Thursday, September 11, 2008

Phil Vassar Concert with kk! Bo ya!

The Piano man aka Phil Vassar!
He is good at multitasking...must be in his thirty's though...darn! hehe :D
Goofy Faces!!! Nice one kk! i should have not looked at the camera then it would have looked even goofier! hehe
Thanks for going with me sort of like a tradition now kk. red high heals and now this! wow most def. a tradition. I had a blast! OMG i love music!!! Can't u tell!? ha. Can't wait for dress shopping in what 8 days! Im going to count down k.


  1. Nice Pictures!!!
    Looks like a lot of fun!!

  2. What a quinkidink! I totally have my radio on and opened my page and wow "in my next thirty years" came on! OMG Talk about luck slash Carma this week!
