Friday, June 26, 2009

What a week!

I might as well blog real quick before i leave you guys for a while.

This week was an adventure. I don't even remember half the stuff i did. lol. My brother left last Friday for mt. hood so the house has been really, really quiet. The family shopped last weekend, and then Tuesday Katie and i stuffed envelopes at the camp fire office, wednesday i job shadowed at my dad's work in the materials lab where i got to break 8 concrete cilenders and wash rocks and do some science tests on rocks with this one guy with a really cool beird! lol. Then mom and i went out to chilies with some of her girls from where she used to work (my dad's work) and it was fun. We just chilled the rest of the day watching movies. Yesterday idk what i did, nothing special obviously.

Then yep today i leave to go to ellensberg for the weekend for the WA state rabbit convention. Shall be fun! Then monday i leave for three weeks which i will be spending out at camp sweyolakan. I will get the mailing address and email out asap...aka when i get home from ellingsberg. Mail me food and goodies! lol. E-mail me the good stuff in your life! lol! :)

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