Wednesday, October 15, 2008

When did i last do this???

Do you get this feeling that when you get on the internet and finally check things at the end of the day you feel so left out and behind??? Like i feel like i am behind all the time but in reality i am just so far ahead. All my teachers see me freaking out over little things and i always get told that i am actually way ahead and over achieving cause the work is too easy. Does this mean that i am too easy of classes? I mean my ap and honors classes don't seem that hard and i always get told that by those teachers. Like yesterday when i went in to check my grade in history cause i was curious, Ms. Grosebeck was all you know you always do your work and i never really need to check yours because i have faith in you and honor you that you get it done and when i do look i am amazed because i hear of all these things you are involved in and you still have time to get all this done and be so amazingly organized. I mean this totally made me happy!!!! :D BIG SMILE!!!!

Hmm...what have i been up to???

Monday i didn't have school so i did some things and just chilled at was AMAIZNG!!!!:P ur jelous that u had to work!!!

Tuesday i had school...boooo! haha. I mean it is so important but homework needs to die!! Im not joking! Normal day and then afterschool i went into the strings room and grabbed a practice room and made up some absences and practiced for a test i have tomorrow!!! Yikes!! I hate tests! Then i went to medical lake with my girls! Allicia and i have became good friends due to this whole rediculous bus riding trips. :D We like jam out and sing and people get pissed and it is hillarious!!:D i love making certain people pissed! :D But anyways jv and like all da volleyball girls kicked but!!! GO EAGLES!!! But i had like the best like games ever! like i killed like 4 balls and blocked a few and omg served like all the last game...score was 2:15 we won! I served 13 in a row!!! What now medical lake!!! BOOO KILLED THAT!!!! :D The girls were not even touching them...actually one girl did and i nailed her in the face it was hillarious!!! i mean like i was laughing and almost didn't make my last serve but omg what a serve! My girls love me for that! like after the game we say positive things and that was like my most honorable and mentioned positive makes me so happy to kick someones ass cause of my pretty dang awesome serve!!! k done with this braging! :P

Today was blah and went way slow! I had the stupid in a way PSAT this morning! GRRRR...have i not said i hate tests??? I mean i don't understand why we have to practice so much when we could be sitting in class learning more!!! Do some kids really need there brains tested to see if they are actually learning? Some days i wish that i went to a school where everyone wanted and was really there to learn! I mean but then that would make the whole high school drama disapear which would be amazing but so lame! If only they actually had those in spokane...and no i do not ever want to go to g. prep cause rob says if he had his way he would go to public school cause he does not understand where his money ever goes for that school. I mean did u know g prep is in the lowest income part of town so i mean it does not make sence you would think that it would be where a lot of rich people live? Anyways...

Then after the psat i had my 4th, 5th, and 6th periods and they were okeydokey! like i have like 2 subjects of homework...not bad...usually it is like 4 subjects and i wanna kill myself...not literally!!! i just want to make the homework die...which won't happen! Darn!

Then kk and i texted like today about this mat nathanson concert thing and i think and hope we go cause katie and i have love that song "come on get higher..". It is stuck in our heads and omg kk if you listend to my voice mail yeah wow we like made the phone speakerphone and i played it and we sang it!!! OMG she can play it on her guitar! She is da bomb!!! Love you! (to all my sisters) :)

At practice i got to practice with Varsity again after totally thinking that i would never get to do that again...but idk really what to think about it??? i mean i feel jv at practice does nothing really and just has fun and plays and varsity full out like exaustion and 5 min towards the end of practice i got a bloody nose when i went and blew my nose in the bathroom and a big ass floor burn on my hand right where i have my like 2nd degree burn and it like got a cut and it was bleading so yeah i am so, oh so accident prone!!DAM that is so not good!!:(

Night friendy bendy bend (aka groshoff)! :D


  1. wow good update! Thats exciting you got to practice with Varsity! Sorry you got all hurt though.

  2. OH FYI you are going to Matt Nathenson! or at least you have a ticket that is
