Saturday, January 31, 2009

Maybe i should blog one of these days! hehe

So finals went good in all but my devel history class. I honest to god almost want to give up on that class. I know over a fricking B+, i must be crazy! But the only reason is because that grade only represents my assignments basically because ive only passed one of her six tests, and the one i passed i used notes on. But haha, funny thing is that B+ was my lowest grade last semester. A in strings, A in Shop, A in photography, B+ in History (American Experience Running start from EWU), A in AP English, A in Engineering physics, and A in Algebra 3/4. I wonder what urged school boards to go to letter grading? I had 106.89% in Engineering/ Physics and wish that could be shown on my report card.

Last weekends Vball Tournament turned out to be ok. My team has it's moments. We ended up getting 1st in the Concelation Bracket aka Loosers Bracket, and got these cool necklaces with vballs on them! WHop WHop Bling Bling! lol :D

This week was a change and a fresh start. Instead of photography this semester i have art 2. And i have all A's! wow! lol. I got my final back in history and she gave me mine last, it was sad. She sat next to me and was all ashley breath. I was all i failed another one just like what a month ago, like all cool with it. She was all ashley i want u and i too keep working and find a study skill that works for u. When she said that i got all emotional and was all like im tired of studying so fricking hard and none of it works and i get to taking the test i like don't remember a thing and mostly blow cheese out my ass. Like i freeze and feel like crap. I feel so intemidated by that class and that teacher. That's when i texted u kk. I was feeling so frustrated that i can't do anything to help me cause i feel like ive already failed myself by not remembering any of this shit from last semester..."like my brain is spagetti and can't connect the ends". Sad day!

Then the week went on and on and on and i had practice and practice and i drove my car for the first time in what seemed to be forever, and i made it through the week. Thank god.

Saturday aka today, i was totally sick, and went to school and worked on the robot and the crate. We got so much done on it! Im proud. I came up with this really sweet design for our crate and we planned and drew it today and get to start building it monday. We fixed some of the batteries and got some of the tower finished and kinked with. I was the only girl there all day! I didn't really notice it till grosh was ganging up on me and saying ooo the girl wants to give imput! blah blah blah blah blah is all they hurd! Dumb asses! lol but god i love them! :D Man i have so many love hate relationships. lol

Friday, January 23, 2009

Finals Week! AHHH...but it's going to be a good weekend. :D

Im going to start with last weekend.

Last weekend was fun. Saturday mom and i got up early and went to cda for a rabbit show. We actually did really good!

Then after that we packed up and went home, fed the rabbits, packed the car again, and left for kennawick. I was the dj the way there and on the way home...wooohooo! lol...even while i was doing my homework on the way back but thats another story.

We got to Jeff's house at about 6pm and they had dinner ready and everything. I think they were hungry cause we got there, they showed us our rooms and said now lets eat. lol love his family.

That night we (jeff and i) watched Independance Day. Such a old, but good movie! I love it when the alien dude pops out and like attacks the scientists! Muuuhaha! lol. I did some notecard organizing for my essay then went to bed.

Valia, his sister, also had to play sunday, but across town, and so we both were up really early. Ok i was up and ready before anyone else was up and im pretty sure i was the last one to bed too! Yeah i know im insane. The night before, his parents showed us where bfast was incase one of us were up super dooper early so i found the food but yeah had to look in all the drawers to find the

We won, lost, lost, lost, won, lost. But most of the losses were close so we played hard, could have played harder but honestly we lost cause of missed serves. I mean were u18 and can't make a effing serve, come on! I don't play backrow so i don't have to worey about good incase though! lol

We finishe the tourney really late so jeff and his family strongly suggested that we stay another night. I was all for that! lol :D Dude i had my own bathroom and everything so ya know i was totally chil with staying.

We headed home at about 8am. I wrote my essay the whole way home. When we got home we had plenty of cleaning to do and i had plenty of homework to finish.

Tuesay -friday were finals. I feel fairly confident about my test grades.

Thursday and Friday were half days. I enjoyed them very much. I took naps both day and omg they were amazing! Then friday nida and i hung out till 3 and watched movies and it was so fun! We are hilarious together! Oh kk i can't wait for u to meat her! OMG i love my friends! All of u! ahhh...all those memories! LOL this summer!

Tomorrow nida and i r going to cda to load music on this and to go see bride wars at 12:35. Im really excited. Then Sunday kasey and her mom are going to pick me up and we are heading to moses lake for a tournament. I hope we do really well! :D


Friday, January 16, 2009

Long Week

This weeks been insane.

Monday i had practice, Tuesday i had a 4 hour reffing clinic, Wednesday i had practice again, and i have been quite busy getting for this weekends events. Il keep you update on the events as soon as i get home and time...homework and finals week this next weeks gonna suck ass! UG!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Scavenger Hunt

Today i said i was bored. Never going to do that again...don't we all say that? Well kk thought it would be funny to see me do a Scavenger Hunt on my SNOW DAY, anywho, i found some things that i thought i could do around the house and make fun so i did them. Here goes my 2nd try at this thing hope it works this time! grrrr...
This goes from end of hunt to begining because im too lazy to re arange them. ok! Deal with it pep's!
Catalog pose...theres 2

Do exactly what the sign says (any sign can work)
Im going with the live and is a long story.

Picture with an animal (the more unusual the better)...2 again
My friend and lover (lol) Franklin

An unsual perspective -- could be everyone's shoes, or the just top of their heads. .

Starting at the black ones going up and left are from newest to oldest...gotta have the vball in there too! haha
Capture your reflection in an unexpected place

Look in the vball face's reflection is infront of me...creepy!

The most relaxing place you can find

My beds my most relaxing place at home but out of my house im not saying cause then ud come bug wouldn't be relaxing then!

Mimic a statue -- fountains also work well

I think i make a pretty good statue. lol Plus the mirror is mimiking me anyway! lol
kk just say it..."u goofball!"

Good day...well ok i guess...i wanna play volleyball and build robots or design robots, and go to school, and well i want my computer to be friends with me but i don't think that's possible cause computers are objects and objects don't have feelings and gonna end it with a blah.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Skiing with KK and Lou! Wooohooo! (that totally rymes)

This weekend Mathew had a race at Schweitzer Ski Resort.

It was a fun one to go to. He didn't do so well and probably won't like talking about it if u ask him how he did, but it was his 1st official ussa race off our home mt. It's all trial and error every time u race. You gotta find the right rythem for yourself...that's what i keep telling him.

We left home at about 5pm and made it to the hotel at around 7:30ish. You know how my dad's a perfectionist, well he is. He decided it was too hot in the room and that he wanted to open the window. It wouldn't open! He went to the front counter and told the lady that he wanted to be moved to a room that had a window that opened. They found a room and then we had to move all our stuff to that room. oh and then in the new room the remote to the tv wouldn't work so he programmed it to work with the tv. He's quite hillarious!

Here's lou and i! hehe. I stole this from u!

This is mathews best friend joe. OK my coach for club is Joe, mat's coach for skiing is Joe, and mats best friend from his team is Joe...too many Joe's!

Mathew after his second race...i think he's pretty pissed!

Kristen and i on the steps...thanks mom! Bad picture taker!

LOL love my face! Need to do that one more often! :P

A picture i took coming down the mountain! So pretty!
This trip was so fun. I had a blast skiing with kristen and lou. I love the mountain and want to go skiing so bad right now! haha. Lou ur a fun guy to race eventhough girls always win! :P haha.