Saturday, September 27, 2008

What a week!!!

So Sunday i declared to be a pj day and slept allllll day.

Then i woke up Monday and was feeling ok but my nose was all runny and i had a huge head ache and a sore throat. I thought that it was probably just alergies since yeah i have alergie issues, and i went to school. After lunch i was feeling like crap and wanted to go home but i feel so bad leaving my team. I went and talked to my coach and man she is more like a She was all "do u have a feaver?" i was all i don't know. so she felt my head and was all girl u need to go home! Go to sleep and don't even worry about coming to school tomorrow if you don't feel good.

Tuesday i woke up at like 6am to mom asking me if i felt ok cause i had turned of my alarm clock for school and fell back asleep...yeah i didn't go to schoool for some time. I went upstairs after like sleeping till 9:30-10am ish. then i ate something and went back to sleep till about 11:30am. Then i had this brilliant idea that if i went to school for atleast half the day i could play for my team since monday night 3-4 people did not show up to practice on my team. but i guess since i have 7 classes (zero hour) that i have to be there for 3,4,5 and 6th periods and not 4,5,and 6 like i was...stupid! So stupid! so i couldn't play but i didn't have a fever anymore and was feeling a ton better! I still went to the game and sat in my uniform on the bench and supported my team. They lost and i felt bad but there was nothing i could do.

Wednesday was late start and a breze. Shop, American Experience, and Engineering/Physics. Cut some wood, write some notes and then take a test. That was my day in school! OMG easy day! yay! lol :D Then i went to practice and let me tell ya that was some awkward practice. I mean almost all of us seemed like we were all in our own little worlds and not even in the gym. Yeah so we had to run and do a ton of dive!

Thurday was well another roller coaster ride. The morning was a breze and the night was horrible but ended fun. Photography, english and then a 2 hour 30 or so min. bus ride to Clarkston. Then omg this is the horrible part. We were worming up and well i was jump serving and rachel was walking back with a ball and didn't see this giant flying through the air and i ended up landing on her foot and spraining my left ankle for the idk how manyith of time. This is the fun part. On the bus ride home courtney, brook, deana, brittany and i all had a doctor phil session in the front of the bus. But instead it was called the Doctor Philabobia show. We all had different accents and omg i can't even do into the conversations we had but it was mostly girl guy issues and homecoming...good times...oh plus deana didn't have a voice and still does not have a voice and omg she was hillarious when she talked! :DD lol

Friday was blah...A TGIF day! Most def. I was told that i could not practice till i got a doctors note for my ankle but my doctors office is closed on fridays so my mom took me to my physical therapist. I ended up doing physical therapy for an hour and then getting a doctors note for saturdays tourney. we had a tourney at East VAlley High School. We did ok. i mean we played 4A and 3A good schools Jv teams and our team was litterally full of crippled players! Deana and courtney hurt there knees in the clarkston game and allicia sprained her ankle at practice friday and then something else happened to someone else and then i have a sprained ankle. Yeah out of 9 girls i think 5 of us were taped or had a brace on. But we won some games and lost some games. We learned a lot and played a lot and had a but load of fun...omg our bus driver was hillarious!!! I wish we could suggest to have him on all our bus trips!

Yeah so i went from sick to injured. Missed almost all my games this week and then finally got to play a lot actually today.

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