Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Mt. Spokane Ski Camp--Skiing with Jeff

This christmas break has consisted of lots of shoveling and skiing.
I went skiing Dec. 20th, 22nd, 23rd, 27th, 29th, 30th, and 31st. 7days of skiing is enough for one break. haha Well actually i will be going one more time this sunday.!

How was everyone's Christmas? Mine was good. Normal get what u picked before xmas, give back to mom and then re-get it! haha well in a way i like it that way. I get what i want and don't have to wake up early to see what it is. I got lots of clothes, my ski boots, a book bag, and some other stuff.
Sorry i have not been taking many pictures lately. Not really one for carrying a purse these days.

Inside lodge one looking pretty! :D

The guy with the yellow helmet is my brothers coach. His names Joe. OMG he is so cool! haha and hilarious! Mats in a good group this year. In this picture the team is swiping the course. Mathew is the one with the grey helmet...he's really fast so coach made his start later so he wouldn't crash into them...haha.

Mathew wipping out the Second time down his timed run. He recovered really fast and tucked to the end.

Mathew finishing and recovering...there was a rut he says! haha

Mathew up on the podium. Last year he was a J6 cause it was his 1st year racing and this year they moved him up to his age level and got 3rd in his first J3 race. Go MATHEW!!! It was funny cause Chuck (program director) was all "6th place" mat was all "thats me", but he said that till he was all "did they forget about me?" Then we herd "3rd place Mathew Bueckers". We were all shocked! His coach even was shocked!

See how the other two boys have the arms of the sutes hanging...mathew got a new one and decided not to wear anything under it but his underwear and when he got down from his timed run and he was all "im going in, im turning into a frozen tooth pick". He was so cold! The coaches don't bring down their jackets and pants till the end of all the races and so he put on my pants and his was funny! He had like 2 hand wormers too! haha funny kid!

Onto Jeff and his family coming into town.

Tuesday his family came into town and went straight up the hill. Jeff, Valia (his sister), and i skied the afternoon. His parents went and figured out where the xc ski area is. Then we all headed down the mountain about 4pm.

My mom stayed home tuesday and cleaned, ran errends, and took care of my grandparents. When we got home mom had cleaned the house like a mad woman. her. She went out and got pizza from Papa Murphies. I love the stuffed meat lovers pizza there and their bread sticks! mmm and she made a salad, chesee and triscuts, salsa and chips and got the costco chocolate pack that omg i love. The red container of chocolate yeah best present ever for me! haha :D His family came over and brought drinks. My dad and his dad and mom are so alike and my dad likes them. They got so into their conversations. Stuff about gravity and protons and neutrons and light, idk lots of science terms i was blown off of. haha

Then Jeff, valia and i skied together wednesday too and it was fun. I was not feeling 100% so i didn't ski all day and let them go and figure out the mountain for awile. They came back at 3 or so and we all said our good byes and thanks for coming up. It was a good time!

Here are some pictures i stole from jeff on facebook! haha

Jeff all bundled up!

Me on the side of the run and jeff taking a picture of the mountains. They don't have mountains in Tri Cities! haha

The same view taken lower on the hill.

Valia has her back to us and im smiling for the camera! Cheese!

All and all it's been a good break. Plenty of skiing, and hanging out with friends. I find it funny how ive hung out with only boys from camp. Haha

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Snow Day's!!!!

We got about 24in. of snow wednesday and thursday. My strings concert was canceled wednesday night, there was no school thurday and friday.

This is how much snow was on the cars before we tried to leave. Dad left before the big storm hit thursday. He had a tough time getting back in. We actually dug a path for him because we had such a high burr on the road infront of our driveway he had no chance of making it over it without bottoming out. WEll actually he didn't even make it to the street we live on without high centering himself. He got stuck on the corner of nora and felts, about a street away from our house basically. Some guy pulled him to our street then dad chained up and plowed into the driveway. It was actually very funny! vrrom vrrom! haha

Thats our light pole. It shows how deep the snow was across the street at the neighbors house in thier driveway and how much snow we got wednesday.

I used the lady who lives across from me's snow blower thursday to have a place for dad to get through from work and it was so fun! Love her! haha actually shhh her husband is sorta creepy. He watches me pull out every morning and everytime i do anything in a car. I think he's paranoid and i am his entertainment! haha

This is my brother and his two tag alongs. Mathew's the one who fell. I think he thought he could run through snow but actually found out if u do u fall! haha

Thats how much snow was on the rabbit hutches on thursday morning before i went out to feed while it was snowing!

We made our own little mountain from shoveling out! Man that was a lot of snow!

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008


So ive been a little busy working on this stupid thing that i love called a computer. Yeah mine needed upgraded but we had some minor set backs. All is well now and im going to update u on what ive been up to this last week.

Well wednesday and thursday i had practice with my team. I drove and didn't crash or die. haha inside joke! I actually love my team so far. Were really fun together...playing wise we have our serious moments and omg hilarious moments! haha hannah is so trouble!

All weekend i worked on this thing and buy monday dad had it running correct. WE couldn't get the hard drive light to stop lighting so yeah had to fix that which was very confusing!

Monday i had school and then came home and kk picked me up and we went and saw 4 Christmasas. OMG go see it! Its hilarious! The ending omg we couldn't stop laughing for like 2, maybe 3 min after the movie actually ended! It was good stuff! If u wanna know what everyone got for xmas look on louies page cause he had the camera and explained it very well! haha i mimiked u kk! :D

Tuesday i had robotics. We watched that movie about brainstorming from IDEO again kk! I love it and think we should watch it again and make signs just like them to hang in our CAD room! That would be sweet!

Wednesday i woke up to mom yelling at me to get up cause i had to go change the rabbits crocks cause she was leaving and didn't have time to do it! UG so i froze my butox off doing that for like an hour plus some and then came in and ate. By that time it had started snowing and i went down to my "hole" and got ready for school plus duh talked to kk! oh and lou but i sort of forgot about u after i restarted my computer! haha sorry! We figured out that i can look and organize my music from itunes from my ipod on my computer but they won't save onto it! OK APPLE COME ON! COME OUT WITH SOME STUPID FREE DOWNLOAD THAT MAKES THIS POSSIBLE FOR PEOPLE LIKE ME! GEE...Yeah i am pretty pissed but figure there is away around apple and i just have to figure it out!

Then driving to school omg there was this semi getting off the freeway at argone and he like was fishtailing and couldn't stop and i saw out of the corner of my eye and had to slam on the brakes and control skid to the line eventhough i had a green light cause he was croozing and actually ended up back on the freeway! OMG what a morning!

My day at school was blah till engineering when we got to break our bridges. It was fun! Mine held 20lbs. The biggest that was legal held 35lbs. One group made a totally illegal one and it held 75lbs it was insane! like after it cracked in half like people could stand on it! It was cool!

Then driving home it took me 30 min when it usually takes me 10. yeah i think my average speed was 5mph. No joke! There were some people who couldn't make it up the hill under the railroad bridge and then there were two recks on the argone bridge over the freeway! Crazyinsane.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

WOOO HOOO im "Crazy Hyper" today!!!

SO well i need to delete that last blog because im not on that team anymore. But instead i came home yesterday to 4 messages on the answering machine for me! I never get any messages on that thing! wow...but they were good messages. The River City U18 coach wanted me to come play for him. I said yes and then basically pissed off the team i was going to play for! Whops! But for once i chose the best for me. The coach is a really good coach and i actually cant wait to meat him tonight at practice. I mean i saw him at the practice but i mean didn't really know him or really say hi cause i mean there were litterally 200 girls there! Yeah! So yep i have practice tonight and tomorrow! Im excited!

Today though was like wow amazing! Well it started out pretty lame just normal morning chores then i got like really hyper talking to kk and it just sort of stayed with me through the day! I know how cool! lol

Like 1st period i got really far on my xmas present for my mom. Its a bandsaw box that is omg intence! Like it has so many pieces! But now im to the point where im making the lid fit and sanding and rounding the edges. Then i just have to put a finish on it! OMG i love sanding! haha how random!

3rd was omg "I HATE HISTORY!!" day. Like wow that class is intence! Stupid choice of taking a college class and being so actice...there are so many tests and i suck at tests! lol kk! my f! ooo gee! wow...but yeah it was a lame hour and a half of my life wasted listening and learning about our past.

Lunch...wednesdays lunches suck cause im the only one who has that lunch! Yeah so i go sit with some strings geeks and its really lame. blah blah blah...

5th...Engineering! I love this class! I finished my bridge and sent a picture to kk! hehe!

After school i went and practiced my violin for like an hour in a practice room. I needed it! Oh this is hillarious to me! So i guess i pissed the girl who used to be my stand partenr...she was a by telling her if she didn't turn the page when she was supposed to i would have the 3rd chair kid take her spot. She like left the room crying! whops! I mean to me if i was told that i would seriously actually turn the page when i was supposed to cause i wouldn't wanna loose my spot. She didn't and so the other kid is now my stand partner and now i actually have someone who can actually turn the pages! 1st chair whot whot get some privlages! haha! In a way im glad cause she was making me mad that we had to stop because she didn't turn our page! OMG freshy meat is fun to play with! lol :D Man im mean to them!

Then i came home and dad put my winter tires on my car while i ate what he called road kill. It looked horrible but was actually really good! haha...dads talented like that! wooo what now kk! haha i hurd about u and ur spagetti! lol Wanna have a cook off! with me id be a bake off! lol mmm i love sugar! Duh im a girl and a teen! Thats for u lou!

Well im off to practice! Im driving! Yikes freeway at night! ahhhhhhhh! i can do it! ill be the little red train going up the hill! lol

Monday, December 8, 2008

I made it!!!

Well i didn't even have to tryout, but i got on a team! Im playing on Cheney vbc (volleyball club)! My mom stayed home today cause she had some huge migrane headache. She pulled a few strings and talked to some people and got me on this team. Yay! Im really excited cause my bff alexa is on that team to! OMG her and i could seriously be twins! When were together everyone around us is laughing their heads off! LOL teradacle rrr! inside joke yo! Man good times in seattle! :D

WEll today was going crappy till that happened and i texted kk durring so naughty! lol The homework was so easy, i finished in class!

OMG kk 9 more days of school till christmas break and we still don't have snow! This sucks!!!! I WANT SNOW!!! OOOOOO and who could not forget... 6 days till next monday when u 2 get ur gifts and i get ur gifts! How lucky i am! lol 2 for one! lol I love this attitude right now! so jolly and hopeful! Lifes good guys! We hit some bumps but when we hurdle over them we realize well that was not that bad! lol...

OK the best radio station like web radio. Have u been to You can make ur radio stations and listen for free! I love it! Im listening right now! WOOO GO kenney chesney! hahahahahahahahaha

Sunday, December 7, 2008

This is the most stressfull day in my life!!!

Today i tried out for VIP and Crimson Crush. Daren the vip coach called me and told me that i didn't make the cut! Bummer! Then i waited and waited and waited and then got a call from the crimson crush coach. He said i have to wait till 9 or so because i am the 1st alternate really nervous. The river city team told me no too so this is my last chance! Then well im screwed if they say no! Yep!

And well lou and kk i guess with all ur hope and luck you gave me well it made me happier of course but well yeah i feel so bad that i put myself down and u 2 down cause well u and my mom were my s upport dad could care less! Seriously all he cares about lately is money! "Ur moms spending too much money i need to limit how much she can spend..." blah blah blah...i mean it drives me insane because he says mom can't buy me that which all my friends have but he can go out and buy mathew thousands of dollors of ski stuff. Does it make sence to u? Didn't think so! Some days he really pisses me off, others i love him cause well sometimes he does my homework and i say yep yep i think ur on the right's i tell ya! Lou i hope u never become as bitchy as my dad is! If so im taking ur kid away from u! I mean i feel so sorry for myself lots of days when i can't do anything about it.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tryout 1 River City update

I don't know how i did according to the coaches watching. Just to get that out of the way.

But there were about 25 girls trying out for the U-18 Team which they will probably take 10 or so. Mom says i looked good out there but hey i honestly don't know. I feel like i had my good moments and some bad, bad moments. Whops! But as it is they will not call till tomorrow night as it is even if you didn't make it...there very nice people, it seems like!

Thanks to all the people who prayed and gave me good luck today through this...i hope it worked! ;D

Ill keep peps updated as i have time...

this is for lou...i usually don't procrastinate but i did this weekend cause well i thought that sheet would only take like 30 min. and it actually ended up taking 3 hours.

My life = Homework!

Like my title says, my life is homework. It sucks! Most days i hate it. But as life goes on with more and more homework i guess u get used to it. I guess u sort of just have to. Its just life.

I say that because sunday dad and i stayed up till 1am on my homework that i procrastinated on. Yeah my history book is now called the devils book at is evil!

When i got up dad said i was to tired to drive so he drove me to school and picked me up after i basically slept through the class consisted of sleeping and texting kk. What that class consists of doing nothing when u turn all ur stuff in before the due date.

Then i had a Wohelo meeting and i guess i am really further than i thought i was. Which is good.

Tuesday was lame too. But in a good way. I didn't get much homework and it was like a break day. After school i had a 4-H meeting and it was like 3 hours long! OMG i was so tired! Well that is mostly cause i had to tattoo 10 or so rabbits after the meeting and they didn't want to be nice. Darn rabbits some days! gee

Wednesday i had late start! WOOOHOOO!!! I actually have late start for 3 weeks in a row. Late start consisted of sleeping till 7:30 and then talking to kk and lou. Luv's u 2! Yep then chores here and there. Oh and taking mathew to school and myself to school too. Wow lots of driving today! Totally fine with me though. Class was hard today though, i felt. I have a essay due friday and a english test friday and my bridge in engineering due yeah and a try out tonight and tomorrow! Im gonna die! Don't expect me to do anything this weekend but sleep and organize and maybe scrapbook cause after all this stress im gonna need it!

yep so im off to a try out right now...tootles...wish me luck!