Wednesday, September 17, 2008

i sweated so much at is crusty...i need a shower!!!

Sorry it has been so long since i last posted. lets see what have i been up to other than school, volleyball, homework, sleep, and again and again! lol

Monday was just a normal Monday. Nothing special happened.

Tuesday was, well it had it's good moments and bad moments. We had a volleyball game down in Pullman. Yeah like 2 hour drive...sucky GNL League...but it is also a good thing cause well we only have like 850 kids in my school. We lost but i got a varsity jersey and wormed up with varsity after playing my jv game and loosing...every team lost...the only fun, real fun part was the bus! But i was numero doce (12?) yeah and i bench the whole 5 games but it was really cool to be like that close to playing and cheering them on and calling in or out like super dooper loud and then listening to the advice the coaches were giving and how the team was working as a team.

(New paragagraph for The bus ride home was OMG like OOOMMMMGGGG fun! haha. We stoped at cougar country and omg they have the best burgers in the word and i didn't even want to think about what i was eating...STUPID FAST FOOD NATION!!!!...but omg tummy was in heaven! then the bus ride home we were told to do homework and then we were alowed to talk till the top of some hill in colfax. So as everyone was using their cell phone light i pulled out my handy dandy head team called me the gold miner. They were SOOOO Jelous! haha.
Story time! so i was sitting there and just like turned on my light and my coach turns around and was all "ashley what is that thing that is so dam bringht!" Looked down and was all haha "only ashley would bring a goldmining light" Yeah but then i turned around cause i herd my name and every one was like turn it off turn it off! haha but i got my homework done.

Then we told jokes and did telephone...omg there were some messed up thoughts in some of those girls heads! let me tell ya wooooy! ha...yeah then we were all getting tired so we sort of all one by one bailed to our seats and crashed. Good times good times! If im a gold miner then i shold be pretty f-ing rich with the price of gold right now!! haha.

Yeah then this morning i got up at 7am and turned on the computer and omg had so much fun...that is the greatest way to start a day is talking with ur bff kk (lol) and like fighting over a little thing but like totally joking about the whole thing and laughing the whole u comming or not! oh no i just started trouble! hehe...go for it kk...can't touch this, na na na na, na na, can't touch this...! haha yeah random moment there! Then the cavities. Then i thought mom told me to call dad for some reason and when he picked up i asked her why i was callin dad and she was all i have no idea why u called ur dad...yeah i was supposed to call my brother and tell him he better have his ass ready to go to school when we pull in the driveway! he did and i didn't have to call him!

Yep...that summs it latas!

1 comment:

  1. You are a smart one to bring your headlamp! I bet more girls will have them next time on the bus!!

    P.S. I can't go to your game tonight, and I am kinda sad about it! I do have to play softball tonight!
