Saturday, September 6, 2008

Fair is so stressfull!!! Arg!

Friday was ok. Really i just wanted to not wake up and skip but i had volleyball so i had to go to school. ug. I did skip zero hour but my mom called in and excused it because i "was feeding my animals at the fair". You know what? There are people in 4-H and FFA that totally just skip school for 5 days and heck i just skipped one period and the teacher found me at school during the day and like was all pissy at me...god go take a f-ing chill pill. Really dude!

Then yeah Thursday night i was getting ready to go to bed and almost forgot to do my math homework...i was so tired and out of it. So i got up and started doing it but got to the last like 6 problems and was all "how the heck do u do these?" i went and woke dad up and we sat at the table for like an hour with coffee and toast to keep us up and focused. We finished but it was literally like 1am. I was like "tell mom that i am sleeping in tomorrow because i can't go to school again on 4 or so hours of sleep." That would be going to school on less than 8 hours of sleep for 2 days and then playing volleyball! NO WAY IN HELL IS THAT HAPPENING!!!

On the way home from my volleyball game mom asked me if we finished all my math and then she said "your dad is one sick puppy cause he loves that stuff!" i laughed. Most of my math class didn't finish the homework that dad and i did so we have the even numbers for homework this weekend that i have yet got to.

On to volleyball...We did fairly ok for being our 5th practice together but we lost every game. We are 2A and we played schools that are 4A so...but i learned a lot and played all the time. Like i was only out joke! But the second game she had me play opposite of setter on week side and i was all "I have never played there before!!! ahhhhh" but i played there and was very confused and had the coach yelling at me and telling me what i have to do while i was stressing about i have to get the second ball!!! omg so stressful and she pulled me out half way through the game to set the old rotation back up and told me it was her fault that we were losing so bad that she was sorry for putting me in there when i had never played there before and that we will practice it at practice before we ever try that again. Then i played middle and kicked some bootay! haha...oh and played katie!!! I miss her and was like making funny faces at her while we were waiting for the ball and she was making them back! our sort of inside joke! going to go call her...

Rob...this is for kk...haha love u! lol So i had to be at the fair today but rob called me saying that his boss called him and that he was so sorry that he could not come hang out with me and that he had to go into work today...sad but i can deal with it! Maybe next weekend! Stay positive Ashley!

This is for kk...i looked at hair magazines today while i was waiting and omg i forgot it at the fair! ahahhahahahahahahhahah...ok it should still be in the back room if not i will go get another one but i loved these two hair styles and am just worried that my hair will not be long enough for it to work! ek...But i am so excited cause in the magazine it was telling me about what i should expect going to my first salon. Im shaking with excitement! Oh by the way i told my mom and she was all "how are u paying for this girl?"...i told her u were and she about freaked so....idk

off for the night! I really need to talk to u kk so yeah i need to call u...when u not busy? I never know but i will just try when i finish with katie...Love u all! tootles

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