Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Ashley is accepted into University of Idaho!! oh yeah that's right! lol...mommy and i r going on a road trip in a few weeks to stay in the dorms! whop whop! haha :) I am really excited!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hmmm what have i been up too???...

Well lately i quit volleyball, took the SAT, won lots of ribbons and a trophy at the Spokane Interstate Fair, judged the rabbits down at the Rockford Fair, went to the Colbie Caillat concert, and Rodney Atkins concert (both with kk), worked on my WOHELO stuffs, applied to colleges, signed up for a WSI Class that i will be taking with kk :), and etc....there has been a lot in the month i have been absent from this blog thing.

I will have to post pictures later. LOTS of Pictures later! lol :) 

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Montana Trip

A few weekends ago my family took my grandpa's car to deer lodge Montana where my uncle lives. On the way there mom and i had her car and dad and mat had his car...gpa's. Anyway i took some pictures on the way there. Here they are.

If you can see, there are road construction cones. It was 75...45...75...45...the whole way!

these are just the coolest things i have seen in the northwest! Those rocks like that...BEAUTIFUL!

It rained the whole time too...rain rain go away, come again another day...

While we were there we went to the fair that was that weekend and out to dinner and breakfast/brunch. My uncle and his girlfriend are old and don't cook so we went to the only restaurant in the town. From the brunch table we got to watch the parade go through town. Oh and when we woke up that morning there was snow on the mountains around the got to 31 degrees that night!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Camp Overview....

I'm finally off the island and back in society and brought back lots of memories. If you wanna see any then you should already be my friend on facebook and you can look at pictures on there. That is not all but enough.

Since ive been back i went up to Silverwood with Katie and my brother, started Speed, Ajility, and Jump training at my school to get ready for school ball. I went 4 days in a row and vic my coach called me iron woman cause im the first he has seen survive 4 days in a row of his workouts and wanna come back! lol. Yes they are tough but so worth it! I worked on AP and college essays too. I got my schedule for school today and um it is messed up. I have to take a chem or physics to graduate and i didn't get either of them so i have to go talk to my counselor but i can't till like mid august. But im signed up for 0 hour strings, AP English, Design and Development Sr. Design class, Civics, Pre-Calculus, and a free perioid but somehow i have to jiggle that around so im in physics or chem. Tis fun stuff!

Yesterday i went to CDA for my SR. Pictures. I had my make up done at macy's cause i don't do make up, and kristen did my hair...i looked hot! haha...:P Then we went around town to various places and took pictures. It was soooooo fun! And i hear we r going to do it again which im sooo up to! I might just have to become ur model kk! hahahahahaha...Im excited! If you have not gone, go to kristens blog to see a few of them. :)

Tomorrow kristen, mathew (my bro) and i r going up to Silverwood. It will be fun! :)

Sunday, June 28, 2009


So im going to be at camp (June 29th-July 24th). It would be amazing if you would write me letters, because maybe u will get one back. ;) Here is the address:
Ashley Bueckers CIT
Camp Sweyolakan
Marine Route
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814
or you can e-mail me at put "Ashley Bueckers CIT" in the subject line!
Thanks and hope to hear from you! I love mail! :)

Friday, June 26, 2009

What a week!

I might as well blog real quick before i leave you guys for a while.

This week was an adventure. I don't even remember half the stuff i did. lol. My brother left last Friday for mt. hood so the house has been really, really quiet. The family shopped last weekend, and then Tuesday Katie and i stuffed envelopes at the camp fire office, wednesday i job shadowed at my dad's work in the materials lab where i got to break 8 concrete cilenders and wash rocks and do some science tests on rocks with this one guy with a really cool beird! lol. Then mom and i went out to chilies with some of her girls from where she used to work (my dad's work) and it was fun. We just chilled the rest of the day watching movies. Yesterday idk what i did, nothing special obviously.

Then yep today i leave to go to ellensberg for the weekend for the WA state rabbit convention. Shall be fun! Then monday i leave for three weeks which i will be spending out at camp sweyolakan. I will get the mailing address and email out asap...aka when i get home from ellingsberg. Mail me food and goodies! lol. E-mail me the good stuff in your life! lol! :)

Friday, June 5, 2009

This is for Kristen and all who want to see that a woman can use power tools and not f up a shop project! lol

For second semester shop we had to build our own project and i chose to build a bookcase. It looks really good! I designed it and build it with some help from some handy guys in my class. cough cough joey cough cough. lol Yeah my shop teacher said i couldn't do this by myself so he had the TA help me build it. lol. I did most of it except for the nail gun part lol...i don't think the teacher trusted me with it. I did use it once when joey let me and said i want u to try. i didn't hurt anyone so whats the fuss! lol.

On to pictures. This is the whole thing without stain. Close up of the bottom part.
Close up of the top part
Side view of the whole thing stained. I have not put the shelves in yet for they are drying. Sorry this is crooked...blogger frustrates me with their picture stuffs.
Yep thats it yall. Girls in shop build nice things! and don't kill anyone. Hey i didn't even get hurt or anything...oh but the saw stop did go off today again! lol stupid wasn't me! Im innocent! :)

Engineering Class Project

I have no idea why this is underlined or why it won't not be underlined but im gonna fly with it.

In engineering class recently we have been building robots like the one you see below. I built 3 in about a month but this is my favorite one. It picks up tennis balls. It's so cool! I even programed it and it has an autonomous mode for our soccer comp. we had last week. We did ok. No one likes to alliance with stupid girls who know how to make a robot so it doesn't break like there's did. lol
This is a view from the front where the ball gets held. The two wheels herd it around the field if they have to also.
Yep so that was my final in that class and now have been doing nothing really. Which don't get me wrong is like a good so not stoked for the history final wednesday is what im getting at. Thank god i got one done before that massacure hits!

New Glasses Pictures

As some of you know I went and had my eyes checked and ended up having to get a new prescription sooooo.....Here is pictures of my new glasses.

I really like them. I can see with them and they look so cute on me! Sorry i will have to get some pictures of me with them on. That's not to hard.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

plans, plans, plans, clean, clean, clean

It's sunday and i should be doing homework instead of blogging but nah this is more fun!

My birthday was ok, no big presents but it was just another day. Nothing really special happened. This weekend has been sorta cool. Im amazed how much we have accomplished in 2 days. We fixed the cap dad made for the steps last winter and put it away...big wooden thing to keep out snow from the basement steps cause it's hard work shoveling that. Then we moved to the house. We cleaned out the basement more and oh btw we got a new printer/copier/scanner. This whole cleaning thing was sparked by that coming. We have it in the basement where the new entertainment room is planned to be within the next year and dad drilled wholes throught the upstairs and downstairs walls hooking the computer and printer up with some extra jacks for later on. Then yep the basement rec room is like wow a gold mine i tell ya. Ive found so much cool stuff! But most of it's going to goodwill, camp fire office, mom's school, or the dumpster! haha. We have so many projects for this summer! were cleaning and reorganizing the basement rec room and making it the only room in the house with a tv and were getting a new couch suposably, oh that means that i won't have a tv in my room. Then dad's room well that's our next project. See we want to move all the electronics outside then saw 12in off his huge bench and move it back to his repair room after we tear out some shelves that have been back there that were suposed to be temporary. then were gonna go through all his electronics and put what we keep back on his new bench in his repair room. We plan on getting a new bed for back there in his room and a dresser, for one of these days we know grandma or grandpa will have to move in with us. Then we move to outside where dad plans to build a new shed, put in a new fence and level the back yard. Which will take a long while! But it needs to happen and they are finally doing it! well we are finally doing it!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

new prescription! ekkkk...

Well if no one else will post i guess i will! gee guys! lol :)

Well my life this what almost month since i blogged has been a lot of volunteering. I volunteered at the yellow ribbon thing for the military kids where we baby sat them while there parents were in a meeting. It was a 4-H thing. Then i was in charge of fitting and showing at the davenport rabbit show last weekend and it went well. That same day i had to turn in my application for Washington State RAbbit Breeders Associations Management contest that consisted of 7 pages of 12 font typing of answering questions. Blah! This last weekend we went to a bbq out at some farm on the south hill i think where they do like polo horse stuffs and i got burnt on my knees in some weird shapes let me tell ya! lol and i was even wearing spf 50 sunscreen! ohh geee. then lets see...oh yeah my birthday is tomorrow and i have nothing planned this weekend at all soooo....yeah. lol.. oh i guess i could tell ya that um my eye sight is officially getting worse! yep i went to the eye doctor yesterday and i got a stronger prescription for glasses and contacts. oh and a new type of contacts. Im wearing acuvue oasis for astigmatism now. they are def more moist and easier to focus with...aka im loving them!

yeah my life in a nutshel! lol

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Phone...arg i wanna shoot you!

So don't text me or call me! my phone is retarded! no joke! wanna hear why? omg. Ok so i was all mom no one has been texting me since like Saturday night, and she was all that's weird! Cause i usually have to empty my mail box everyday! so then i looked in my sent box and hmmm maybe it's because no one is receiving them either cause i only really text Verizon people and they didn't have little check marks next to them. Then i went to the lunch table and senaida asked me why i didn't text her back! Um i did u just didn't get it! so then in English she finally got the text i sent her Sunday morning! yeah so i called Kim, Katelyn's mom, the lady who i pay for my phone kk, and she told me to call the Verizon store and talk to one of the service people. So i did and i told her all that and she looked up my phone # and said well your phone is due for some updates do you have a memory card? And i don't so she told me they are 25$ and i had just spent 15 of my 30 on gas sooooo i had to go home and explain to my dad why i needed 25 bucks. And the girl i was speaking to on the phone says the updates should fix it and if that doesn't work then they will call teck center! so ive seriously not been texting for 3 days now and it's like killer! cause im the one who comes up with corny stuff to say and then sends the random text and i can't do that cause frankly if i sent it to you u would probably get it like Friday! no joke! So kk im replying when i get it but frankly u won't get it! And i called Rushele today and left a voice mail. She called me back and said she had her phone in her hand on loud and she only knew that i had left her a voice mail and didn't see that i was calling! OK now that is messed up! So my phone is officially retarted and slow and blah, annoying!

Yep the life of ashley when she doesn't have a phone! it's so sad! how am i going to go 4 weeks without it! Actually i bet i won't even know i am not using it! haha...jeff's gonna be so phone deprived! him and his blackberry!haha

Monday, May 4, 2009

Bloomsday 2009

This Saturday i took the SAT and it killed my brain. No joke! After that i went out to Katie's and we "made brownies" but hahahaha we forgot eggs and it turned into what looks like a cow pattie! lol. So we went and got some cookies at the grocery store and picked up slum dog millionaire. we ate all 24 of those cookies and watched the whole movie before 8:30 when i had to leave cause it was getting dark and my lights suck! haha.

Sunday mom and i got up and were infront of city hall at 7am. We volunteered to hand out bloomsday t-shirts. I think it was more work than actually walking it!
Here are some pictuers i took.

All the tables were set up and a big snyders bread truck was full of shirt boxes that all had to go on the tables. It took us forever to unload all them.

When we were able to open the boxes and see the new shirt. Mom with a shirt! We were at the XL table and were surrounded by all these old big guys that were hilarious! Sayin like exhale in hale come get ur XL! haha! they made up so many corny jokes! It def. made it fun! :)

Me with this years shirt! lol

Look how many shirts there are!!!! mom and i estimated to handing out about 1300 XL shirts! wow that's a lot! BTW what you see is only half! there are more boxes under the tables!
The first women runners we saw! We all cheered! Gooo bloomies!!! :) It was quite fun, but so exausting!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Weekend with Jeff!

This weekend mom, mat, and I went down to tri cities with 22 rabbits. You should have seen how well we packed that car! lol. Mom couldn't see out her rear view mirror so i had to be her wing man while switching lanes with my side mirror. Crazy good back seat driver right here! lol.

When we got to tri cities we went to the rabbit barn at the benton county fair grounds. Then we went to jeffs house and then we left to go to the movie and btw we saw monsters vs. aliens in 3D and it was amazing! WOOOHOOO go monsters! I wonder if there really is a place the government has where monsters live? I made jeff take a picture after the movie. I drove btw and i did my 1st round abouts ever! The movie theature was 20min away from jeffs and it was quite a drive...he talked the whole time!

Us after the movie! hehe

The group of honorable mentions and etc...i got Best in Show like a big trofey for winning it all!!
Me with the judges after we won...we as in checkers and i! lol
I was bored on the way home and took senic pictures and this was the best one! oooooo :)
HOME!!! Mt. Spokane in the there is still snow up there!

All in all this was the best weekend of this month yet! I mean hanging out at jeff's and going to a really funny movie, driving around real late and getting ice cream! KK that's why we were out so late! we went through mcdonalds drive through and got ice cream! lol and ate it in the parking lot talking...hehe. :) Then winning the rabbit show!!!AHHHH that was a first and amazing! Im so happy! Well actually i still have homework so i gotta wrap this up. Hope montana was fun kk and can't wait to read about it. Comment :) I know u want to cause i mean there is an actuall picture of jeff and i on this! haha :P

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

No more volleyball! :( but so much more time to tan! :) lol

Sorry I have not posted in wow like almost 3 weeks. I'm gonna sum it up for you.

Well lets see ive had the normal 4-H meetings, and Vball Practices. I had a wohelo meeting and wow i have a lot to do, well it seem i have a lot to do but reall i can accomplish it in a few days. Then i have to read a book and you know how slow of a reader i am! ug.

For the last two weeks i have had late start on monday and tuesday, for i passed the wasl last year and don't have to take it.

Last Saturday I took a Babysitting class for my wohelo and it was actually really informational.

Sunday i had my last Vball tourney and i think i improved lots this season. Im really proud of myself! :) Like i learned a whole new position and can hit amazing now! And guess what? I told my coach my goal for school is to make the varsity team as a right side hitter and (haha this part made him laugh) i wanna hit my varsity coach, like with the ball! All season i used my coach as a target and he thought it was funny! haha. Shhhhh thats my little goal don't tell!! haha. :) I have my little quirks so deal with it! haha.

Yep then this weekend i am going to tri cities for a rabbit show and mat, mom and i r staying with jeff and his family. He asked me to a movie today kk!! Another one!! :) I hope we have time to go! And sunday i have my teams banquet for end of the season. SAD DAY! :( Im gonna miss certain people on my team.

Oh i finally downloaded mozilla firefox today. I had not done it since i put xp on here happy now cause mozilla seems so much more faster!

May 2 i am taking my SAT! Im a tad scared! just a tad! lol...i hate tests! Then that night i can choose to go to a CDA symphony concert at 7:30 or not and sunday i and either mom or someone else are signed up to volunteer and hand out the bloomsday shirts to the finishers.

so yep thats the life of ashley...blah blah

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Spring Break Madness!!!

Last weekend, the weekend before spring break, was the Pacific Northwest Qualifier at EWU. Well lets just say i played everygame and well i played good but the team was stuck in all this drama, that i ignored cause i want no part in that junk, and so well we lost all but one of our games sad to say. Oh our back line needs to pick it up cause well thats what we lost on! UGG...nothing i could have done i never get put in back there!

Monday mom and i ran errands to everywhere. haha. Later dad told me i had to change my tires so i went out and he just sat in moms car with the door open and told me what to such a visual learner and hands on learner so this helped a lot! If i would have just watched him i would have been clueless the next time.

Tuesday i had vball practice and haha i followed mom in my car to the place and then she went downtown for some shopping or something...i never know, actually i don't care!...but i ended up calling her cause i wasn't really paying attention while driving there and sorta didn't know how to get back to the freeway. Then i was supposed to go meet matt and casey's twins but they went shopping so i stayed home and was a couch pottato all afternoon.

Wednesday...yay...i drove in the fast lane ;) to kk's and we had scrapbooking day part 2! my title? lol. We went to michals, i needed another scrapbook, and then we watched 90210 and slumdog millionare, which were both good! KK tomorrow 90210! haha. Then at like 5:30 i left to go home only to find out my mother wouldn't have mined if i stayed the night! UGGG! really mom! ok well now that we know that i guess if i get stuck in a "storm" at ur house i can stay! haha...that is if its cool w/ u. :)

Thursday...hmmm what did i do?... oh i went around doing errands with mom cause kk didn't go to matt and casey's sooo... yep then homework and like 4 more scrapbook pages got accomplished.

Friday mat, mom, and i went to silver for our last runs of the year...weird we went to silver for our last runs of the year last year too! haha...and it was so fun! Mat and i wanted to stay longer but mom said no. Darn well maybe next year i can drive mat and i and we can stay as long as we want! booyaaa ya for licences! hahaha. I did the terain park btw like a lot bc of him and no am a pro! actually i like biffed it good a few times! haha i hit this unexpected jump and dang good thing for fresh pow or i would have been dead! haha. But yeah then i took him on some massave work out runs called mogals, which he hates! haha. On the way home we dropped off louie some boots that used to be mine matter of fact that were huge on me! I hear they fit him perfectly which is great cause he complained last time i skiied with him.
Saturday was clean, clean, clean! I organized the whole kitchen. I took everything off the shelves and bleached the shelves and put everything back. We took our wood pile and an old mattress and put it in the truck. I swore that that truck was going to break! Some guy who always comes over, he is russian i can't spell his name, got some rabbit fertilizer aka poo for his garden. Matter of fact a lot of people call for it! It's really funny, but great cause we get rid of it! Then mom and i went to win-co and shopped for my gparents. It was my first time in there and it was a mad house! kk i don't know how u went in there with the twins! geee. I did my home didy work and then couldn't sleep so i scrapbooked till like 12 or so. Yeah like imagine me sitting in the middle of my room scrapbooking with my headphones in on my playlist...kk u know the one...till i finished i think 5 pages! Im going a little scrapbook crazy!! OK maybe more than a little! :)

Sunday dad and i got up early to go take the truck to the transfer station and didn't make it there the first time out of the gate! haha One of his spark plugs kept missing and we couldn't get past 2nd gear so we coasted back home and changed it and then went and ya know that truck is 28 years old and she still goes! Maybe smokes and putt putts, but goes! haha. We dumped that and came home and raked the yard, trimmed tree's, cleaned the garrage, yeah i think thats it. Mom and i went to the mall and did some shopping i got a new bathing suit and clothes. Here is my swimsuite! For some reason it has it upside down... stupid thing!

Now i plan on doing homework and scrapbooking more! hahahaha....:)

OOO here r some pictures of my team!


I don't remember what we r all looking at!
goofballs i tell ya!

LOL Jessica!

ME!!! haha

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Spring break hear i come!

Last weekend kk, lou and i all went down to rei and i window shopped while planning my ingenious plan for what my parents should get me for my birthday; I want the Osprey aura 65 womens backback blue. Then they helped me with some math which the word problem u were WRONG! haha no worries! haha.

Sunday i went up to Lookout pass ski resort and it was disgusting! Slush instead of snow! ewww! So i obviously didn't want to ski much! I decided i would get some volunteering in so i went up and gate judged with this german lady who now loves me, named christina! haha she is so funny! We sat on buckets and watched 200 little kids go down a kombi course! It was fun but boring in a way! haha oh and cold! haha can't forget about being cold! SPRING WHERE ARE U?? I slept the whole way home! haha. Then i did my homework and went to bed.

Then this week went by way fast! i can't even tell u what happened! All i know is kk brought my ipod to my school today and i love her! haha. Man oh man thank god that no one is home to make fun of my dancing! haha CRANK IT! :)


Friday, March 20, 2009

Seattle Tournament...lots of singing!

Last weekend kk aka kristen, my mom and i all went to bellevue/snohomish for a vball aka volleyball tournament. Kristen and i sang the whole time! I believe i sounded like a man about 4 times cause i lost my voice and then kept drinking more sprite and ended up having to pee really bad at about northbend. omg and that bathroom was the coolest bathroom ever like you don't ever see cool bathrooms but it was like walking into a tree and it was sooooo cool!

Saturday we played ok. I figured out that we win everyother game which is sort of bad! we need to win all games! We won 3 when i played! gee! keep me playing! haha. Jessica was sick and kept complaining and blah blah blah...don't play if ur sick! We went to applebee's for dinner and it was ok. I should have ordered something else i think though, it was good but blah and plain. i loved the shrimp but the noodles were so nasty!

Sunday we played better! WE got 2nd in the Silver bracket which we should have gotten 1st but well can't take it back, just gotta move on.

Mom got me some really sweet tie die spandex and there amazing! And a tie die shirt...i love tie die!!!!

We headed straight home after the tournament! Like kk didn't hit the brakes once i swear! haha. We sang the whole time back too! Oh man we need to try out for american idles duet version! haha.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Vball Tourney and Robotics Competition

Ive been up to a lot this last week and have finally got a hand on being caught up on all my school work that i missed. March 1st my team played in the Sideout Tournament and well lets just not talk about it! Here is a picture of my team peppering. Im the tall one in the middle aka number 2! lol

These next ones are quite out of order but i hate messing with this thing so ur just going to deal with it.
This picture of a picture was taken at a new york style pizza restraunt we went to in portland, downtown portland. Haha ok so u know the big school vans? Well Groshoff parallel parked one of those perfectly! I can't even parallel park behind one car let alone 2! haha. Thats what i failed on my driving test! ha.

Here is our beautiful Robot. I don't think we have named her quite yet but we will! woohooo go 2146!
I was so facinated by this girl! The teams hand out buttons and usually people put them on like their shirts or what not and this girl totally did her hair! NICE!

This is part of the playing field! Ask and ill explain the game cause its too much to write here and it wouldn't make any sense!

So my team got 5th in portland with our aliance! It was so fun! We stayed in a really nice hotel and it was right across the street from the mall! SWEET! lol. We walked a ton, well to everywhere but the hotel and to pizza and well too and from portland of course! lol. It rained the whole time like on and off! Insane ness! I would go crazy with the weather they have there! Rain, sun, rain, sun! ahhhh! lol But it was so fun and worth it!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

goofball! yep thats me! :D

Well the life of a high schooler man i tell ya!

Well basically ive been have a good and fun week with having no history homework for once! YAY career week! lol. Well ive been going to school, hanging out in the art room after school cause well i love hanging out in the art room! her music and it's the best place to do homework it seems. Go home about 4 and then eat and do homework or go to practice and then do homework.

OOO so i have to tell u something! So my acne was getting really bad so mom took me to the doctor but they couldn't prescribe what i had last time that worked because i am too active outside and they don't want me getting burnt on my hands again so i got this different stuff and omg it is working it's magic! well i notice one new breakout but usually there are more than that a day! teen hormones suck ass! But this stuff kickes ass too so i guess there even! lol

Yeah thats it! kk i read ur's and u make me feel so innocent so i end up saying little stuff like that!! jkjk im not mad! Actually like always im pretty much a goof! lol just seriously write it accross my forhead please! lol u would!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Jeff, Dinner, Movie, and Skiing!

Wow what a weekend! Friday night consisted of clean mania since well yeah we did like nothing this week but trash the house it seems. But all better after mom's yelling and all she had us working like bussy bee's! lol

Saturday i slept till like 11am...i know right! Mom and i took grandma over to see grandpa in his home place and it's a fairly nice place but man does he complain! lol Now i know why she wanted him out of the house! lol Then about 5 jeff's family picked me up and we went to the steam plant grill downtown. I took part in eating the clams as the apitizer that were soo, sooo yummy! Then had some really good raviolie stuff with chicken! mmm! lol. Then his parents droped us aka jeff and i, off at the riverfront park and we went and saw The Dark Knight! It was my first time seeing it and his second and it was soooooooooo good! Im glad i waited to see it in imax though! I loved it! That guy's face who got burn't totally made me jump when i first saw it! It was so nasty!Then my mom picked us up and took him to his hotel and us home of course.

Sunday we picked jeff up and headed up the mountain. Mathew had speed training at 7 fricking 45 and so guess what time i was up??? UG...5am! We left my house at 6:25! ahhhh...jeff and i slept or aka layed out heads down in the lodge till about 8:30 and then got ready.

The views from when i decided i should probably put my snowpants on and decided that oh shucks maybe i should go down to the car and get my stuff! lol like 8:25ish!

Jeff when he finally decided to get up and mathew came in as seen behind in the brown coat because he decided that hey it's 40 degree's out there maybe i won't wear a coat! lol dumb one! lol so he came in and got worm and put on a jacket and went back out! Ya know those racers they have massave guts and worm blood cells cause i mean i couldn't just wear a tiny little suit and go down that fast without freezing my but off! dang! lol oh and some of them boys up there ooo they are mighty cute! lol i mean the older j3 boys! lol

yep jeff and i skiied all day around the whole mountain! AHH what fun! he is so funny and omg so nerdy! lol so fun! Wow what a blast! i mean he found this thing on youtube and seriously can sing the stupid whole cartoon and is such a tecky that he pulled out his storm and seriously made me watch it! hahaha weird stuff man! lol

yep then he hung out at my house till his parents came...we watched more ski racing on tv! lol that is seriously all i watch! no joke! wooo hooo converter box chanel 6-3 universal sports is da bomb! WOOOhooo go lindsay vonn! go kick all da frenches asses! lol love that commercial gotta tell ya! I mean it totally makes me laugh so dang hard like im seriously going to pee my pants when i watch it i laugh so hard! lollollollol

Alright nighty night! Ah god homework! shoot me now!!!! PLEASE!!! jkjkjk

wow i so totally didn't mean to sound like hi in some of those paragraphs up there! What i just ate like 2 huge, i mean HUGE brownie's! I think that might have been overboard! lol

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Yeah yeah yeah...

I know it's been for ever since i last blogged on this thing. Sorry life's been really crazy!

Ive had a few vball tournaments, Some id like to not speek of! lol

Jeff stayed at my house one weekend and hung out.

Broke my skiing record with a total of 21 runs around all of mt. Spokane in about 5 hours with my friend i used to ski with way back when on ski team, Lauren. Good times racing down hourglass let me tell ya! lol

My grandparents have been having their ups and downs. My grandpa is now in a nursing home and my aunt from Arlington, WA is living with my grandma to keep her company since they are both retired and gma has a huge house anyway...i would be scared to live in it alone!

Our robot was shiped this last tuesday to portland. It has most of the kinks worked out but we will have to mess with it i know when we get to play with it in portland. Oh yeah bringing up portland, I will be gone March 4th through 7th in portland with the team...wooohooo 8 hour van drive with lots of men! lollol! Actually it's pretty even this year, half girls and half guys! wow!

Ive not been doing this so i could go to bed earlier and would probably be in bed right now if i didn't feel guilty for reading all ur blogs and totally not doing one! lol Looks like kristen's kept herself entertained! lol

Im closer to finishing my CAD and plans for my project in shop to actually start my project! grrr stupid parts being undefined and liberg riding my ass about them! I guess i learn.

yeah thats basically it in a nutshell. Comment for more i guess. Sorry no pictures im not one for transfering photo's off i even know how to do that!...and have not even carried a purse around for omg like 2 months or so unless im going out...there are certain times ;)! lol

Jeff's in town this weekend so were skiing together sunday and then i can sleep more saturday...i think this whole sun coming up earlier and going down later is making me more tired!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Maybe i should blog one of these days! hehe

So finals went good in all but my devel history class. I honest to god almost want to give up on that class. I know over a fricking B+, i must be crazy! But the only reason is because that grade only represents my assignments basically because ive only passed one of her six tests, and the one i passed i used notes on. But haha, funny thing is that B+ was my lowest grade last semester. A in strings, A in Shop, A in photography, B+ in History (American Experience Running start from EWU), A in AP English, A in Engineering physics, and A in Algebra 3/4. I wonder what urged school boards to go to letter grading? I had 106.89% in Engineering/ Physics and wish that could be shown on my report card.

Last weekends Vball Tournament turned out to be ok. My team has it's moments. We ended up getting 1st in the Concelation Bracket aka Loosers Bracket, and got these cool necklaces with vballs on them! WHop WHop Bling Bling! lol :D

This week was a change and a fresh start. Instead of photography this semester i have art 2. And i have all A's! wow! lol. I got my final back in history and she gave me mine last, it was sad. She sat next to me and was all ashley breath. I was all i failed another one just like what a month ago, like all cool with it. She was all ashley i want u and i too keep working and find a study skill that works for u. When she said that i got all emotional and was all like im tired of studying so fricking hard and none of it works and i get to taking the test i like don't remember a thing and mostly blow cheese out my ass. Like i freeze and feel like crap. I feel so intemidated by that class and that teacher. That's when i texted u kk. I was feeling so frustrated that i can't do anything to help me cause i feel like ive already failed myself by not remembering any of this shit from last semester..."like my brain is spagetti and can't connect the ends". Sad day!

Then the week went on and on and on and i had practice and practice and i drove my car for the first time in what seemed to be forever, and i made it through the week. Thank god.

Saturday aka today, i was totally sick, and went to school and worked on the robot and the crate. We got so much done on it! Im proud. I came up with this really sweet design for our crate and we planned and drew it today and get to start building it monday. We fixed some of the batteries and got some of the tower finished and kinked with. I was the only girl there all day! I didn't really notice it till grosh was ganging up on me and saying ooo the girl wants to give imput! blah blah blah blah blah is all they hurd! Dumb asses! lol but god i love them! :D Man i have so many love hate relationships. lol

Friday, January 23, 2009

Finals Week! AHHH...but it's going to be a good weekend. :D

Im going to start with last weekend.

Last weekend was fun. Saturday mom and i got up early and went to cda for a rabbit show. We actually did really good!

Then after that we packed up and went home, fed the rabbits, packed the car again, and left for kennawick. I was the dj the way there and on the way home...wooohooo! lol...even while i was doing my homework on the way back but thats another story.

We got to Jeff's house at about 6pm and they had dinner ready and everything. I think they were hungry cause we got there, they showed us our rooms and said now lets eat. lol love his family.

That night we (jeff and i) watched Independance Day. Such a old, but good movie! I love it when the alien dude pops out and like attacks the scientists! Muuuhaha! lol. I did some notecard organizing for my essay then went to bed.

Valia, his sister, also had to play sunday, but across town, and so we both were up really early. Ok i was up and ready before anyone else was up and im pretty sure i was the last one to bed too! Yeah i know im insane. The night before, his parents showed us where bfast was incase one of us were up super dooper early so i found the food but yeah had to look in all the drawers to find the

We won, lost, lost, lost, won, lost. But most of the losses were close so we played hard, could have played harder but honestly we lost cause of missed serves. I mean were u18 and can't make a effing serve, come on! I don't play backrow so i don't have to worey about good incase though! lol

We finishe the tourney really late so jeff and his family strongly suggested that we stay another night. I was all for that! lol :D Dude i had my own bathroom and everything so ya know i was totally chil with staying.

We headed home at about 8am. I wrote my essay the whole way home. When we got home we had plenty of cleaning to do and i had plenty of homework to finish.

Tuesay -friday were finals. I feel fairly confident about my test grades.

Thursday and Friday were half days. I enjoyed them very much. I took naps both day and omg they were amazing! Then friday nida and i hung out till 3 and watched movies and it was so fun! We are hilarious together! Oh kk i can't wait for u to meat her! OMG i love my friends! All of u! ahhh...all those memories! LOL this summer!

Tomorrow nida and i r going to cda to load music on this and to go see bride wars at 12:35. Im really excited. Then Sunday kasey and her mom are going to pick me up and we are heading to moses lake for a tournament. I hope we do really well! :D


Friday, January 16, 2009

Long Week

This weeks been insane.

Monday i had practice, Tuesday i had a 4 hour reffing clinic, Wednesday i had practice again, and i have been quite busy getting for this weekends events. Il keep you update on the events as soon as i get home and time...homework and finals week this next weeks gonna suck ass! UG!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Scavenger Hunt

Today i said i was bored. Never going to do that again...don't we all say that? Well kk thought it would be funny to see me do a Scavenger Hunt on my SNOW DAY, anywho, i found some things that i thought i could do around the house and make fun so i did them. Here goes my 2nd try at this thing hope it works this time! grrrr...
This goes from end of hunt to begining because im too lazy to re arange them. ok! Deal with it pep's!
Catalog pose...theres 2

Do exactly what the sign says (any sign can work)
Im going with the live and is a long story.

Picture with an animal (the more unusual the better)...2 again
My friend and lover (lol) Franklin

An unsual perspective -- could be everyone's shoes, or the just top of their heads. .

Starting at the black ones going up and left are from newest to oldest...gotta have the vball in there too! haha
Capture your reflection in an unexpected place

Look in the vball face's reflection is infront of me...creepy!

The most relaxing place you can find

My beds my most relaxing place at home but out of my house im not saying cause then ud come bug wouldn't be relaxing then!

Mimic a statue -- fountains also work well

I think i make a pretty good statue. lol Plus the mirror is mimiking me anyway! lol
kk just say it..."u goofball!"

Good day...well ok i guess...i wanna play volleyball and build robots or design robots, and go to school, and well i want my computer to be friends with me but i don't think that's possible cause computers are objects and objects don't have feelings and gonna end it with a blah.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Skiing with KK and Lou! Wooohooo! (that totally rymes)

This weekend Mathew had a race at Schweitzer Ski Resort.

It was a fun one to go to. He didn't do so well and probably won't like talking about it if u ask him how he did, but it was his 1st official ussa race off our home mt. It's all trial and error every time u race. You gotta find the right rythem for yourself...that's what i keep telling him.

We left home at about 5pm and made it to the hotel at around 7:30ish. You know how my dad's a perfectionist, well he is. He decided it was too hot in the room and that he wanted to open the window. It wouldn't open! He went to the front counter and told the lady that he wanted to be moved to a room that had a window that opened. They found a room and then we had to move all our stuff to that room. oh and then in the new room the remote to the tv wouldn't work so he programmed it to work with the tv. He's quite hillarious!

Here's lou and i! hehe. I stole this from u!

This is mathews best friend joe. OK my coach for club is Joe, mat's coach for skiing is Joe, and mats best friend from his team is Joe...too many Joe's!

Mathew after his second race...i think he's pretty pissed!

Kristen and i on the steps...thanks mom! Bad picture taker!

LOL love my face! Need to do that one more often! :P

A picture i took coming down the mountain! So pretty!
This trip was so fun. I had a blast skiing with kristen and lou. I love the mountain and want to go skiing so bad right now! haha. Lou ur a fun guy to race eventhough girls always win! :P haha.