Saturday, September 20, 2008


Today was so fun in ways that to some people would make no sense. I woke up at about 9am and just sort of made myself a wonderful breakfast and then put on some sweats and tshirt and started on my chores. I didn't really know what time kk was going to come so i planned on getting my chores done early or before 12:45 cause i know it takes about 45 min to get from Rathdrum to Spokane and that her bbq ( bird quties) started at 12 so i think i planned pretty dandy. Don't even bring up what i had to do cause i was amazied that i finished it in 3 and a half hours and that i had time to take a long ass shower finally, eat a good ol sandwitch, and then sit down while the house was quiet and do some homework.

Then she called and i was ooo so ready! haha i went upstairs and mat was all what have you been up too? i was math homework. He was all "wanna play some guitar hero with me?" i was heck yeah! lol we played a good half hour before kk got here.

OMG the bestest part!!! KK and i went down to Northtown Mall and went Dress Shopping!! Homecoming is October 11 and i am ready! im ready, im ready, im finding nemo! WE went to deb and saw some cute dresses but nah...then we went to mariposa and omg talk about lovely dresses. I found 3 that i liked and i ended getting this one...isn't it bea...utiful! love it and guess what it was only 30 dollars! amazing right! yeah then shoes like across the hall at famous footwear...and neclace and earings and this really adorable handbag that was only 3dollars...kk if u ever need to borrow it just let me know! i could tell you wanted it and really u only use them for dances!

LOU this is for u! U on october 11 are going to get all dauled up and kk is going to have her make up done and possibly hair and dress too either go out to dance or make that little dining area a dance floor and turn ur computer speekers as loud as they will go and party it up. There kk i did ur job! haha

Yeah then we went to Woman. It was soooo soooo funny! omg the end and her face and the lez. lady like hugging that nurse and omg i loved it and could make some comparisons but wow amazing!!! What lou girls like chick flicks! if u got a problem with that bring it! i mean it! lol im jking around!

night you all...even bentley! loves to all and to all a good night!


  1. oh so pretty, so pretty, so pretty! We had the BEST time ever huh! SO FUN! I can't wait for the actual dance day!

  2. Oh dont worry I am making reservations at a restaurant, then I will take her dancing :D
