Sunday, April 26, 2009

Weekend with Jeff!

This weekend mom, mat, and I went down to tri cities with 22 rabbits. You should have seen how well we packed that car! lol. Mom couldn't see out her rear view mirror so i had to be her wing man while switching lanes with my side mirror. Crazy good back seat driver right here! lol.

When we got to tri cities we went to the rabbit barn at the benton county fair grounds. Then we went to jeffs house and then we left to go to the movie and btw we saw monsters vs. aliens in 3D and it was amazing! WOOOHOOO go monsters! I wonder if there really is a place the government has where monsters live? I made jeff take a picture after the movie. I drove btw and i did my 1st round abouts ever! The movie theature was 20min away from jeffs and it was quite a drive...he talked the whole time!

Us after the movie! hehe

The group of honorable mentions and etc...i got Best in Show like a big trofey for winning it all!!
Me with the judges after we won...we as in checkers and i! lol
I was bored on the way home and took senic pictures and this was the best one! oooooo :)
HOME!!! Mt. Spokane in the there is still snow up there!

All in all this was the best weekend of this month yet! I mean hanging out at jeff's and going to a really funny movie, driving around real late and getting ice cream! KK that's why we were out so late! we went through mcdonalds drive through and got ice cream! lol and ate it in the parking lot talking...hehe. :) Then winning the rabbit show!!!AHHHH that was a first and amazing! Im so happy! Well actually i still have homework so i gotta wrap this up. Hope montana was fun kk and can't wait to read about it. Comment :) I know u want to cause i mean there is an actuall picture of jeff and i on this! haha :P


  1. Wow, I am excited that you won the show!!! Thats awesome. It is more awesome that you actually got a good picture of jeff without a helmet or all that skiing gear! He's cute!!

  2. oops that last comment was from me, not Louie. I was signed onto his account for some reason

  3. HAHA i commented and i didnt have to do any work... Sounds like a fun trip :)

  4. lol kk! nice! thanks guys! well i have a better one of him w/out any of that stuff on...i dont think he was ready for the pic! lol
