Friday, June 5, 2009

Engineering Class Project

I have no idea why this is underlined or why it won't not be underlined but im gonna fly with it.

In engineering class recently we have been building robots like the one you see below. I built 3 in about a month but this is my favorite one. It picks up tennis balls. It's so cool! I even programed it and it has an autonomous mode for our soccer comp. we had last week. We did ok. No one likes to alliance with stupid girls who know how to make a robot so it doesn't break like there's did. lol
This is a view from the front where the ball gets held. The two wheels herd it around the field if they have to also.
Yep so that was my final in that class and now have been doing nothing really. Which don't get me wrong is like a good so not stoked for the history final wednesday is what im getting at. Thank god i got one done before that massacure hits!

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