Sunday, October 12, 2008


So do u want the inside on homecoming???

i bet u do! lol

Yeah so we(rob and i) went as friends and not boyfriend girlfriends, but just friends. We went dutch as in paying.

(kk and I's back shot of da hair dues)

At like 11:30 in the morning of kk picked me up and we both went down to the Jazz salon downtown and had our hair done. It was a blast!!! There were like 100+ bobby pins and a whole can of hairspray used on my hair it was crazy! But the hairspray smelt soooo good! haha.

(Front of my hair due)

Then we went to downtown mall and ate lunch and got our make up done at the mac table. They were having some deal that day so you got ur make up done and 15 dollars of free merchandise and yep loved it. I think i might actually start wearing make up thanks to that day! haha i never have really. Then we went and had some ben and jerrys ice cream...mmmmmmmm. lol

(back of my hair due)

We rocked out to tunes for like an hour at my house. Oh just to clarify. My parents were gone so she was my i wish forever, but like that would happen! haha but yeah my mom was in tri cities and dad was up on da mountain hiking with his buds sooo girly day!!! Woooooo hoooo! haha

Then he picked me up at 5:30ish and we had dinner at Applebees. Then we had like 30min till we had to be at my bff senaida's house so we drove to the park that is by her house and just leaned the chairs back and rocked out to some tunes and caught up and talked...nothing bad happened! Were just friends and it's gonna stay like that! lol love guru "my chastaty belt!"haha no but yeah there is an inside joke to that from camp! lol don't ask! just don't go there girl! lol

Then we got like a bazillion pictures taken at Senaida's house since my parents were not home to take pictures. Then we all went to the dance and got more the little moves we had to make to make the picture perfect! We were joking about it and what a night!
(Rob and i)
Rob was all "i usually don't full out dance. I usually like lean against the wall the whole time!" hahahahaha...nope not that night! Dude he was partying it up in the middle with me alll night and man i had never seen this kid get that funky! lol He definitely learned some new moves! Then we got tired and had to make it home before curfew so we left at like 10:20 ish and yeah just headed home. When he got to my house he came in and met my mom cause my dad was asleep already.

Well yep and kk got all dauled up too so that she and lou, her man she has been living with for almost 3 months could go have a night on the town that i secretly helped plan! When kk and i went dress shopping she was all "i want to go to homecoming again"! So i e-mailed lou and told him that i thought they should go out to dinner and then he should turn their dinning room into a dance floor and play music from when they were in high school. He did and he bought a strobe light and streamers and yeah i can't wait to talk to her tomorrow! haha

Sorry it's so long! Wow my fingers can go! hehe...THANKS KK!!!!!! I <3 U for everything!!!


  1. OH WOW! Looks like you had a BLAST at Homecoming, and I am sooo glad that you did! I HAD A BLAST TOO! I was very surprised and LOVED what Louie did to our house! It was amazing and he spent so much time doing it! We still have the decorations up and we had a blast dancing it up! GREAT IDEA! So my homecoming was just as good!

  2. Your Hair Looks AWESOME! You look very good! Im happy you had a GREAT time!! :)
