Sunday, September 14, 2008

My oh my! Boys...

This weekend was supper long. There were times where i wanted to just make time speed up so it would finally end. Which to some people would be totally insane but when u hear what happend you will agree. I just wanted to be around friends who understand what i am going through and not at home or fair...animals don't talk back! day i will invent a animal that is a robot that knows how to deal with girls having guy issues. one day...just one day a lot of things are going to happen on the road im on.

So friday i fell asleep right as i got 8pm! Wow is right!

Saturday i played volleyball out at Cheney High School and did better than i thought we would do. We got 2nd in the JV tournament. We beat Riverside, Deer Park and Lake City. That's right kk we beat ur 4a school and were 2a! BOO YA! lol shove that down ur throught! jkjkjk...finally a laugh out of my mouth...1st of the day! Got home and showered and fell asleep again like really early...8pm ish Oh by the way we lost to post falls so i guess lou's old school district beat me...u used to live in post falls smart one! That is for lou if like u read this super duper early on a monday morning! hehe :D luv u...lollol...this blog has so far made my day! yayayayay

Today sucked ass! I woke up to a missed text from Rob saying that he needed to talk to me at like 10:30...i was way out then! I called him and he was all "Dana and i are together and i just thought letting you know now instead of after homecoming would be a better idea. I would still love to go with you and still think it would be a blast but if you would not want to go i would understand." I said i would still like to go but was just really discombobulated by the information he had just told me and that i was going to sit on it for a few days. I texted him later saying that i would love to go and it would be like going with a group of friends since he is a good friend and a good person to talk to anyway. No hard feelings. Before that i called charlotte(in portland) and told her what was happening up here and she was so amazed but like was totally on my side and was saying the same things i was thinking so i love and miss my charlotte! I miss girl talk! :(

Then katie called me and at this point i was not feeling good and just wanted to lay in bed all day but katie asked if i wanted to go to the fair with her and ride rides and stuff and so i got out of bed took a shower...since yes i was crying...and went down to the fair and rode rides with her till i literally felt like i was going to throw up. like no joke that ring of fire did a number to my stomach! But then we went back to her horse stall and hung out and i rode her horse around in the worm up arena and then i walked her around while she was loading her tack in the trailer and omg i wish i had a horse...i love aminals! totally sped that wrong on purpose kk! lol :D then my mom called and i went down to the rabbit barn and loaded some stuff in dads truck and then went this time i was feeling light headed, had no voice, sneezing, and my stumach hurt extremely bad!

That sums up my weekend rollar coaster! Not a fun one to be on let me tell ya! lol...don't u just love my metaphores?

well hopefully tomorrow comes quick and i fall asleep with out crying cause i am sitting on my bed and it brings back memories from this morning! UG...this is the whole boy part! Some days u love um some days u wish they never evolved on the planet. Not u lou though! i mean kk would be no where with out u! hehe...u 2 are so darn cute!!!! :D :D hehehehehehe
Night y'all!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry KID! We'll get through this! We will have fun getting ready for the dance together and it will still be fun! Sorry you don't feel well! I am also proud of you on the Vball tourney! WOO HOO!
