Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Cit love

late start...yay! I miss some people in my life that i wish could have never left. But i have to deal with the fact that i do get to see one of them every day. That is senaida. I noticed after i got home from camp the first weekend that i could not say like. for example i could not say i like doing that i loved doing that. Camp people are the people i mostly miss. I mean how can u go live with people and then in an instant have to say goodbye i mean it is so depressing! I love camp! All the experiences and people i have meet have made such an impact on my life. On the first day of school i kept thinking that one month ago we (all 16 of us) were starting our family up in cits. I just kept wishing that i could have gone back and done it all again. Not because i regret doing any of that because all the people i trusted out there and we were a amazing team. Then we come home and hannah leaves us on the main land. Camp i wish never had to end. I mean when u come home and all ur friends ask you what u did this summer u just sort of give them a look like if i tell u will never understand. Then the most amazing thing happened. I have history with Nancy and omg i love her and the teacher made the worst mistake of putting us right next to each other. When i was walking down the hall yesterday i made the little half heart and she finished it. It is our little sign ya know that all the cits do. no one understands and i wish so badly that one would because after experiencing all the stuff i did and all those memories i feel everyone should experience it.


  1. Oh girl, welcome to the camp "lifers" group. You are experiencing the exact same thing that I experienced. That is the main reason why I keep my "camp friends" away from my other friends. The world does NOT understand or accept the camp life, or people. It is quite depressing. There really isn't any advice I have for you either, except that you are only young once, and are only able to be at camp, truly be at camp, so live it up! I also choose to be at camp, work at camp, even when I had the chance to make more money other places during the summer. It isn't a matter of money always has to do with life experiences...Ok, I'm done now!

  2. Which is why Senaida never understands and only wishes she had time to come out to camp with me. One day. True we are only young once and i had this conversation up in cit's. Can we still be considered campers after we finish the program for the second half of the year. But then when u think about it it is like you have so much more freedom and opportunities to do things when you are a counselor and cits trained us for that. I told Nida that she needs to just come out and work with me before we have to leave for college one summer. She would have no problem! I mean she is more outdoorsy then me! I know people, especially our counselors don't work out there for money they work out there for us, campers and that is just amazing! Always do stuff that you like to do no matter what the pay. If you do what you like doing then why have to have lots of money to go do other things u love. Personally i would like to travel some one day but hey im still in high school and have plenty of time to raise money and travel. True everything has to do with life. Our motos...Live laugh love and my added of learning because i love learning! hehe...sorry if i pushed u to write cause i was in a hurry to turn off my computer and go to school. See ya tomorrow!!!
