Sunday, April 5, 2009

Spring Break Madness!!!

Last weekend, the weekend before spring break, was the Pacific Northwest Qualifier at EWU. Well lets just say i played everygame and well i played good but the team was stuck in all this drama, that i ignored cause i want no part in that junk, and so well we lost all but one of our games sad to say. Oh our back line needs to pick it up cause well thats what we lost on! UGG...nothing i could have done i never get put in back there!

Monday mom and i ran errands to everywhere. haha. Later dad told me i had to change my tires so i went out and he just sat in moms car with the door open and told me what to such a visual learner and hands on learner so this helped a lot! If i would have just watched him i would have been clueless the next time.

Tuesday i had vball practice and haha i followed mom in my car to the place and then she went downtown for some shopping or something...i never know, actually i don't care!...but i ended up calling her cause i wasn't really paying attention while driving there and sorta didn't know how to get back to the freeway. Then i was supposed to go meet matt and casey's twins but they went shopping so i stayed home and was a couch pottato all afternoon.

Wednesday...yay...i drove in the fast lane ;) to kk's and we had scrapbooking day part 2! my title? lol. We went to michals, i needed another scrapbook, and then we watched 90210 and slumdog millionare, which were both good! KK tomorrow 90210! haha. Then at like 5:30 i left to go home only to find out my mother wouldn't have mined if i stayed the night! UGGG! really mom! ok well now that we know that i guess if i get stuck in a "storm" at ur house i can stay! haha...that is if its cool w/ u. :)

Thursday...hmmm what did i do?... oh i went around doing errands with mom cause kk didn't go to matt and casey's sooo... yep then homework and like 4 more scrapbook pages got accomplished.

Friday mat, mom, and i went to silver for our last runs of the year...weird we went to silver for our last runs of the year last year too! haha...and it was so fun! Mat and i wanted to stay longer but mom said no. Darn well maybe next year i can drive mat and i and we can stay as long as we want! booyaaa ya for licences! hahaha. I did the terain park btw like a lot bc of him and no am a pro! actually i like biffed it good a few times! haha i hit this unexpected jump and dang good thing for fresh pow or i would have been dead! haha. But yeah then i took him on some massave work out runs called mogals, which he hates! haha. On the way home we dropped off louie some boots that used to be mine matter of fact that were huge on me! I hear they fit him perfectly which is great cause he complained last time i skiied with him.
Saturday was clean, clean, clean! I organized the whole kitchen. I took everything off the shelves and bleached the shelves and put everything back. We took our wood pile and an old mattress and put it in the truck. I swore that that truck was going to break! Some guy who always comes over, he is russian i can't spell his name, got some rabbit fertilizer aka poo for his garden. Matter of fact a lot of people call for it! It's really funny, but great cause we get rid of it! Then mom and i went to win-co and shopped for my gparents. It was my first time in there and it was a mad house! kk i don't know how u went in there with the twins! geee. I did my home didy work and then couldn't sleep so i scrapbooked till like 12 or so. Yeah like imagine me sitting in the middle of my room scrapbooking with my headphones in on my playlist...kk u know the one...till i finished i think 5 pages! Im going a little scrapbook crazy!! OK maybe more than a little! :)

Sunday dad and i got up early to go take the truck to the transfer station and didn't make it there the first time out of the gate! haha One of his spark plugs kept missing and we couldn't get past 2nd gear so we coasted back home and changed it and then went and ya know that truck is 28 years old and she still goes! Maybe smokes and putt putts, but goes! haha. We dumped that and came home and raked the yard, trimmed tree's, cleaned the garrage, yeah i think thats it. Mom and i went to the mall and did some shopping i got a new bathing suit and clothes. Here is my swimsuite! For some reason it has it upside down... stupid thing!

Now i plan on doing homework and scrapbooking more! hahahaha....:)

OOO here r some pictures of my team!


I don't remember what we r all looking at!
goofballs i tell ya!

LOL Jessica!

ME!!! haha


  1. That is a cute swimsuit!! I like it a lot! Where did you get it?

  2. I got it at JC Penny's.
    Thanks! I like it too! i need to go tan though...badly! haha
