to go to ellensberg for the weekend for the WA state rabbit convention. Shall be fun! Then monday i leave for three weeks which i will be spending out at camp sweyolakan. I will get the mailing address and email out asap...aka when i get home from ellingsberg. Mail me food and goodies! lol. E-mail me the good stuff in your life! lol! :)

Friday, June 5, 2009

This is for Kristen and all who want to see that a woman can use power tools and not f up a shop project! lol

For second semester shop we had to build our own project and i chose to build a bookcase. It looks really good! I designed it and build it with some help from some handy guys in my class. cough cough joey cough cough. lol Yeah my shop teacher said i couldn't do this by myself so he had the TA help me build it. lol. I did most of it except for the nail gun part lol...i don't think the teacher trusted me with it. I did use it once when joey let me and said i want u to try. i didn't hurt anyone so whats the fuss! lol.

On to pictures. This is the whole thing without stain. Close up of the bottom part.
Close up of the top part
Side view of the whole thing stained. I have not put the shelves in yet for they are drying. Sorry this is crooked...blogger frustrates me with their picture stuffs.
Yep thats it yall. Girls in shop build nice things! and don't kill anyone. Hey i didn't even get hurt or anything...oh but the saw stop did go off today again! lol stupid wasn't me! Im innocent! :)

Engineering Class Project

I have no idea why this is underlined or why it won't not be underlined but im gonna fly with it.

In engineering class recently we have been building robots like the one you see below. I built 3 in about a month but this is my favorite one. It picks up tennis balls. It's so cool! I even programed it and it has an autonomous mode for our soccer comp. we had last week. We did ok. No one likes to alliance with stupid girls who know how to make a robot so it doesn't break like there's did. lol
This is a view from the front where the ball gets held. The two wheels herd it around the field if they have to also.
Yep so that was my final in that class and now have been doing nothing really. Which don't get me wrong is like a good so not stoked for the history final wednesday is what im getting at. Thank god i got one done before that massacure hits!

New Glasses Pictures

As some of you know I went and had my eyes checked and ended up having to get a new prescription sooooo.....Here is pictures of my new glasses.

I really like them. I can see with them and they look so cute on me! Sorry i will have to get some pictures of me with them on. That's not to hard.