Thursday, September 18, 2008

We kicked Medical Lakes ass!!! lol!

yeah that basically sums up my day cause it was the highlight and today was very lame! wow! short blog but kk u missed a good game! Shucks! well yeah they just plain sucked and we creamed them majorly! lol like i served like at least 1/2 of each game we played and they never touched um! oh well lots of serving practice on my end! lol :D hey im going to call you Friday night aka tomorrow night about Saturday or Sunday what ever day were going dress shopping! Im excited! no doubt! ttyl


  1. Glad to hear you destroyed them, that is awesome!!!

  2. Good! I am glad that you kicked their ass! We also killed the other team in softball...ended up 10-running them in the 6th inning! It's my dad's birthday I am having dinner with him...but we will make a plan about this weekend's dress shopping!
