Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sundays in a way suck!

I mean i had a good day but the whole reality of omg tomorrows monday god dam it!!! Then realizing actually how much homework you have...yeah i didn't think i had that much then opened up my bad and was like SHIT! Yeah the reason is because i was tired yesterday after volleyball and friday when i got home from physical therapy i crashed on the couch. Yeah then slept till 10am this morning and cleaned outside for atleast 2 or 3 hours.

You are all going to be jelous cause i am jelous of this. My brother had his ski race meeting slash half of gear from brand companies down at the Alpine Haus today and man. He got brand new Blizard world cup GS race skis, Brand new tecknicka boots, Brand new slallom and GS poles with hand guards, oh plus bindings for his new skis. The thing is he got new skis and boots last year too!! SO NOT FAIR!!! like over 1,000 dollars spent on him in less than an hour! Ok could u do that for me instead by buying me a fing car! Or mom a car...either one fits me cause i like moms car fine. Yeah cause he asked me after if i wanted anything and i did. I told him i wanted a new coat that they had there but they didn't have my size and that i wanted a new phone on the verizon plan and that i wanted someday a car so i don't have mom driving everywhere. Yeah then onto homework and as a Jr. i already have SR. itus! I mean it! hence why i am going down to U of I friday and to a college fair on wednesday i think! I want to get the heck out and dodge! I want to be independent and not have my parents so oh so protective of me. If i had a car i would be hanging out with friends instead of writing this! Which i have not really done in like 2 or 3 weeks. The only people i have been hanging out with have been my volleyball team, nida and kk. I mean it!

Ok im done blabing on about life! Night :D


  1. you will be out of the house soon need to rush it, cause you will never be able to be taken care of again...not have worries about bills and it up while you can!

  2. I hate sundays too, because they always go WAY to fast then back to work for another 5 days :(
