Wednesday, September 3, 2008

These last 2 days have been so so stressfull!

Since i last posted a blog i have been busy and been taken over by the fact that school has started and it sucks ass. Like last night i had practice till 5 and then fair set up and i didn't get homework done till like way past midnight! Yeah i have been on less than 4 hours of sleep and 3 starbucks coffee's today. Gosh i love my friends! Like today i brought one with me and then senaida and i drove to starbucks for lunch and she could not finsh hers so i had it! Love Coffee! Actually matter of fact i am doing a presentation on how coffee makers were first invented for engineering/physics. It is already looking really cool! Love the little affects you can do with power point. Even though i wish we could use movie maker. So yes i was just a tad bitchy this morning but heck u try going to school on 3.5 hours of sleep! Knowing some people they would just skip...not me cause i know that just leads to more homework.

On to Rob. Me and him are trying to plan some little things for homecoming like driving and maybe deciding on colors and just discussing some topics like being embarrassed to dance...heck i just throw myself out there and don't care what people think cause like i have ever had any dance classes! So i guess people just need to build there self confidence up to be at the point i am at where u could care less for what people think about u.

I got my volleyball schedule and from the looks of it i still have one more week off after this and that is way exciting! Cause that means concert with senaida and kk. Oh and senaida's birthday is Sunday and so im going to chill at her place Sunday after i have the fair.

I have been trying to get a hold of Rob so i can ask him if he wants to meat up or hang out at the fair with me this weekend since i have to be there all day Saturday. ooo...ha

I have to look more up about coffee beans but that is the rest of my homework so...i wanna still write.

For volleyball practice these last few days i have been doing very well. I am becoming a utility player and really just playing everywhere. I am usually a middle blocker on the net but she has me playing week side, passing and setting too so yayayaya i get to play lots this year! We have a jamboree this friday then practice all week next week and then a tourney on saturday. I am excited i think were going to do fairly well. Plus what makes this 2x as fun is i think i get to play katie friday! yayayaya i miss her tons!

Well done for tonight! Have to take my rabbits to the fair tomorrow so probably will not update this till after i get home friday...or this weekend...well when ever cause fair messes with all my schedules i am used to! ug
Night y'all


  1. Wow you are busy! I was wondering why you hadn't posted! Very cool. I am glad that we are going to be able to go to the fair!! Keep us updated on Rob-0!

  2. I can't believe u call him Rob-O. So oh so funny! hehe :D
