Sunday, November 30, 2008


Thanksgiving was a little different this year. Lets just say my parents forgot some ingredients in a few things and that led to lots of yelling at one another. Yeah so heck its just food. I mean like kk said last week, "at least you have food on ur table". I mean we have thanksgiving every year like 5 or 6 times anyway so like it matters if one time you mess up.

Friday was fun. I slept in and then at like 2pm mat, dad, and i went up to my favorite place, the alpine haus. It gets you into the mood to ski so easily. Well i basically got my Christmas present early. They should just stop trying cause it always happens like this. We went up there to pick up Mathews boots and poles, but instead the guy who had been working on the custom foot beds for his boots was not there so i got fitted for a new pair of boots and yep got them. I was going to get Mathews hamy down ones from last year but the lady said that they were massavy too big for me so yay i got new ones just for me. These are them. Aren't they a beauty! heheYeah so they fit me perfect. Well a heck of a lot better than mathews old ones. His would have been 3 fingers too big for me which is like a whole size plus a tad to big! The people up there care so much about u that if you love the feel of the boot and its the right size then if there is any little uncomfortable thing they will grind it out for u. My left foot is bigger than my left as so is that leg, but so they are grinding out the pinkey toe on the left one cause well it is also wider than my other legs and feet are so weird! I'm so excited for snow! I get to go pick these up with my skis on Saturday! I'm so excited! by then or close to then we should have snow! I WANT SNOW!!!

Saturday was my brothers birthday party and it was so fun. It was him, a girl (he wont let me call her a girlfriend), tiler, lyle and i went go cart racing at fast cart and it was so fun! 15 min is as long as you need!!! wow i was pooped! But that was probably cause well i crashed like 2 times but well it was so so i was not joking when i said "zoom, zoom, zoom, crash" this morning! I mean there was this one corner that u had to use ur brakes on or you seriously would slam into a wall, concrete wall! yeah i learned that the hard way! I wanted to go fast what could i say! I would hit the 2nd corner and then floor it till the next and then have enough speed to just coast till i got to "the corner" and then u had to use ur brakes! It was really funny seeing other people crash on the court! haha Then i was an illegal passenger in the back of my moms car cause dad didn't want pizza so heck it was actually sort of fun! lol im such a rebel!

Today i went up to jamie's house and we watched an extra credit movie called the patriot and omg talk about heads flying off! uggg it was so nasty! Then yeah her driveway is like a hill basically so i had to use my ebrake and well thought i pulled it all the way off till i let my foot off the acceleration and stopped. Yeah i pulled over and called dad and i guess u have to pull it till it clicks so i did and then sat there while i let the tires cool so they would not catch on fire. No harm done i just went like 3 houses down from hers and stoped. Dad said i would have been on fire if i had drove home like that so it was a good thing i stopped.

Wow what a weekend! But stop reading about mine and go write ur own blog u losers who never reply or comment! hahaha jkjkjkjk Well i hope to hear good weekends from all y'all too so post um so i can comment! tehe tehe! lol =D

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

man ive been busy!

Sorry guys i've been a tad busy lately.

Wednesday i had school and then a wohelo meeting with katie. OMG if your a girl text some guys for pick up lines it is hilarious!!!! We did that and got some really funny ones!

Thursday i had the volleyball get together and yeah i sort of found it embarrassing when my coach made it a point to state that i had not only improved in volleyball but with talking to older adult figures. Yeah so she was my teacher in 9th grade and every time i had a question and went up to talk to her about it i would cry. don't know why but i would. Durring the season i went to talk to her in her office and she was amazed cause at the end she was all "you know ashley guess what u didn't do that whole time? Cry! Girl u have come a long way since i have had you. " yeah then my whole team yelled gentle giant...eventhough i was not gentle everyday. I had my moments!

Then friday i just went to school and came home. Blah day...TGIF day!

Saturday katie and i did a cpr class together at the camp fire office. It was a 4 hour class! But i now know cpr. ha. OMG kk guess who our, katie and i's, partner was Mr. Ivan! yeah wierd! haha. Then we, kim, kate, and i, went to the verizon store and got me my phone and me added on their plan. I have the voyager if any of you don't know that already!

Sunday i had a 4-H thing at the fair ground and it was boring. BUT the 4-H director for our region got his head shaved for and auction bid thing and it was so hillarious!!! His wifes face was priceless!!!

Then monday i had school and came home.

Tuesday i went to school and then after school i ran with the cc team and it was so fun! I missed them!

Wednesday i had late start and ran after school again! It's gonna become rutine again! yay! I miss running! Plus i need to stay in shape for volleyball.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Scrapbooking Fun!!!

AKA Craft day to lou. hehe

I have a car as a few of you know and i got permission to drive out to CDA and spend the day with kk scrap booking. The drive there was good i mean no incidents to tell of. I mean i had never drove to her house before and had no problems with the directions she gave me. YAY!

I got there and her dad was blowing all the leaves to the street. CDA is lucky they have leaf pick up. Spokane does not and we have to bad it and take it to the composting place. UG!

We scrapbooked till 2 or so and then kk went with me and taught me how to do the whole gass's easier than i thought it would be. Then we picked up some lunch and photo's. After lunch we went to jo ane's and got some paper and stickers. I LOVE STICKERS!!! :D

We went home and i did one or 2 more pages then noticed what time it was. Time flies by too fast when ur having too much fun! hehe. Then we said our good byes and i left her and lou some cookies. I hear she had to confinscate them though, which is funny!

Before i got on the freeway heading home i kept trying to call my parents and tell them that i was heading home and it kept droping my call so i called kim and had her try while i was on the freeway. I was doing good and all and now understand rush hour....ugg. But when i got the the valley mall exit there was a bunch of flying wood and thank god non hit my window. I am a hundred percent sure though that i did run some over so i am keeping a good eye on my tires.

U of Idaho Rocks!!!

Thursday was nothing other than blah school.

But Friday was hella amazing!!!I mean Ms. Nelson, Briana, and i all went down to u of i and had the time of our lives. I have to say i am the best dj when it comes to road trips! heheThis was the sunrise coming down when it finally stopped raining! We ate breakfast at the u of i and then sat in on a pannel of engineers that have graduated from u of i. They were really resourceful. After that i wanted to already start thinking about classes next year...wooo sr. year! haha. Then we went on a campus second one for this month. hehe
This was the coolest tree i saw on campus!! I mean it is so intense with all the roots going different directions.
Walking down the hello walk way...looking up! God i love trees! I mean nature is so beautiful and relaxing. :D
Briana and i on the way home. Smile for the camera!:D

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Matt Nathanson Concert

Tuesday night i went to the matt nathanson concert with kk, katie and lou. It was so the beginning i was so energetic but towards the end kk and i were about to fall asleep on each other!!! I left at like 11:30pm and it was insane!!! We didn't even get to hear come on get higher!!! Crazyness!

Wednesday was chill. WEll a lot better than tuesday, atleast at school. I had shop, american experience, and engineering/ physics. One of the dudes in my EP(engineering/Physics) class was complete so he helped me understand that whole bridge design thing we were doing in solid works...groshoff is no help!!! Well actually grosh was gone so i had to and i now understand it! yay! no more freaking out ness! Then i insanly did 3 homework assignments because the 1st one was the one i did almost 100% wrong and i wanted to re-do it and then that nights homework then i asked for a extra practice sheet. Yeah what can i say i wanted to understand it and now i do! No more freaking out on my end. Im cool with my math. Math is my bestest friend! lol..

Today i had strings, photography, mentor, AP english, and math. I finished all my prints and it was so amazing. I was the only one back there and it was so quiet and peacefull...i could finally hear myself think! What a miracle! Then yeah goofed off in mentor cause there was a sub. Have lots of homework in english, and did all my math in class and finished allmost all my math for tomorrows assignment in class. Went home and no one was today was like amazingly quiet and peacefull just like i needed it to be. Did my homework to no noise but rain drops and omg if paper did not soak up rain i would have done my homework out side.

When dad got home he was on the net looking up some stuff and he was on mt. spokanes website looking at their web cam and it was snowing!!! IT WAS SNOWING!!!!! My dad was up there monday and since monday they have got 13in at the summit and 11 at the base!!! AHH JUST AMAZING!!!

And to make it even better. I don't have school tomorrow!!!This little piggy lets to go to U of I again and pretend she is a engineer going to school there! hehe k maybe not but close to it! :D

Monday, November 3, 2008


hey guys,

i didn't do much for holloween so i guess u could call me lame! But like id care!

Sunday i left with my strings group/class to go to Missoula, Montana. I rode in a school van with miss. mills driving and i passenger with 4 lil. children aka Ana, Alyssa, mark, and some other dude that i am like spacing out on his what a day!

We got to Kellogg for lunch and ate at subway. Now this is a hilarious story. Mark this really religious kid paid for his sandwich with a 20 and the lady gave him back 2 dollars but he was supposed to get 12. He started like yelling at her and telling her that she was a liar and that she knew it and that she was the biggest liar and that she was so wrong and that he gave her a 20 not a 10! It was insane!!! like i have never seen this kid yell and especially over that! The lady actually started crying and i was seriously the next person in line to pay and i told her that he shouldn't have yelled that bad at her and she was all "yeah i deserved that" but while she said that she was seriously crying like baling! poor girl! so every time we went by a subway the whole trip we all pointed it out and looked at mark. lol :)

then we got to the hotel and yeah it was gorgeous! it had water falls and saunas and a huge pool with water slides! We swam and stuff till like 9:30 and then we decided we wanted ice cream so we drove down to a dairy queen and like right as we pulled up they shut off the lights! such jerk faces!!! so we just kept driving down that road till we found a coldstone creamery and they were open. kk i have now had coldstone ice cream!

I really don't understand how people get so freaked out and excited to go to coldstone i mean they just mix up the ice cream with their is like how people are so obsessed with Starbucks! i mean what has our world come to? We are destroying our smaller businesses and supporting huge franchises and companies. Why don't people realize these facts in our economy? I mean this election could change how everyone lives in the US. I mean obama wants to seriously take money away from middle class people and give it to the lower class and i mean that totally supports the higher class which totally is where franchises like Starbucks makes all their money and where all those fancy restaurants get all their money from. Why does this world not care about us teenagers who are also affected by this in this election. I mean we will be the ones in college and learning how to live when the world could be going through a great depression again! Why do grownups make such horrible mistakes that they don't realize how much it affects us younger adults?

So yeah lol...i was in a room with miss mills, Alyssa and Ana. All the teens were on one bed till like 11pm when miss mills was all so u three gonna snuggle over there or are one of u gonna come over here? We all sort of looked at each other! Alyssa volunteered and when i woke up in the night both of them were hugging their sides of the bed! I was hilarious!!! OOO and i guess i now talk in my sleep cause they all herd me! :D

This morning i got up and took a shower and then ate and sat out in a comfy chair and watched tv. Then we started loading the vans and dammm it was cold i had to dig in my already packed bag for my sweater!!! O and that was not even worm enough! I got out my hat and a long sleeve shirt on over my dress! it was like 30 degrees!!! brrrrr....but hey there was snow on the mountains all around us!!! HAHA KK!!! :P

yep we performed and it was amazing/ whops! lol like some moments we caught each other but heck we had not played in 4 days!!! what do u expect??? Anyways i learned a lot about different bow styles for different centuries.

After we went and changed at the vans. I had spandex and a tank top on under my dress and so i changed behind the van and OMG i was pulling down my dress after i had put my shirt on underneath and some guy drove down and honked his horn and was screaming out the window!! My teacher and all my other orkadorks laughed! It was hilarious! They didn't even see anything!

Then we ate lunch and watched mt. Spokane play.

We hit the road after picking up some gas and stopped at the silver dollar place in Montana.

This whole ride back we drove by all the truckers and did the sign for honk your dang horn and we got 23 trucks to honk and then they kept adding on one for me for that guy at the university that was honking at me! lol That was amazing!!!!!! i mean that was the most truckers i have seen honk. The truckers must of said "hey some kids in a white van will ask you to honk and you should do it" on their ham radios. :P

Then i called kk and we stopped at the Idaho Washington rest stop cause bre had to fing pee!!! yeah momma mills and were rocking out in the van while we waited for them.

Then we arived back at school at 5pm ish and i went and talked to the volleyball coach after practice and asked if he talked to anyone about post season today and he said "yes" but that he didn't need a middle at this point and that if he did he would definately talk to me. he pulled a setter up aka brooklyn because alyssa is leaving this year and wants brook to know all alyssas stunts for the next few years. So yeah and he said he is having all his sr.'s play front for me! :( I am going to bring my stuff and put it in my locker anyway just in case! ;) i mean ya never know!

you guys need to post about ur holoween in boise!!!!lol anyways i will hear about that tomorrow! wink wink! lol :D