Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Time for the no homework dance!!! (i don't have one but need one!)lol

I don't have homework for once so i guess i will do some catching up.

Well last week i had a volleyball game on Tuesday that we won, a wohelo meeting on Wednesday, a strings concert on Thursday, and spent the night at Senaida's on Friday.

Then Senaida and i went to the ski swap on Saturday cause i needed some new pants, cause kk u know mine did not fit me all to well last year and senaida had never been so i went with her and we stood in the never ending line and delt with the crouded ness of people. I did endup getting a nice pair of spyder black pants with suspenders, had to add that, for like 50 dollars. Now that was a good buy!! They look brand new too!!

Well then saturday afternoon and sunday i raked leaves, did massave amounts of homework, and made really big, like 4 on a pan, snickerdoodle cookies. They were soooo good! Actually to be specific, and only i would do this, the biggest one had a radius of about 4in!! Yeah they were HUGE!!!! I actually had enough dough to make a pan more so i just decided i was going to make one huge one cause i wanted to and man that puppy was mmm good! I bet u want one!!:D

Then monday was school and a very dramatic practice if i might say so...kk u know what happened and u r the only one who really reads this who would want to know about drama. :D But for those who are stocking me i about called this girl deana on my team a bitch like 3 or 4 times but kept it in...dude that girl needs a bitch slap back into reality!!! Good thing im not really one of those girls who really does that normaly but this could call for a special occasion after this season is over. :D

Tuesday i had a game and yeah we lost and i felt really sort of like a mess...i mean i couldn't make my serves in the game and was never getting set, which is not my fault but really what is up!!! Were suposed to be a team and no were more like captains and then my friends. I like my friends more right now better than my captains and were supposed to be a family and love eachother equilly! God never made us to be the same so i guess this will never happen!

But i was really excited for kk to come to my game...thank god for softball being done! hehe...im innocent, don't kill me!!! lol But yeah i feel bad we didn't win when u were there tonight. But hey thursday ur coming to give me my tickets and my ipod back ... better not forget!!!...and were playing deer park who we already spanked so yeah that one should be a better one...i really wanna get this serve back down!!! That was so frustrating!!! I mean i never ever miss my serves!!!! UGGGG!!!

1 comment:

  1. It was really fun to watch you play, and which made me really want to play! I bet you will do better on Thursday! You had nerves of me watching!
