Sunday, September 7, 2008 what a good nap!

So yeah that was a weird title but it totally explains my day. I went to the fair and did fitting and showing and same as always got second to Maddy. One day i will beat her, one day! Then i took the knowledge test and have no idea on my score cause i was all "i want to go home and sleep!" But before we left i decided that since my feet insoles that i have been wearing were getting a little whacked out these last few weeks from volleyball that i would go talk to the people who i bought them from. They are from the coast and so the only time i can get them adjusted is when they come to town for the fair. The lady looked at them and my feet and made adjustments and wow love them now.

Then we came home and i went down to my room with ambition to do homework...well what was left of my homework but i sort of fell asleep and before i knew it it was 7:30 and i was awake. Wow what a good nap!

Well i have some things to do so ta ta for now partners in crime! hehe

1 comment:

  1. Wow you were one busy busy girl! Well I am glad that you got some sleep finally! You will have to show me the hair styles!
