Wednesday, October 8, 2008

eh pep's!

So yeah this week has been a blah week. Monday i came to school in my school spirit cowgirl out fit but after they counted during the assembly then i changed into my vandal gear! God i love that school! Then yeah practice. kk i don't think i have really been myself this week and i have yet to understand why but i really want something and need something to change and i don't really know what or have any clue of what i need to change about my attitude and mental thinking. I sort of feel like way over welmed but stressed, but happy, but then not showing any emotion of actually being happy. I mean like today at practice i was making amazing blocks and i was all yeah sure that just happened and i think my team was more happy than i was and that is not normal! Mostly it is because i really need to have a talk with my v-ball coach about things that i don't want to post on here but kk u will find out cause knowing u, u will ask. But i just lately have not been feeling all volleybally and really upset with how somethings have played out this week. :( I mean half my team is failing classes my coach feals that i have not been the real ashley lately and i feel like i am getting put aside like i am not even there. Ok kristen i just blurted out anyway so just chill.
but anyways...tuesday we kicked deer parks ass in volleyball! 3:0 boooya! just like a normal day...i mean i feel really crappy about volleyball and stuff cause i mean u know me kk i have a hard time talking about things and usually write about it right. Well i have not had time to write out all the things that have been bothering me and that is a horrible idea for me to not set aside time for that. I think i will stop this and start writing. God i love writing! I hope this helps my attitude and mental thinking.

1 comment:

  1. Hey you, I have kinda of the same mental attitude this week as well. I think the weather changing is changing us! I feel like I am in a little funk as well. It's weird. But...we do have SATURDAY to look forward to! Woo hoo! I am soo excited! I just got the confirmation calls from our Hair appointments. I told them we will be there! We will have all day Saturday to talk and work things out. FYI, I am stoked you loved U of I. Plus that means you are closer to me!
