Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Time for the no homework dance!!! (i don't have one but need one!)lol

I don't have homework for once so i guess i will do some catching up.

Well last week i had a volleyball game on Tuesday that we won, a wohelo meeting on Wednesday, a strings concert on Thursday, and spent the night at Senaida's on Friday.

Then Senaida and i went to the ski swap on Saturday cause i needed some new pants, cause kk u know mine did not fit me all to well last year and senaida had never been so i went with her and we stood in the never ending line and delt with the crouded ness of people. I did endup getting a nice pair of spyder black pants with suspenders, had to add that, for like 50 dollars. Now that was a good buy!! They look brand new too!!

Well then saturday afternoon and sunday i raked leaves, did massave amounts of homework, and made really big, like 4 on a pan, snickerdoodle cookies. They were soooo good! Actually to be specific, and only i would do this, the biggest one had a radius of about 4in!! Yeah they were HUGE!!!! I actually had enough dough to make a pan more so i just decided i was going to make one huge one cause i wanted to and man that puppy was mmm good! I bet u want one!!:D

Then monday was school and a very dramatic practice if i might say so...kk u know what happened and u r the only one who really reads this who would want to know about drama. :D But for those who are stocking me i about called this girl deana on my team a bitch like 3 or 4 times but kept it in...dude that girl needs a bitch slap back into reality!!! Good thing im not really one of those girls who really does that normaly but this could call for a special occasion after this season is over. :D

Tuesday i had a game and yeah we lost and i felt really sort of like a mess...i mean i couldn't make my serves in the game and was never getting set, which is not my fault but really what is up!!! Were suposed to be a team and no were more like captains and then my friends. I like my friends more right now better than my captains and were supposed to be a family and love eachother equilly! God never made us to be the same so i guess this will never happen!

But i was really excited for kk to come to my game...thank god for softball being done! hehe...im innocent, don't kill me!!! lol But yeah i feel bad we didn't win when u were there tonight. But hey thursday ur coming to give me my tickets and my ipod back ... better not forget!!!...and were playing deer park who we already spanked so yeah that one should be a better one...i really wanna get this serve back down!!! That was so frustrating!!! I mean i never ever miss my serves!!!! UGGGG!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

When did i last do this???

Do you get this feeling that when you get on the internet and finally check things at the end of the day you feel so left out and behind??? Like i feel like i am behind all the time but in reality i am just so far ahead. All my teachers see me freaking out over little things and i always get told that i am actually way ahead and over achieving cause the work is too easy. Does this mean that i am too easy of classes? I mean my ap and honors classes don't seem that hard and i always get told that by those teachers. Like yesterday when i went in to check my grade in history cause i was curious, Ms. Grosebeck was all you know you always do your work and i never really need to check yours because i have faith in you and honor you that you get it done and when i do look i am amazed because i hear of all these things you are involved in and you still have time to get all this done and be so amazingly organized. I mean this totally made me happy!!!! :D BIG SMILE!!!!

Hmm...what have i been up to???

Monday i didn't have school so i did some things and just chilled at home...it was AMAIZNG!!!!:P ur jelous that u had to work!!!

Tuesday i had school...boooo! haha. I mean it is so important but homework needs to die!! Im not joking! Normal day and then afterschool i went into the strings room and grabbed a practice room and made up some absences and practiced for a test i have tomorrow!!! Yikes!! I hate tests! Then i went to medical lake with my girls! Allicia and i have became good friends due to this whole rediculous bus riding trips. :D We like jam out and sing and people get pissed and it is hillarious!!:D i love making certain people pissed! :D But anyways jv and like all da volleyball girls kicked but!!! GO EAGLES!!! But i had like the best like games ever! like i killed like 4 balls and blocked a few and omg served like all the last game...score was 2:15 we won! I served 13 in a row!!! What now medical lake!!! BOOO KILLED THAT!!!! :D The girls were not even touching them...actually one girl did and i nailed her in the face it was hillarious!!! i mean like i was laughing and almost didn't make my last serve but omg what a serve! My girls love me for that! like after the game we say positive things and that was like my most honorable and mentioned positive thing...it makes me so happy to kick someones ass cause of my pretty dang awesome serve!!! k done with this braging! :P

Today was blah and went way slow! I had the stupid in a way PSAT this morning! GRRRR...have i not said i hate tests??? I mean i don't understand why we have to practice so much when we could be sitting in class learning more!!! Do some kids really need there brains tested to see if they are actually learning? Some days i wish that i went to a school where everyone wanted and was really there to learn! I mean but then that would make the whole high school drama disapear which would be amazing but so lame! If only they actually had those in spokane...and no i do not ever want to go to g. prep cause rob says if he had his way he would go to public school cause he does not understand where his money ever goes for that school. I mean did u know g prep is in the lowest income part of town so i mean it does not make sence you would think that it would be where a lot of rich people live? Anyways...

Then after the psat i had my 4th, 5th, and 6th periods and they were okeydokey! like i have like 2 subjects of homework...not bad...usually it is like 4 subjects and i wanna kill myself...not literally!!! i just want to make the homework die...which won't happen! Darn!

Then kk and i texted like today about this mat nathanson concert thing and i think and hope we go cause katie and i have love that song "come on get higher..". It is stuck in our heads and omg kk if you listend to my voice mail yeah wow we like made the phone speakerphone and i played it and we sang it!!! OMG she can play it on her guitar! She is da bomb!!! Love you! (to all my sisters) :)

At practice i got to practice with Varsity again after totally thinking that i would never get to do that again...but idk really what to think about it??? i mean i feel jv at practice does nothing really and just has fun and plays and varsity full out like exaustion and wow...in 5 min towards the end of practice i got a bloody nose when i went and blew my nose in the bathroom and a big ass floor burn on my hand right where i have my like 2nd degree burn and it like got a cut and it was bleading so yeah i am so, oh so accident prone!!DAM that is so not good!!:(

Night friendy friends...lol bendy bend (aka groshoff)! :D

Sunday, October 12, 2008


So do u want the inside on homecoming???

i bet u do! lol

Yeah so we(rob and i) went as friends and not boyfriend girlfriends, but just friends. We went dutch as in paying.

(kk and I's back shot of da hair dues)

At like 11:30 in the morning of kk picked me up and we both went down to the Jazz salon downtown and had our hair done. It was a blast!!! There were like 100+ bobby pins and a whole can of hairspray used on my hair it was crazy! But the hairspray smelt soooo good! haha.

(Front of my hair due)

Then we went to downtown mall and ate lunch and got our make up done at the mac table. They were having some deal that day so you got ur make up done and 15 dollars of free merchandise and yep loved it. I think i might actually start wearing make up thanks to that day! haha i never have really. Then we went and had some ben and jerrys ice cream...mmmmmmmm. lol

(back of my hair due)

We rocked out to tunes for like an hour at my house. Oh just to clarify. My parents were gone so she was my guardian...lol i wish forever, but like that would happen! haha but yeah my mom was in tri cities and dad was up on da mountain hiking with his buds sooo girly day!!! Woooooo hoooo! haha

Then he picked me up at 5:30ish and we had dinner at Applebees. Then we had like 30min till we had to be at my bff senaida's house so we drove to the park that is by her house and just leaned the chairs back and rocked out to some tunes and caught up and talked...nothing bad happened! Were just friends and it's gonna stay like that! lol love guru "my chastaty belt!"haha no but yeah there is an inside joke to that from camp! lol don't ask! just don't go there girl! lol

Then we got like a bazillion pictures taken at Senaida's house since my parents were not home to take pictures. Then we all went to the dance and got more pictures...lol the little moves we had to make to make the picture perfect! We were joking about it and what a night!
(Rob and i)
Rob was all "i usually don't full out dance. I usually like lean against the wall the whole time!" hahahahaha...nope not that night! Dude he was partying it up in the middle with me alll night and man i had never seen this kid get that funky! lol He definitely learned some new moves! Then we got tired and had to make it home before curfew so we left at like 10:20 ish and yeah just headed home. When he got to my house he came in and met my mom cause my dad was asleep already.

Well yep and kk got all dauled up too so that she and lou, her man she has been living with for almost 3 months could go have a night on the town that i secretly helped plan! When kk and i went dress shopping she was all "i want to go to homecoming again"! So i e-mailed lou and told him that i thought they should go out to dinner and then he should turn their dinning room into a dance floor and play music from when they were in high school. He did and he bought a strobe light and streamers and yeah i can't wait to talk to her tomorrow! haha

Sorry it's so long! Wow my fingers can go! hehe...THANKS KK!!!!!! I <3 U for everything!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

eh pep's!

So yeah this week has been a blah week. Monday i came to school in my school spirit cowgirl out fit but after they counted during the assembly then i changed into my vandal gear! God i love that school! Then yeah practice. kk i don't think i have really been myself this week and i have yet to understand why but i really want something and need something to change and i don't really know what or have any clue of what i need to change about my attitude and mental thinking. I sort of feel like way over welmed but stressed, but happy, but then not showing any emotion of actually being happy. I mean like today at practice i was making amazing blocks and i was all yeah sure that just happened and i think my team was more happy than i was and that is not normal! Mostly it is because i really need to have a talk with my v-ball coach about things that i don't want to post on here but kk u will find out cause knowing u, u will ask. But i just lately have not been feeling all volleybally and really upset with how somethings have played out this week. :( I mean half my team is failing classes my coach feals that i have not been the real ashley lately and i feel like i am getting put aside like i am not even there. Ok kristen i just blurted out anyway so just chill.
but anyways...tuesday we kicked deer parks ass in volleyball! 3:0 boooya!
Wednesday...today...was just like a normal day...i mean i feel really crappy about volleyball and stuff cause i mean u know me kk i have a hard time talking about things and usually write about it right. Well i have not had time to write out all the things that have been bothering me and that is a horrible idea for me to not set aside time for that. I think i will stop this and start writing. God i love writing! I hope this helps my attitude and mental thinking.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

What a Amazing week!!!

Sorry it has been long since i last posted this will explain.

Monday i had physical therapy at 6:30am and what a work out! I mean wow! But i mean i loved it! It is one of those pains that feels good when u know that u are helping it heal. By the way i drove to this by myself...Mathew was sick so mom stayed home with him and i got the car for the day. Normal day at school and then volleyball practice. Then hmmm...i just had a bunch of homework on Monday night. i think? Yeah im pretty sure that was my Monday.

Tuesday was good. Normal school day. Actually the only day i went to strings this whole week! ha. Then we played volleyball against riverside and we won! yep we kicked some boootay! lol :D then of course homework...it never goes away!!!

Wednesday was late start and yeah the people who read this know what i do on late start mornings. ha. Then i had shop and i am officially almost done with my cutting board i think i just have to trim and edge and re-route it and then finish it. The got more homework than i wanted in American Experience. And used my handiness in the shop to start making my cube puzzle. Then practice again! haha we had to draw for secret sisters and we had to re-draw like 8 or 9 times cause we either got someone we already had gotten or ourselves. it was hillarious because towards the end we were getting so frusterated on why this was not working like it usually does. Then homework again! Told u it never goes away!!!

Thursday i had physical therapy again at 6:30 am and man same as monday love the feeling of pain! lol i know im weird kk! Deal with it! haha :D I was late for photography but we are in groups and my group did what the other group was doing tuesday so i just goofed off on the computer and yeah it was fun! :P Then mentor...omg hillarious. I got my coach as my ss(secret sister) and she loves cars and actually has a ferarri (i know right, jelous haha) and so i went online and made a collage of the cars off of the movie cars and then put some ferarri pictures on it...then wrote a little thing on the back...she laughed really hard when i gave it to her with her hillarious glasses that have the nose with the musdash, and food...go dollar store!!! haha. AP english yeah omg senaida is hillarious! She sat in her desk with her hands infront of her like she was holding her poles (pretending she was skiing) and would like move her body like she was skiing and then she kept saying she wanted to go skiing! haha...then i sit across from this girl rachel and she is hillarious...actually we are hillarious! We sat in class making funny faces back and forth to each other and then the teacher looked at us and we had to stop! haha...the teacher gave us to much time to take a 5 question test! haha :P Then i had a test in Math and personally i think i did good but i have no idea. Then volleyball left at 2pm for colville and out varsity one but everyone else lost. aka we lost but it was our passing the first 2 games because i played all around and we won our 3rd game...crystal my sub for back row was not getting any of the deep court balls so i mean i blame her for our loss whitch i probably should not be doing...oh well! Then i got back to the school at like 11pm and i drove home...i drove to school again today too! haha mom took dad's car and dad took his truck...it was amazing! haha. I got home and unpacked and then took a shower and went to bed.

Friday was the most amazing of them all! :D I got up about 4:30am and we left for University of IDAHO at 5:30 to be there at 7:30am for the early bird tour. We toured around campus and then went to like 3 or 4 seminars on different things in the morning. Then went to the outdoor recreation building and they had a fair thing in the gyms. I talked to some professers...yes the ones you told me about kk! :D and then one of them aka professesers took me and another boy to give us a tour of all the engineering buildings and it was sooo cool! there was this pimped out hummer with the coolest engine compartment i have ever seen...like arangement of batteries and everything inside of it. Then i saw the snowmobile and go cart. We saw so many cool machenes and omg i am so interested! Then we went to bob's for lunch. We met back at the outdoor recreation building and left for tours of the dorms and freternity and sorority houses. The sorority houses are cool but i don't think i would like the environment. I think dorms are my way of living. I guess i live in the tower the first year and then who knows where the next. Then we went on a tour of the outdoor recreation building...kk does mr. mike work there??? like the climbing area??? I thought i saw someone who looked like him. then mom and i went to the store somewhere in here and i got a yellow vandal shirt and white vandal shirt and a under armor long sleve half zip vandal shirt...i am actually wearing the yellow one and my under armor right now! haha! Then mom and i left the campus and drove to find a parking spot down town and walked around down town for like an hour maybe. little down town mostly down main street. ha. i already know street names! how funny! Then we truly headed home after eating dinner. Sorry we could not go to pattys because a sorrority or fretornity house that was right behind it i guess caught on fire and there were tapes and fire trucks blocking it. I didn't see any fire but that anoying alarm was going off and there were a ton of people outside. Yep then i got home and mom and i and yeah everyone in the house took naps when we got home and then wow what a good nap! haha
Thats it! I love U of I...so does my mom! hehe :D