Wednesday, April 22, 2009

No more volleyball! :( but so much more time to tan! :) lol

Sorry I have not posted in wow like almost 3 weeks. I'm gonna sum it up for you.

Well lets see ive had the normal 4-H meetings, and Vball Practices. I had a wohelo meeting and wow i have a lot to do, well it seem i have a lot to do but reall i can accomplish it in a few days. Then i have to read a book and you know how slow of a reader i am! ug.

For the last two weeks i have had late start on monday and tuesday, for i passed the wasl last year and don't have to take it.

Last Saturday I took a Babysitting class for my wohelo and it was actually really informational.

Sunday i had my last Vball tourney and i think i improved lots this season. Im really proud of myself! :) Like i learned a whole new position and can hit amazing now! And guess what? I told my coach my goal for school is to make the varsity team as a right side hitter and (haha this part made him laugh) i wanna hit my varsity coach, like with the ball! All season i used my coach as a target and he thought it was funny! haha. Shhhhh thats my little goal don't tell!! haha. :) I have my little quirks so deal with it! haha.

Yep then this weekend i am going to tri cities for a rabbit show and mat, mom and i r staying with jeff and his family. He asked me to a movie today kk!! Another one!! :) I hope we have time to go! And sunday i have my teams banquet for end of the season. SAD DAY! :( Im gonna miss certain people on my team.

Oh i finally downloaded mozilla firefox today. I had not done it since i put xp on here happy now cause mozilla seems so much more faster!

May 2 i am taking my SAT! Im a tad scared! just a tad! lol...i hate tests! Then that night i can choose to go to a CDA symphony concert at 7:30 or not and sunday i and either mom or someone else are signed up to volunteer and hand out the bloomsday shirts to the finishers.

so yep thats the life of ashley...blah blah

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