Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Mt. Spokane Ski Camp--Skiing with Jeff

This christmas break has consisted of lots of shoveling and skiing.
I went skiing Dec. 20th, 22nd, 23rd, 27th, 29th, 30th, and 31st. 7days of skiing is enough for one break. haha Well actually i will be going one more time this sunday.!

How was everyone's Christmas? Mine was good. Normal get what u picked before xmas, give back to mom and then re-get it! haha well in a way i like it that way. I get what i want and don't have to wake up early to see what it is. I got lots of clothes, my ski boots, a book bag, and some other stuff.
Sorry i have not been taking many pictures lately. Not really one for carrying a purse these days.

Inside lodge one looking pretty! :D

The guy with the yellow helmet is my brothers coach. His names Joe. OMG he is so cool! haha and hilarious! Mats in a good group this year. In this picture the team is swiping the course. Mathew is the one with the grey helmet...he's really fast so coach made his start later so he wouldn't crash into them...haha.

Mathew wipping out the Second time down his timed run. He recovered really fast and tucked to the end.

Mathew finishing and recovering...there was a rut he says! haha

Mathew up on the podium. Last year he was a J6 cause it was his 1st year racing and this year they moved him up to his age level and got 3rd in his first J3 race. Go MATHEW!!! It was funny cause Chuck (program director) was all "6th place" mat was all "thats me", but he said that till he was all "did they forget about me?" Then we herd "3rd place Mathew Bueckers". We were all shocked! His coach even was shocked!

See how the other two boys have the arms of the sutes hanging...mathew got a new one and decided not to wear anything under it but his underwear and when he got down from his timed run and he was all "im going in, im turning into a frozen tooth pick". He was so cold! The coaches don't bring down their jackets and pants till the end of all the races and so he put on my pants and his was funny! He had like 2 hand wormers too! haha funny kid!

Onto Jeff and his family coming into town.

Tuesday his family came into town and went straight up the hill. Jeff, Valia (his sister), and i skied the afternoon. His parents went and figured out where the xc ski area is. Then we all headed down the mountain about 4pm.

My mom stayed home tuesday and cleaned, ran errends, and took care of my grandparents. When we got home mom had cleaned the house like a mad woman. her. She went out and got pizza from Papa Murphies. I love the stuffed meat lovers pizza there and their bread sticks! mmm and she made a salad, chesee and triscuts, salsa and chips and got the costco chocolate pack that omg i love. The red container of chocolate yeah best present ever for me! haha :D His family came over and brought drinks. My dad and his dad and mom are so alike and my dad likes them. They got so into their conversations. Stuff about gravity and protons and neutrons and light, idk lots of science terms i was blown off of. haha

Then Jeff, valia and i skied together wednesday too and it was fun. I was not feeling 100% so i didn't ski all day and let them go and figure out the mountain for awile. They came back at 3 or so and we all said our good byes and thanks for coming up. It was a good time!

Here are some pictures i stole from jeff on facebook! haha

Jeff all bundled up!

Me on the side of the run and jeff taking a picture of the mountains. They don't have mountains in Tri Cities! haha

The same view taken lower on the hill.

Valia has her back to us and im smiling for the camera! Cheese!

All and all it's been a good break. Plenty of skiing, and hanging out with friends. I find it funny how ive hung out with only boys from camp. Haha

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Snow Day's!!!!

We got about 24in. of snow wednesday and thursday. My strings concert was canceled wednesday night, there was no school thurday and friday.

This is how much snow was on the cars before we tried to leave. Dad left before the big storm hit thursday. He had a tough time getting back in. We actually dug a path for him because we had such a high burr on the road infront of our driveway he had no chance of making it over it without bottoming out. WEll actually he didn't even make it to the street we live on without high centering himself. He got stuck on the corner of nora and felts, about a street away from our house basically. Some guy pulled him to our street then dad chained up and plowed into the driveway. It was actually very funny! vrrom vrrom! haha

Thats our light pole. It shows how deep the snow was across the street at the neighbors house in thier driveway and how much snow we got wednesday.

I used the lady who lives across from me's snow blower thursday to have a place for dad to get through from work and it was so fun! Love her! haha actually shhh her husband is sorta creepy. He watches me pull out every morning and everytime i do anything in a car. I think he's paranoid and i am his entertainment! haha

This is my brother and his two tag alongs. Mathew's the one who fell. I think he thought he could run through snow but actually found out if u do u fall! haha

Thats how much snow was on the rabbit hutches on thursday morning before i went out to feed while it was snowing!

We made our own little mountain from shoveling out! Man that was a lot of snow!

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008


So ive been a little busy working on this stupid thing that i love called a computer. Yeah mine needed upgraded but we had some minor set backs. All is well now and im going to update u on what ive been up to this last week.

Well wednesday and thursday i had practice with my team. I drove and didn't crash or die. haha inside joke! I actually love my team so far. Were really fun together...playing wise we have our serious moments and omg hilarious moments! haha hannah is so trouble!

All weekend i worked on this thing and buy monday dad had it running correct. WE couldn't get the hard drive light to stop lighting so yeah had to fix that which was very confusing!

Monday i had school and then came home and kk picked me up and we went and saw 4 Christmasas. OMG go see it! Its hilarious! The ending omg we couldn't stop laughing for like 2, maybe 3 min after the movie actually ended! It was good stuff! If u wanna know what everyone got for xmas look on louies page cause he had the camera and explained it very well! haha i mimiked u kk! :D

Tuesday i had robotics. We watched that movie about brainstorming from IDEO again kk! I love it and think we should watch it again and make signs just like them to hang in our CAD room! That would be sweet!

Wednesday i woke up to mom yelling at me to get up cause i had to go change the rabbits crocks cause she was leaving and didn't have time to do it! UG so i froze my butox off doing that for like an hour plus some and then came in and ate. By that time it had started snowing and i went down to my "hole" and got ready for school plus duh talked to kk! oh and lou but i sort of forgot about u after i restarted my computer! haha sorry! We figured out that i can look and organize my music from itunes from my ipod on my computer but they won't save onto it! OK APPLE COME ON! COME OUT WITH SOME STUPID FREE DOWNLOAD THAT MAKES THIS POSSIBLE FOR PEOPLE LIKE ME! GEE...Yeah i am pretty pissed but figure there is away around apple and i just have to figure it out!

Then driving to school omg there was this semi getting off the freeway at argone and he like was fishtailing and couldn't stop and i saw out of the corner of my eye and had to slam on the brakes and control skid to the line eventhough i had a green light cause he was croozing and actually ended up back on the freeway! OMG what a morning!

My day at school was blah till engineering when we got to break our bridges. It was fun! Mine held 20lbs. The biggest that was legal held 35lbs. One group made a totally illegal one and it held 75lbs it was insane! like after it cracked in half like people could stand on it! It was cool!

Then driving home it took me 30 min when it usually takes me 10. yeah i think my average speed was 5mph. No joke! There were some people who couldn't make it up the hill under the railroad bridge and then there were two recks on the argone bridge over the freeway! Crazyinsane.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

WOOO HOOO im "Crazy Hyper" today!!!

SO well i need to delete that last blog because im not on that team anymore. But instead i came home yesterday to 4 messages on the answering machine for me! I never get any messages on that thing! wow...but they were good messages. The River City U18 coach wanted me to come play for him. I said yes and then basically pissed off the team i was going to play for! Whops! But for once i chose the best for me. The coach is a really good coach and i actually cant wait to meat him tonight at practice. I mean i saw him at the practice but i mean didn't really know him or really say hi cause i mean there were litterally 200 girls there! Yeah! So yep i have practice tonight and tomorrow! Im excited!

Today though was like wow amazing! Well it started out pretty lame just normal morning chores then i got like really hyper talking to kk and it just sort of stayed with me through the day! I know how cool! lol

Like 1st period i got really far on my xmas present for my mom. Its a bandsaw box that is omg intence! Like it has so many pieces! But now im to the point where im making the lid fit and sanding and rounding the edges. Then i just have to put a finish on it! OMG i love sanding! haha how random!

3rd was omg "I HATE HISTORY!!" day. Like wow that class is intence! Stupid choice of taking a college class and being so actice...there are so many tests and i suck at tests! lol kk! my f! ooo gee! wow...but yeah it was a lame hour and a half of my life wasted listening and learning about our past.

Lunch...wednesdays lunches suck cause im the only one who has that lunch! Yeah so i go sit with some strings geeks and its really lame. blah blah blah...

5th...Engineering! I love this class! I finished my bridge and sent a picture to kk! hehe!

After school i went and practiced my violin for like an hour in a practice room. I needed it! Oh this is hillarious to me! So i guess i pissed the girl who used to be my stand partenr...she was a by telling her if she didn't turn the page when she was supposed to i would have the 3rd chair kid take her spot. She like left the room crying! whops! I mean to me if i was told that i would seriously actually turn the page when i was supposed to cause i wouldn't wanna loose my spot. She didn't and so the other kid is now my stand partner and now i actually have someone who can actually turn the pages! 1st chair whot whot get some privlages! haha! In a way im glad cause she was making me mad that we had to stop because she didn't turn our page! OMG freshy meat is fun to play with! lol :D Man im mean to them!

Then i came home and dad put my winter tires on my car while i ate what he called road kill. It looked horrible but was actually really good! haha...dads talented like that! wooo what now kk! haha i hurd about u and ur spagetti! lol Wanna have a cook off! with me id be a bake off! lol mmm i love sugar! Duh im a girl and a teen! Thats for u lou!

Well im off to practice! Im driving! Yikes freeway at night! ahhhhhhhh! i can do it! ill be the little red train going up the hill! lol

Monday, December 8, 2008

I made it!!!

Well i didn't even have to tryout, but i got on a team! Im playing on Cheney vbc (volleyball club)! My mom stayed home today cause she had some huge migrane headache. She pulled a few strings and talked to some people and got me on this team. Yay! Im really excited cause my bff alexa is on that team to! OMG her and i could seriously be twins! When were together everyone around us is laughing their heads off! LOL teradacle rrr! inside joke yo! Man good times in seattle! :D

WEll today was going crappy till that happened and i texted kk durring so naughty! lol The homework was so easy, i finished in class!

OMG kk 9 more days of school till christmas break and we still don't have snow! This sucks!!!! I WANT SNOW!!! OOOOOO and who could not forget... 6 days till next monday when u 2 get ur gifts and i get ur gifts! How lucky i am! lol 2 for one! lol I love this attitude right now! so jolly and hopeful! Lifes good guys! We hit some bumps but when we hurdle over them we realize well that was not that bad! lol...

OK the best radio station like web radio. Have u been to You can make ur radio stations and listen for free! I love it! Im listening right now! WOOO GO kenney chesney! hahahahahahahahaha

Sunday, December 7, 2008

This is the most stressfull day in my life!!!

Today i tried out for VIP and Crimson Crush. Daren the vip coach called me and told me that i didn't make the cut! Bummer! Then i waited and waited and waited and then got a call from the crimson crush coach. He said i have to wait till 9 or so because i am the 1st alternate really nervous. The river city team told me no too so this is my last chance! Then well im screwed if they say no! Yep!

And well lou and kk i guess with all ur hope and luck you gave me well it made me happier of course but well yeah i feel so bad that i put myself down and u 2 down cause well u and my mom were my s upport dad could care less! Seriously all he cares about lately is money! "Ur moms spending too much money i need to limit how much she can spend..." blah blah blah...i mean it drives me insane because he says mom can't buy me that which all my friends have but he can go out and buy mathew thousands of dollors of ski stuff. Does it make sence to u? Didn't think so! Some days he really pisses me off, others i love him cause well sometimes he does my homework and i say yep yep i think ur on the right's i tell ya! Lou i hope u never become as bitchy as my dad is! If so im taking ur kid away from u! I mean i feel so sorry for myself lots of days when i can't do anything about it.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tryout 1 River City update

I don't know how i did according to the coaches watching. Just to get that out of the way.

But there were about 25 girls trying out for the U-18 Team which they will probably take 10 or so. Mom says i looked good out there but hey i honestly don't know. I feel like i had my good moments and some bad, bad moments. Whops! But as it is they will not call till tomorrow night as it is even if you didn't make it...there very nice people, it seems like!

Thanks to all the people who prayed and gave me good luck today through this...i hope it worked! ;D

Ill keep peps updated as i have time...

this is for lou...i usually don't procrastinate but i did this weekend cause well i thought that sheet would only take like 30 min. and it actually ended up taking 3 hours.

My life = Homework!

Like my title says, my life is homework. It sucks! Most days i hate it. But as life goes on with more and more homework i guess u get used to it. I guess u sort of just have to. Its just life.

I say that because sunday dad and i stayed up till 1am on my homework that i procrastinated on. Yeah my history book is now called the devils book at is evil!

When i got up dad said i was to tired to drive so he drove me to school and picked me up after i basically slept through the class consisted of sleeping and texting kk. What that class consists of doing nothing when u turn all ur stuff in before the due date.

Then i had a Wohelo meeting and i guess i am really further than i thought i was. Which is good.

Tuesday was lame too. But in a good way. I didn't get much homework and it was like a break day. After school i had a 4-H meeting and it was like 3 hours long! OMG i was so tired! Well that is mostly cause i had to tattoo 10 or so rabbits after the meeting and they didn't want to be nice. Darn rabbits some days! gee

Wednesday i had late start! WOOOHOOO!!! I actually have late start for 3 weeks in a row. Late start consisted of sleeping till 7:30 and then talking to kk and lou. Luv's u 2! Yep then chores here and there. Oh and taking mathew to school and myself to school too. Wow lots of driving today! Totally fine with me though. Class was hard today though, i felt. I have a essay due friday and a english test friday and my bridge in engineering due yeah and a try out tonight and tomorrow! Im gonna die! Don't expect me to do anything this weekend but sleep and organize and maybe scrapbook cause after all this stress im gonna need it!

yep so im off to a try out right now...tootles...wish me luck!

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Thanksgiving was a little different this year. Lets just say my parents forgot some ingredients in a few things and that led to lots of yelling at one another. Yeah so heck its just food. I mean like kk said last week, "at least you have food on ur table". I mean we have thanksgiving every year like 5 or 6 times anyway so like it matters if one time you mess up.

Friday was fun. I slept in and then at like 2pm mat, dad, and i went up to my favorite place, the alpine haus. It gets you into the mood to ski so easily. Well i basically got my Christmas present early. They should just stop trying cause it always happens like this. We went up there to pick up Mathews boots and poles, but instead the guy who had been working on the custom foot beds for his boots was not there so i got fitted for a new pair of boots and yep got them. I was going to get Mathews hamy down ones from last year but the lady said that they were massavy too big for me so yay i got new ones just for me. These are them. Aren't they a beauty! heheYeah so they fit me perfect. Well a heck of a lot better than mathews old ones. His would have been 3 fingers too big for me which is like a whole size plus a tad to big! The people up there care so much about u that if you love the feel of the boot and its the right size then if there is any little uncomfortable thing they will grind it out for u. My left foot is bigger than my left as so is that leg, but so they are grinding out the pinkey toe on the left one cause well it is also wider than my other legs and feet are so weird! I'm so excited for snow! I get to go pick these up with my skis on Saturday! I'm so excited! by then or close to then we should have snow! I WANT SNOW!!!

Saturday was my brothers birthday party and it was so fun. It was him, a girl (he wont let me call her a girlfriend), tiler, lyle and i went go cart racing at fast cart and it was so fun! 15 min is as long as you need!!! wow i was pooped! But that was probably cause well i crashed like 2 times but well it was so so i was not joking when i said "zoom, zoom, zoom, crash" this morning! I mean there was this one corner that u had to use ur brakes on or you seriously would slam into a wall, concrete wall! yeah i learned that the hard way! I wanted to go fast what could i say! I would hit the 2nd corner and then floor it till the next and then have enough speed to just coast till i got to "the corner" and then u had to use ur brakes! It was really funny seeing other people crash on the court! haha Then i was an illegal passenger in the back of my moms car cause dad didn't want pizza so heck it was actually sort of fun! lol im such a rebel!

Today i went up to jamie's house and we watched an extra credit movie called the patriot and omg talk about heads flying off! uggg it was so nasty! Then yeah her driveway is like a hill basically so i had to use my ebrake and well thought i pulled it all the way off till i let my foot off the acceleration and stopped. Yeah i pulled over and called dad and i guess u have to pull it till it clicks so i did and then sat there while i let the tires cool so they would not catch on fire. No harm done i just went like 3 houses down from hers and stoped. Dad said i would have been on fire if i had drove home like that so it was a good thing i stopped.

Wow what a weekend! But stop reading about mine and go write ur own blog u losers who never reply or comment! hahaha jkjkjkjk Well i hope to hear good weekends from all y'all too so post um so i can comment! tehe tehe! lol =D

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

man ive been busy!

Sorry guys i've been a tad busy lately.

Wednesday i had school and then a wohelo meeting with katie. OMG if your a girl text some guys for pick up lines it is hilarious!!!! We did that and got some really funny ones!

Thursday i had the volleyball get together and yeah i sort of found it embarrassing when my coach made it a point to state that i had not only improved in volleyball but with talking to older adult figures. Yeah so she was my teacher in 9th grade and every time i had a question and went up to talk to her about it i would cry. don't know why but i would. Durring the season i went to talk to her in her office and she was amazed cause at the end she was all "you know ashley guess what u didn't do that whole time? Cry! Girl u have come a long way since i have had you. " yeah then my whole team yelled gentle giant...eventhough i was not gentle everyday. I had my moments!

Then friday i just went to school and came home. Blah day...TGIF day!

Saturday katie and i did a cpr class together at the camp fire office. It was a 4 hour class! But i now know cpr. ha. OMG kk guess who our, katie and i's, partner was Mr. Ivan! yeah wierd! haha. Then we, kim, kate, and i, went to the verizon store and got me my phone and me added on their plan. I have the voyager if any of you don't know that already!

Sunday i had a 4-H thing at the fair ground and it was boring. BUT the 4-H director for our region got his head shaved for and auction bid thing and it was so hillarious!!! His wifes face was priceless!!!

Then monday i had school and came home.

Tuesday i went to school and then after school i ran with the cc team and it was so fun! I missed them!

Wednesday i had late start and ran after school again! It's gonna become rutine again! yay! I miss running! Plus i need to stay in shape for volleyball.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Scrapbooking Fun!!!

AKA Craft day to lou. hehe

I have a car as a few of you know and i got permission to drive out to CDA and spend the day with kk scrap booking. The drive there was good i mean no incidents to tell of. I mean i had never drove to her house before and had no problems with the directions she gave me. YAY!

I got there and her dad was blowing all the leaves to the street. CDA is lucky they have leaf pick up. Spokane does not and we have to bad it and take it to the composting place. UG!

We scrapbooked till 2 or so and then kk went with me and taught me how to do the whole gass's easier than i thought it would be. Then we picked up some lunch and photo's. After lunch we went to jo ane's and got some paper and stickers. I LOVE STICKERS!!! :D

We went home and i did one or 2 more pages then noticed what time it was. Time flies by too fast when ur having too much fun! hehe. Then we said our good byes and i left her and lou some cookies. I hear she had to confinscate them though, which is funny!

Before i got on the freeway heading home i kept trying to call my parents and tell them that i was heading home and it kept droping my call so i called kim and had her try while i was on the freeway. I was doing good and all and now understand rush hour....ugg. But when i got the the valley mall exit there was a bunch of flying wood and thank god non hit my window. I am a hundred percent sure though that i did run some over so i am keeping a good eye on my tires.

U of Idaho Rocks!!!

Thursday was nothing other than blah school.

But Friday was hella amazing!!!I mean Ms. Nelson, Briana, and i all went down to u of i and had the time of our lives. I have to say i am the best dj when it comes to road trips! heheThis was the sunrise coming down when it finally stopped raining! We ate breakfast at the u of i and then sat in on a pannel of engineers that have graduated from u of i. They were really resourceful. After that i wanted to already start thinking about classes next year...wooo sr. year! haha. Then we went on a campus second one for this month. hehe
This was the coolest tree i saw on campus!! I mean it is so intense with all the roots going different directions.
Walking down the hello walk way...looking up! God i love trees! I mean nature is so beautiful and relaxing. :D
Briana and i on the way home. Smile for the camera!:D

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Matt Nathanson Concert

Tuesday night i went to the matt nathanson concert with kk, katie and lou. It was so the beginning i was so energetic but towards the end kk and i were about to fall asleep on each other!!! I left at like 11:30pm and it was insane!!! We didn't even get to hear come on get higher!!! Crazyness!

Wednesday was chill. WEll a lot better than tuesday, atleast at school. I had shop, american experience, and engineering/ physics. One of the dudes in my EP(engineering/Physics) class was complete so he helped me understand that whole bridge design thing we were doing in solid works...groshoff is no help!!! Well actually grosh was gone so i had to and i now understand it! yay! no more freaking out ness! Then i insanly did 3 homework assignments because the 1st one was the one i did almost 100% wrong and i wanted to re-do it and then that nights homework then i asked for a extra practice sheet. Yeah what can i say i wanted to understand it and now i do! No more freaking out on my end. Im cool with my math. Math is my bestest friend! lol..

Today i had strings, photography, mentor, AP english, and math. I finished all my prints and it was so amazing. I was the only one back there and it was so quiet and peacefull...i could finally hear myself think! What a miracle! Then yeah goofed off in mentor cause there was a sub. Have lots of homework in english, and did all my math in class and finished allmost all my math for tomorrows assignment in class. Went home and no one was today was like amazingly quiet and peacefull just like i needed it to be. Did my homework to no noise but rain drops and omg if paper did not soak up rain i would have done my homework out side.

When dad got home he was on the net looking up some stuff and he was on mt. spokanes website looking at their web cam and it was snowing!!! IT WAS SNOWING!!!!! My dad was up there monday and since monday they have got 13in at the summit and 11 at the base!!! AHH JUST AMAZING!!!

And to make it even better. I don't have school tomorrow!!!This little piggy lets to go to U of I again and pretend she is a engineer going to school there! hehe k maybe not but close to it! :D

Monday, November 3, 2008


hey guys,

i didn't do much for holloween so i guess u could call me lame! But like id care!

Sunday i left with my strings group/class to go to Missoula, Montana. I rode in a school van with miss. mills driving and i passenger with 4 lil. children aka Ana, Alyssa, mark, and some other dude that i am like spacing out on his what a day!

We got to Kellogg for lunch and ate at subway. Now this is a hilarious story. Mark this really religious kid paid for his sandwich with a 20 and the lady gave him back 2 dollars but he was supposed to get 12. He started like yelling at her and telling her that she was a liar and that she knew it and that she was the biggest liar and that she was so wrong and that he gave her a 20 not a 10! It was insane!!! like i have never seen this kid yell and especially over that! The lady actually started crying and i was seriously the next person in line to pay and i told her that he shouldn't have yelled that bad at her and she was all "yeah i deserved that" but while she said that she was seriously crying like baling! poor girl! so every time we went by a subway the whole trip we all pointed it out and looked at mark. lol :)

then we got to the hotel and yeah it was gorgeous! it had water falls and saunas and a huge pool with water slides! We swam and stuff till like 9:30 and then we decided we wanted ice cream so we drove down to a dairy queen and like right as we pulled up they shut off the lights! such jerk faces!!! so we just kept driving down that road till we found a coldstone creamery and they were open. kk i have now had coldstone ice cream!

I really don't understand how people get so freaked out and excited to go to coldstone i mean they just mix up the ice cream with their is like how people are so obsessed with Starbucks! i mean what has our world come to? We are destroying our smaller businesses and supporting huge franchises and companies. Why don't people realize these facts in our economy? I mean this election could change how everyone lives in the US. I mean obama wants to seriously take money away from middle class people and give it to the lower class and i mean that totally supports the higher class which totally is where franchises like Starbucks makes all their money and where all those fancy restaurants get all their money from. Why does this world not care about us teenagers who are also affected by this in this election. I mean we will be the ones in college and learning how to live when the world could be going through a great depression again! Why do grownups make such horrible mistakes that they don't realize how much it affects us younger adults?

So yeah lol...i was in a room with miss mills, Alyssa and Ana. All the teens were on one bed till like 11pm when miss mills was all so u three gonna snuggle over there or are one of u gonna come over here? We all sort of looked at each other! Alyssa volunteered and when i woke up in the night both of them were hugging their sides of the bed! I was hilarious!!! OOO and i guess i now talk in my sleep cause they all herd me! :D

This morning i got up and took a shower and then ate and sat out in a comfy chair and watched tv. Then we started loading the vans and dammm it was cold i had to dig in my already packed bag for my sweater!!! O and that was not even worm enough! I got out my hat and a long sleeve shirt on over my dress! it was like 30 degrees!!! brrrrr....but hey there was snow on the mountains all around us!!! HAHA KK!!! :P

yep we performed and it was amazing/ whops! lol like some moments we caught each other but heck we had not played in 4 days!!! what do u expect??? Anyways i learned a lot about different bow styles for different centuries.

After we went and changed at the vans. I had spandex and a tank top on under my dress and so i changed behind the van and OMG i was pulling down my dress after i had put my shirt on underneath and some guy drove down and honked his horn and was screaming out the window!! My teacher and all my other orkadorks laughed! It was hilarious! They didn't even see anything!

Then we ate lunch and watched mt. Spokane play.

We hit the road after picking up some gas and stopped at the silver dollar place in Montana.

This whole ride back we drove by all the truckers and did the sign for honk your dang horn and we got 23 trucks to honk and then they kept adding on one for me for that guy at the university that was honking at me! lol That was amazing!!!!!! i mean that was the most truckers i have seen honk. The truckers must of said "hey some kids in a white van will ask you to honk and you should do it" on their ham radios. :P

Then i called kk and we stopped at the Idaho Washington rest stop cause bre had to fing pee!!! yeah momma mills and were rocking out in the van while we waited for them.

Then we arived back at school at 5pm ish and i went and talked to the volleyball coach after practice and asked if he talked to anyone about post season today and he said "yes" but that he didn't need a middle at this point and that if he did he would definately talk to me. he pulled a setter up aka brooklyn because alyssa is leaving this year and wants brook to know all alyssas stunts for the next few years. So yeah and he said he is having all his sr.'s play front for me! :( I am going to bring my stuff and put it in my locker anyway just in case! ;) i mean ya never know!

you guys need to post about ur holoween in boise!!!!lol anyways i will hear about that tomorrow! wink wink! lol :D

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Time for the no homework dance!!! (i don't have one but need one!)lol

I don't have homework for once so i guess i will do some catching up.

Well last week i had a volleyball game on Tuesday that we won, a wohelo meeting on Wednesday, a strings concert on Thursday, and spent the night at Senaida's on Friday.

Then Senaida and i went to the ski swap on Saturday cause i needed some new pants, cause kk u know mine did not fit me all to well last year and senaida had never been so i went with her and we stood in the never ending line and delt with the crouded ness of people. I did endup getting a nice pair of spyder black pants with suspenders, had to add that, for like 50 dollars. Now that was a good buy!! They look brand new too!!

Well then saturday afternoon and sunday i raked leaves, did massave amounts of homework, and made really big, like 4 on a pan, snickerdoodle cookies. They were soooo good! Actually to be specific, and only i would do this, the biggest one had a radius of about 4in!! Yeah they were HUGE!!!! I actually had enough dough to make a pan more so i just decided i was going to make one huge one cause i wanted to and man that puppy was mmm good! I bet u want one!!:D

Then monday was school and a very dramatic practice if i might say so...kk u know what happened and u r the only one who really reads this who would want to know about drama. :D But for those who are stocking me i about called this girl deana on my team a bitch like 3 or 4 times but kept it in...dude that girl needs a bitch slap back into reality!!! Good thing im not really one of those girls who really does that normaly but this could call for a special occasion after this season is over. :D

Tuesday i had a game and yeah we lost and i felt really sort of like a mess...i mean i couldn't make my serves in the game and was never getting set, which is not my fault but really what is up!!! Were suposed to be a team and no were more like captains and then my friends. I like my friends more right now better than my captains and were supposed to be a family and love eachother equilly! God never made us to be the same so i guess this will never happen!

But i was really excited for kk to come to my game...thank god for softball being done! innocent, don't kill me!!! lol But yeah i feel bad we didn't win when u were there tonight. But hey thursday ur coming to give me my tickets and my ipod back ... better not forget!!!...and were playing deer park who we already spanked so yeah that one should be a better one...i really wanna get this serve back down!!! That was so frustrating!!! I mean i never ever miss my serves!!!! UGGGG!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

When did i last do this???

Do you get this feeling that when you get on the internet and finally check things at the end of the day you feel so left out and behind??? Like i feel like i am behind all the time but in reality i am just so far ahead. All my teachers see me freaking out over little things and i always get told that i am actually way ahead and over achieving cause the work is too easy. Does this mean that i am too easy of classes? I mean my ap and honors classes don't seem that hard and i always get told that by those teachers. Like yesterday when i went in to check my grade in history cause i was curious, Ms. Grosebeck was all you know you always do your work and i never really need to check yours because i have faith in you and honor you that you get it done and when i do look i am amazed because i hear of all these things you are involved in and you still have time to get all this done and be so amazingly organized. I mean this totally made me happy!!!! :D BIG SMILE!!!!

Hmm...what have i been up to???

Monday i didn't have school so i did some things and just chilled at was AMAIZNG!!!!:P ur jelous that u had to work!!!

Tuesday i had school...boooo! haha. I mean it is so important but homework needs to die!! Im not joking! Normal day and then afterschool i went into the strings room and grabbed a practice room and made up some absences and practiced for a test i have tomorrow!!! Yikes!! I hate tests! Then i went to medical lake with my girls! Allicia and i have became good friends due to this whole rediculous bus riding trips. :D We like jam out and sing and people get pissed and it is hillarious!!:D i love making certain people pissed! :D But anyways jv and like all da volleyball girls kicked but!!! GO EAGLES!!! But i had like the best like games ever! like i killed like 4 balls and blocked a few and omg served like all the last game...score was 2:15 we won! I served 13 in a row!!! What now medical lake!!! BOOO KILLED THAT!!!! :D The girls were not even touching them...actually one girl did and i nailed her in the face it was hillarious!!! i mean like i was laughing and almost didn't make my last serve but omg what a serve! My girls love me for that! like after the game we say positive things and that was like my most honorable and mentioned positive makes me so happy to kick someones ass cause of my pretty dang awesome serve!!! k done with this braging! :P

Today was blah and went way slow! I had the stupid in a way PSAT this morning! GRRRR...have i not said i hate tests??? I mean i don't understand why we have to practice so much when we could be sitting in class learning more!!! Do some kids really need there brains tested to see if they are actually learning? Some days i wish that i went to a school where everyone wanted and was really there to learn! I mean but then that would make the whole high school drama disapear which would be amazing but so lame! If only they actually had those in spokane...and no i do not ever want to go to g. prep cause rob says if he had his way he would go to public school cause he does not understand where his money ever goes for that school. I mean did u know g prep is in the lowest income part of town so i mean it does not make sence you would think that it would be where a lot of rich people live? Anyways...

Then after the psat i had my 4th, 5th, and 6th periods and they were okeydokey! like i have like 2 subjects of homework...not bad...usually it is like 4 subjects and i wanna kill myself...not literally!!! i just want to make the homework die...which won't happen! Darn!

Then kk and i texted like today about this mat nathanson concert thing and i think and hope we go cause katie and i have love that song "come on get higher..". It is stuck in our heads and omg kk if you listend to my voice mail yeah wow we like made the phone speakerphone and i played it and we sang it!!! OMG she can play it on her guitar! She is da bomb!!! Love you! (to all my sisters) :)

At practice i got to practice with Varsity again after totally thinking that i would never get to do that again...but idk really what to think about it??? i mean i feel jv at practice does nothing really and just has fun and plays and varsity full out like exaustion and 5 min towards the end of practice i got a bloody nose when i went and blew my nose in the bathroom and a big ass floor burn on my hand right where i have my like 2nd degree burn and it like got a cut and it was bleading so yeah i am so, oh so accident prone!!DAM that is so not good!!:(

Night friendy bendy bend (aka groshoff)! :D

Sunday, October 12, 2008


So do u want the inside on homecoming???

i bet u do! lol

Yeah so we(rob and i) went as friends and not boyfriend girlfriends, but just friends. We went dutch as in paying.

(kk and I's back shot of da hair dues)

At like 11:30 in the morning of kk picked me up and we both went down to the Jazz salon downtown and had our hair done. It was a blast!!! There were like 100+ bobby pins and a whole can of hairspray used on my hair it was crazy! But the hairspray smelt soooo good! haha.

(Front of my hair due)

Then we went to downtown mall and ate lunch and got our make up done at the mac table. They were having some deal that day so you got ur make up done and 15 dollars of free merchandise and yep loved it. I think i might actually start wearing make up thanks to that day! haha i never have really. Then we went and had some ben and jerrys ice cream...mmmmmmmm. lol

(back of my hair due)

We rocked out to tunes for like an hour at my house. Oh just to clarify. My parents were gone so she was my i wish forever, but like that would happen! haha but yeah my mom was in tri cities and dad was up on da mountain hiking with his buds sooo girly day!!! Woooooo hoooo! haha

Then he picked me up at 5:30ish and we had dinner at Applebees. Then we had like 30min till we had to be at my bff senaida's house so we drove to the park that is by her house and just leaned the chairs back and rocked out to some tunes and caught up and talked...nothing bad happened! Were just friends and it's gonna stay like that! lol love guru "my chastaty belt!"haha no but yeah there is an inside joke to that from camp! lol don't ask! just don't go there girl! lol

Then we got like a bazillion pictures taken at Senaida's house since my parents were not home to take pictures. Then we all went to the dance and got more the little moves we had to make to make the picture perfect! We were joking about it and what a night!
(Rob and i)
Rob was all "i usually don't full out dance. I usually like lean against the wall the whole time!" hahahahaha...nope not that night! Dude he was partying it up in the middle with me alll night and man i had never seen this kid get that funky! lol He definitely learned some new moves! Then we got tired and had to make it home before curfew so we left at like 10:20 ish and yeah just headed home. When he got to my house he came in and met my mom cause my dad was asleep already.

Well yep and kk got all dauled up too so that she and lou, her man she has been living with for almost 3 months could go have a night on the town that i secretly helped plan! When kk and i went dress shopping she was all "i want to go to homecoming again"! So i e-mailed lou and told him that i thought they should go out to dinner and then he should turn their dinning room into a dance floor and play music from when they were in high school. He did and he bought a strobe light and streamers and yeah i can't wait to talk to her tomorrow! haha

Sorry it's so long! Wow my fingers can go! hehe...THANKS KK!!!!!! I <3 U for everything!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

eh pep's!

So yeah this week has been a blah week. Monday i came to school in my school spirit cowgirl out fit but after they counted during the assembly then i changed into my vandal gear! God i love that school! Then yeah practice. kk i don't think i have really been myself this week and i have yet to understand why but i really want something and need something to change and i don't really know what or have any clue of what i need to change about my attitude and mental thinking. I sort of feel like way over welmed but stressed, but happy, but then not showing any emotion of actually being happy. I mean like today at practice i was making amazing blocks and i was all yeah sure that just happened and i think my team was more happy than i was and that is not normal! Mostly it is because i really need to have a talk with my v-ball coach about things that i don't want to post on here but kk u will find out cause knowing u, u will ask. But i just lately have not been feeling all volleybally and really upset with how somethings have played out this week. :( I mean half my team is failing classes my coach feals that i have not been the real ashley lately and i feel like i am getting put aside like i am not even there. Ok kristen i just blurted out anyway so just chill.
but anyways...tuesday we kicked deer parks ass in volleyball! 3:0 boooya! just like a normal day...i mean i feel really crappy about volleyball and stuff cause i mean u know me kk i have a hard time talking about things and usually write about it right. Well i have not had time to write out all the things that have been bothering me and that is a horrible idea for me to not set aside time for that. I think i will stop this and start writing. God i love writing! I hope this helps my attitude and mental thinking.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

What a Amazing week!!!

Sorry it has been long since i last posted this will explain.

Monday i had physical therapy at 6:30am and what a work out! I mean wow! But i mean i loved it! It is one of those pains that feels good when u know that u are helping it heal. By the way i drove to this by myself...Mathew was sick so mom stayed home with him and i got the car for the day. Normal day at school and then volleyball practice. Then hmmm...i just had a bunch of homework on Monday night. i think? Yeah im pretty sure that was my Monday.

Tuesday was good. Normal school day. Actually the only day i went to strings this whole week! ha. Then we played volleyball against riverside and we won! yep we kicked some boootay! lol :D then of course never goes away!!!

Wednesday was late start and yeah the people who read this know what i do on late start mornings. ha. Then i had shop and i am officially almost done with my cutting board i think i just have to trim and edge and re-route it and then finish it. The got more homework than i wanted in American Experience. And used my handiness in the shop to start making my cube puzzle. Then practice again! haha we had to draw for secret sisters and we had to re-draw like 8 or 9 times cause we either got someone we already had gotten or ourselves. it was hillarious because towards the end we were getting so frusterated on why this was not working like it usually does. Then homework again! Told u it never goes away!!!

Thursday i had physical therapy again at 6:30 am and man same as monday love the feeling of pain! lol i know im weird kk! Deal with it! haha :D I was late for photography but we are in groups and my group did what the other group was doing tuesday so i just goofed off on the computer and yeah it was fun! :P Then mentor...omg hillarious. I got my coach as my ss(secret sister) and she loves cars and actually has a ferarri (i know right, jelous haha) and so i went online and made a collage of the cars off of the movie cars and then put some ferarri pictures on it...then wrote a little thing on the back...she laughed really hard when i gave it to her with her hillarious glasses that have the nose with the musdash, and food...go dollar store!!! haha. AP english yeah omg senaida is hillarious! She sat in her desk with her hands infront of her like she was holding her poles (pretending she was skiing) and would like move her body like she was skiing and then she kept saying she wanted to go skiing! haha...then i sit across from this girl rachel and she is hillarious...actually we are hillarious! We sat in class making funny faces back and forth to each other and then the teacher looked at us and we had to stop! haha...the teacher gave us to much time to take a 5 question test! haha :P Then i had a test in Math and personally i think i did good but i have no idea. Then volleyball left at 2pm for colville and out varsity one but everyone else lost. aka we lost but it was our passing the first 2 games because i played all around and we won our 3rd game...crystal my sub for back row was not getting any of the deep court balls so i mean i blame her for our loss whitch i probably should not be doing...oh well! Then i got back to the school at like 11pm and i drove home...i drove to school again today too! haha mom took dad's car and dad took his was amazing! haha. I got home and unpacked and then took a shower and went to bed.

Friday was the most amazing of them all! :D I got up about 4:30am and we left for University of IDAHO at 5:30 to be there at 7:30am for the early bird tour. We toured around campus and then went to like 3 or 4 seminars on different things in the morning. Then went to the outdoor recreation building and they had a fair thing in the gyms. I talked to some professers...yes the ones you told me about kk! :D and then one of them aka professesers took me and another boy to give us a tour of all the engineering buildings and it was sooo cool! there was this pimped out hummer with the coolest engine compartment i have ever arangement of batteries and everything inside of it. Then i saw the snowmobile and go cart. We saw so many cool machenes and omg i am so interested! Then we went to bob's for lunch. We met back at the outdoor recreation building and left for tours of the dorms and freternity and sorority houses. The sorority houses are cool but i don't think i would like the environment. I think dorms are my way of living. I guess i live in the tower the first year and then who knows where the next. Then we went on a tour of the outdoor recreation building...kk does mr. mike work there??? like the climbing area??? I thought i saw someone who looked like him. then mom and i went to the store somewhere in here and i got a yellow vandal shirt and white vandal shirt and a under armor long sleve half zip vandal shirt...i am actually wearing the yellow one and my under armor right now! haha! Then mom and i left the campus and drove to find a parking spot down town and walked around down town for like an hour maybe. little down town mostly down main street. ha. i already know street names! how funny! Then we truly headed home after eating dinner. Sorry we could not go to pattys because a sorrority or fretornity house that was right behind it i guess caught on fire and there were tapes and fire trucks blocking it. I didn't see any fire but that anoying alarm was going off and there were a ton of people outside. Yep then i got home and mom and i and yeah everyone in the house took naps when we got home and then wow what a good nap! haha
Thats it! I love U of does my mom! hehe :D

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sundays in a way suck!

I mean i had a good day but the whole reality of omg tomorrows monday god dam it!!! Then realizing actually how much homework you have...yeah i didn't think i had that much then opened up my bad and was like SHIT! Yeah the reason is because i was tired yesterday after volleyball and friday when i got home from physical therapy i crashed on the couch. Yeah then slept till 10am this morning and cleaned outside for atleast 2 or 3 hours.

You are all going to be jelous cause i am jelous of this. My brother had his ski race meeting slash half of gear from brand companies down at the Alpine Haus today and man. He got brand new Blizard world cup GS race skis, Brand new tecknicka boots, Brand new slallom and GS poles with hand guards, oh plus bindings for his new skis. The thing is he got new skis and boots last year too!! SO NOT FAIR!!! like over 1,000 dollars spent on him in less than an hour! Ok could u do that for me instead by buying me a fing car! Or mom a car...either one fits me cause i like moms car fine. Yeah cause he asked me after if i wanted anything and i did. I told him i wanted a new coat that they had there but they didn't have my size and that i wanted a new phone on the verizon plan and that i wanted someday a car so i don't have mom driving everywhere. Yeah then onto homework and as a Jr. i already have SR. itus! I mean it! hence why i am going down to U of I friday and to a college fair on wednesday i think! I want to get the heck out and dodge! I want to be independent and not have my parents so oh so protective of me. If i had a car i would be hanging out with friends instead of writing this! Which i have not really done in like 2 or 3 weeks. The only people i have been hanging out with have been my volleyball team, nida and kk. I mean it!

Ok im done blabing on about life! Night :D

Saturday, September 27, 2008

What a week!!!

So Sunday i declared to be a pj day and slept allllll day.

Then i woke up Monday and was feeling ok but my nose was all runny and i had a huge head ache and a sore throat. I thought that it was probably just alergies since yeah i have alergie issues, and i went to school. After lunch i was feeling like crap and wanted to go home but i feel so bad leaving my team. I went and talked to my coach and man she is more like a She was all "do u have a feaver?" i was all i don't know. so she felt my head and was all girl u need to go home! Go to sleep and don't even worry about coming to school tomorrow if you don't feel good.

Tuesday i woke up at like 6am to mom asking me if i felt ok cause i had turned of my alarm clock for school and fell back asleep...yeah i didn't go to schoool for some time. I went upstairs after like sleeping till 9:30-10am ish. then i ate something and went back to sleep till about 11:30am. Then i had this brilliant idea that if i went to school for atleast half the day i could play for my team since monday night 3-4 people did not show up to practice on my team. but i guess since i have 7 classes (zero hour) that i have to be there for 3,4,5 and 6th periods and not 4,5,and 6 like i was...stupid! So stupid! so i couldn't play but i didn't have a fever anymore and was feeling a ton better! I still went to the game and sat in my uniform on the bench and supported my team. They lost and i felt bad but there was nothing i could do.

Wednesday was late start and a breze. Shop, American Experience, and Engineering/Physics. Cut some wood, write some notes and then take a test. That was my day in school! OMG easy day! yay! lol :D Then i went to practice and let me tell ya that was some awkward practice. I mean almost all of us seemed like we were all in our own little worlds and not even in the gym. Yeah so we had to run and do a ton of dive!

Thurday was well another roller coaster ride. The morning was a breze and the night was horrible but ended fun. Photography, english and then a 2 hour 30 or so min. bus ride to Clarkston. Then omg this is the horrible part. We were worming up and well i was jump serving and rachel was walking back with a ball and didn't see this giant flying through the air and i ended up landing on her foot and spraining my left ankle for the idk how manyith of time. This is the fun part. On the bus ride home courtney, brook, deana, brittany and i all had a doctor phil session in the front of the bus. But instead it was called the Doctor Philabobia show. We all had different accents and omg i can't even do into the conversations we had but it was mostly girl guy issues and homecoming...good times...oh plus deana didn't have a voice and still does not have a voice and omg she was hillarious when she talked! :DD lol

Friday was blah...A TGIF day! Most def. I was told that i could not practice till i got a doctors note for my ankle but my doctors office is closed on fridays so my mom took me to my physical therapist. I ended up doing physical therapy for an hour and then getting a doctors note for saturdays tourney. we had a tourney at East VAlley High School. We did ok. i mean we played 4A and 3A good schools Jv teams and our team was litterally full of crippled players! Deana and courtney hurt there knees in the clarkston game and allicia sprained her ankle at practice friday and then something else happened to someone else and then i have a sprained ankle. Yeah out of 9 girls i think 5 of us were taped or had a brace on. But we won some games and lost some games. We learned a lot and played a lot and had a but load of fun...omg our bus driver was hillarious!!! I wish we could suggest to have him on all our bus trips!

Yeah so i went from sick to injured. Missed almost all my games this week and then finally got to play a lot actually today.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Today was so fun in ways that to some people would make no sense. I woke up at about 9am and just sort of made myself a wonderful breakfast and then put on some sweats and tshirt and started on my chores. I didn't really know what time kk was going to come so i planned on getting my chores done early or before 12:45 cause i know it takes about 45 min to get from Rathdrum to Spokane and that her bbq ( bird quties) started at 12 so i think i planned pretty dandy. Don't even bring up what i had to do cause i was amazied that i finished it in 3 and a half hours and that i had time to take a long ass shower finally, eat a good ol sandwitch, and then sit down while the house was quiet and do some homework.

Then she called and i was ooo so ready! haha i went upstairs and mat was all what have you been up too? i was math homework. He was all "wanna play some guitar hero with me?" i was heck yeah! lol we played a good half hour before kk got here.

OMG the bestest part!!! KK and i went down to Northtown Mall and went Dress Shopping!! Homecoming is October 11 and i am ready! im ready, im ready, im finding nemo! WE went to deb and saw some cute dresses but nah...then we went to mariposa and omg talk about lovely dresses. I found 3 that i liked and i ended getting this one...isn't it bea...utiful! love it and guess what it was only 30 dollars! amazing right! yeah then shoes like across the hall at famous footwear...and neclace and earings and this really adorable handbag that was only 3dollars...kk if u ever need to borrow it just let me know! i could tell you wanted it and really u only use them for dances!

LOU this is for u! U on october 11 are going to get all dauled up and kk is going to have her make up done and possibly hair and dress too either go out to dance or make that little dining area a dance floor and turn ur computer speekers as loud as they will go and party it up. There kk i did ur job! haha

Yeah then we went to Woman. It was soooo soooo funny! omg the end and her face and the lez. lady like hugging that nurse and omg i loved it and could make some comparisons but wow amazing!!! What lou girls like chick flicks! if u got a problem with that bring it! i mean it! lol im jking around!

night you all...even bentley! loves to all and to all a good night!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

We kicked Medical Lakes ass!!! lol!

yeah that basically sums up my day cause it was the highlight and today was very lame! wow! short blog but kk u missed a good game! Shucks! well yeah they just plain sucked and we creamed them majorly! lol like i served like at least 1/2 of each game we played and they never touched um! oh well lots of serving practice on my end! lol :D hey im going to call you Friday night aka tomorrow night about Saturday or Sunday what ever day were going dress shopping! Im excited! no doubt! ttyl

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

i sweated so much at is crusty...i need a shower!!!

Sorry it has been so long since i last posted. lets see what have i been up to other than school, volleyball, homework, sleep, and again and again! lol

Monday was just a normal Monday. Nothing special happened.

Tuesday was, well it had it's good moments and bad moments. We had a volleyball game down in Pullman. Yeah like 2 hour drive...sucky GNL League...but it is also a good thing cause well we only have like 850 kids in my school. We lost but i got a varsity jersey and wormed up with varsity after playing my jv game and loosing...every team lost...the only fun, real fun part was the bus! But i was numero doce (12?) yeah and i bench the whole 5 games but it was really cool to be like that close to playing and cheering them on and calling in or out like super dooper loud and then listening to the advice the coaches were giving and how the team was working as a team.

(New paragagraph for The bus ride home was OMG like OOOMMMMGGGG fun! haha. We stoped at cougar country and omg they have the best burgers in the word and i didn't even want to think about what i was eating...STUPID FAST FOOD NATION!!!!...but omg tummy was in heaven! then the bus ride home we were told to do homework and then we were alowed to talk till the top of some hill in colfax. So as everyone was using their cell phone light i pulled out my handy dandy head team called me the gold miner. They were SOOOO Jelous! haha.
Story time! so i was sitting there and just like turned on my light and my coach turns around and was all "ashley what is that thing that is so dam bringht!" Looked down and was all haha "only ashley would bring a goldmining light" Yeah but then i turned around cause i herd my name and every one was like turn it off turn it off! haha but i got my homework done.

Then we told jokes and did telephone...omg there were some messed up thoughts in some of those girls heads! let me tell ya wooooy! ha...yeah then we were all getting tired so we sort of all one by one bailed to our seats and crashed. Good times good times! If im a gold miner then i shold be pretty f-ing rich with the price of gold right now!! haha.

Yeah then this morning i got up at 7am and turned on the computer and omg had so much fun...that is the greatest way to start a day is talking with ur bff kk (lol) and like fighting over a little thing but like totally joking about the whole thing and laughing the whole u comming or not! oh no i just started trouble! hehe...go for it kk...can't touch this, na na na na, na na, can't touch this...! haha yeah random moment there! Then the cavities. Then i thought mom told me to call dad for some reason and when he picked up i asked her why i was callin dad and she was all i have no idea why u called ur dad...yeah i was supposed to call my brother and tell him he better have his ass ready to go to school when we pull in the driveway! he did and i didn't have to call him!

Yep...that summs it latas!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

My oh my! Boys...

This weekend was supper long. There were times where i wanted to just make time speed up so it would finally end. Which to some people would be totally insane but when u hear what happend you will agree. I just wanted to be around friends who understand what i am going through and not at home or fair...animals don't talk back! day i will invent a animal that is a robot that knows how to deal with girls having guy issues. one day...just one day a lot of things are going to happen on the road im on.

So friday i fell asleep right as i got 8pm! Wow is right!

Saturday i played volleyball out at Cheney High School and did better than i thought we would do. We got 2nd in the JV tournament. We beat Riverside, Deer Park and Lake City. That's right kk we beat ur 4a school and were 2a! BOO YA! lol shove that down ur throught! jkjkjk...finally a laugh out of my mouth...1st of the day! Got home and showered and fell asleep again like really early...8pm ish Oh by the way we lost to post falls so i guess lou's old school district beat me...u used to live in post falls smart one! That is for lou if like u read this super duper early on a monday morning! hehe :D luv u...lollol...this blog has so far made my day! yayayayay

Today sucked ass! I woke up to a missed text from Rob saying that he needed to talk to me at like 10:30...i was way out then! I called him and he was all "Dana and i are together and i just thought letting you know now instead of after homecoming would be a better idea. I would still love to go with you and still think it would be a blast but if you would not want to go i would understand." I said i would still like to go but was just really discombobulated by the information he had just told me and that i was going to sit on it for a few days. I texted him later saying that i would love to go and it would be like going with a group of friends since he is a good friend and a good person to talk to anyway. No hard feelings. Before that i called charlotte(in portland) and told her what was happening up here and she was so amazed but like was totally on my side and was saying the same things i was thinking so i love and miss my charlotte! I miss girl talk! :(

Then katie called me and at this point i was not feeling good and just wanted to lay in bed all day but katie asked if i wanted to go to the fair with her and ride rides and stuff and so i got out of bed took a shower...since yes i was crying...and went down to the fair and rode rides with her till i literally felt like i was going to throw up. like no joke that ring of fire did a number to my stomach! But then we went back to her horse stall and hung out and i rode her horse around in the worm up arena and then i walked her around while she was loading her tack in the trailer and omg i wish i had a horse...i love aminals! totally sped that wrong on purpose kk! lol :D then my mom called and i went down to the rabbit barn and loaded some stuff in dads truck and then went this time i was feeling light headed, had no voice, sneezing, and my stumach hurt extremely bad!

That sums up my weekend rollar coaster! Not a fun one to be on let me tell ya! lol...don't u just love my metaphores?

well hopefully tomorrow comes quick and i fall asleep with out crying cause i am sitting on my bed and it brings back memories from this morning! UG...this is the whole boy part! Some days u love um some days u wish they never evolved on the planet. Not u lou though! i mean kk would be no where with out u! hehe...u 2 are so darn cute!!!! :D :D hehehehehehe
Night y'all!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Phil Vassar Concert with kk! Bo ya!

The Piano man aka Phil Vassar!
He is good at multitasking...must be in his thirty's though...darn! hehe :D
Goofy Faces!!! Nice one kk! i should have not looked at the camera then it would have looked even goofier! hehe
Thanks for going with me sort of like a tradition now kk. red high heals and now this! wow most def. a tradition. I had a blast! OMG i love music!!! Can't u tell!? ha. Can't wait for dress shopping in what 8 days! Im going to count down k.

Joe Nickles Concert Cont.

Joe Nickles...Such a hottie. Especially when his shirt came off! OHH MAN!!!
Isn't he cute!!
I loved this guitar! A guy with an amazing guitar!!!
The moon and sunset
Senaida and i at the Joe Nickles Concert. Such a Blast!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Cit love

late start...yay! I miss some people in my life that i wish could have never left. But i have to deal with the fact that i do get to see one of them every day. That is senaida. I noticed after i got home from camp the first weekend that i could not say like. for example i could not say i like doing that i loved doing that. Camp people are the people i mostly miss. I mean how can u go live with people and then in an instant have to say goodbye i mean it is so depressing! I love camp! All the experiences and people i have meet have made such an impact on my life. On the first day of school i kept thinking that one month ago we (all 16 of us) were starting our family up in cits. I just kept wishing that i could have gone back and done it all again. Not because i regret doing any of that because all the people i trusted out there and we were a amazing team. Then we come home and hannah leaves us on the main land. Camp i wish never had to end. I mean when u come home and all ur friends ask you what u did this summer u just sort of give them a look like if i tell u will never understand. Then the most amazing thing happened. I have history with Nancy and omg i love her and the teacher made the worst mistake of putting us right next to each other. When i was walking down the hall yesterday i made the little half heart and she finished it. It is our little sign ya know that all the cits do. no one understands and i wish so badly that one would because after experiencing all the stuff i did and all those memories i feel everyone should experience it.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Joe Nickles

So sunday was senaida's birthday. She turned 17 and so tonight i took her to the fair and we had like row 10 right in the middle seets to Joe Nicles. He is so cute! He sang our songs and we joked and laughed and had a good time.

Yeah well it is a monday which means tons of homework. I will tell more later!

Sunday, September 7, 2008 what a good nap!

So yeah that was a weird title but it totally explains my day. I went to the fair and did fitting and showing and same as always got second to Maddy. One day i will beat her, one day! Then i took the knowledge test and have no idea on my score cause i was all "i want to go home and sleep!" But before we left i decided that since my feet insoles that i have been wearing were getting a little whacked out these last few weeks from volleyball that i would go talk to the people who i bought them from. They are from the coast and so the only time i can get them adjusted is when they come to town for the fair. The lady looked at them and my feet and made adjustments and wow love them now.

Then we came home and i went down to my room with ambition to do homework...well what was left of my homework but i sort of fell asleep and before i knew it it was 7:30 and i was awake. Wow what a good nap!

Well i have some things to do so ta ta for now partners in crime! hehe

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Fair is so stressfull!!! Arg!

Friday was ok. Really i just wanted to not wake up and skip but i had volleyball so i had to go to school. ug. I did skip zero hour but my mom called in and excused it because i "was feeding my animals at the fair". You know what? There are people in 4-H and FFA that totally just skip school for 5 days and heck i just skipped one period and the teacher found me at school during the day and like was all pissy at me...god go take a f-ing chill pill. Really dude!

Then yeah Thursday night i was getting ready to go to bed and almost forgot to do my math homework...i was so tired and out of it. So i got up and started doing it but got to the last like 6 problems and was all "how the heck do u do these?" i went and woke dad up and we sat at the table for like an hour with coffee and toast to keep us up and focused. We finished but it was literally like 1am. I was like "tell mom that i am sleeping in tomorrow because i can't go to school again on 4 or so hours of sleep." That would be going to school on less than 8 hours of sleep for 2 days and then playing volleyball! NO WAY IN HELL IS THAT HAPPENING!!!

On the way home from my volleyball game mom asked me if we finished all my math and then she said "your dad is one sick puppy cause he loves that stuff!" i laughed. Most of my math class didn't finish the homework that dad and i did so we have the even numbers for homework this weekend that i have yet got to.

On to volleyball...We did fairly ok for being our 5th practice together but we lost every game. We are 2A and we played schools that are 4A so...but i learned a lot and played all the time. Like i was only out joke! But the second game she had me play opposite of setter on week side and i was all "I have never played there before!!! ahhhhh" but i played there and was very confused and had the coach yelling at me and telling me what i have to do while i was stressing about i have to get the second ball!!! omg so stressful and she pulled me out half way through the game to set the old rotation back up and told me it was her fault that we were losing so bad that she was sorry for putting me in there when i had never played there before and that we will practice it at practice before we ever try that again. Then i played middle and kicked some bootay! haha...oh and played katie!!! I miss her and was like making funny faces at her while we were waiting for the ball and she was making them back! our sort of inside joke! going to go call her...

Rob...this is for kk...haha love u! lol So i had to be at the fair today but rob called me saying that his boss called him and that he was so sorry that he could not come hang out with me and that he had to go into work today...sad but i can deal with it! Maybe next weekend! Stay positive Ashley!

This is for kk...i looked at hair magazines today while i was waiting and omg i forgot it at the fair! ahahhahahahahahahhahah...ok it should still be in the back room if not i will go get another one but i loved these two hair styles and am just worried that my hair will not be long enough for it to work! ek...But i am so excited cause in the magazine it was telling me about what i should expect going to my first salon. Im shaking with excitement! Oh by the way i told my mom and she was all "how are u paying for this girl?"...i told her u were and she about freaked so....idk

off for the night! I really need to talk to u kk so yeah i need to call u...when u not busy? I never know but i will just try when i finish with katie...Love u all! tootles

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

These last 2 days have been so so stressfull!

Since i last posted a blog i have been busy and been taken over by the fact that school has started and it sucks ass. Like last night i had practice till 5 and then fair set up and i didn't get homework done till like way past midnight! Yeah i have been on less than 4 hours of sleep and 3 starbucks coffee's today. Gosh i love my friends! Like today i brought one with me and then senaida and i drove to starbucks for lunch and she could not finsh hers so i had it! Love Coffee! Actually matter of fact i am doing a presentation on how coffee makers were first invented for engineering/physics. It is already looking really cool! Love the little affects you can do with power point. Even though i wish we could use movie maker. So yes i was just a tad bitchy this morning but heck u try going to school on 3.5 hours of sleep! Knowing some people they would just skip...not me cause i know that just leads to more homework.

On to Rob. Me and him are trying to plan some little things for homecoming like driving and maybe deciding on colors and just discussing some topics like being embarrassed to dance...heck i just throw myself out there and don't care what people think cause like i have ever had any dance classes! So i guess people just need to build there self confidence up to be at the point i am at where u could care less for what people think about u.

I got my volleyball schedule and from the looks of it i still have one more week off after this and that is way exciting! Cause that means concert with senaida and kk. Oh and senaida's birthday is Sunday and so im going to chill at her place Sunday after i have the fair.

I have been trying to get a hold of Rob so i can ask him if he wants to meat up or hang out at the fair with me this weekend since i have to be there all day Saturday. ooo...ha

I have to look more up about coffee beans but that is the rest of my homework so...i wanna still write.

For volleyball practice these last few days i have been doing very well. I am becoming a utility player and really just playing everywhere. I am usually a middle blocker on the net but she has me playing week side, passing and setting too so yayayaya i get to play lots this year! We have a jamboree this friday then practice all week next week and then a tourney on saturday. I am excited i think were going to do fairly well. Plus what makes this 2x as fun is i think i get to play katie friday! yayayaya i miss her tons!

Well done for tonight! Have to take my rabbits to the fair tomorrow so probably will not update this till after i get home friday...or this weekend...well when ever cause fair messes with all my schedules i am used to! ug
Night y'all

Monday, September 1, 2008

3 min till bed!

Yeah dad just told me that so i will get to this blog tomorrow...just so u know i made JV in Volleyball so yayayayayayay!!!! haha This year is going to be soooooooo fun! haha

3 Day Weekend!!! Im going to homecoming with Rob!!!

I want to first start this blog with a story of my amazing weekend. Well actually it could have been a little more exciting but oh well.

Saturday i woke up and made a list of stuff i wanted to do this weekend. I completed this list. I put my CIT pictures on myspace. I helped my mom and dad do stuff outside with the gutters. I finished my fair project, which was a wire cage. I did my homework so that i would not have to deal with it today or have it haunt me the whole weekend. I decided that since i have finished fast food nation that i will start reading the second book of Sisterhood of the Traveling pants since i should one day finish the series and give the books back to kk. I read about 30pages and then fell asleep.

Sunday i worked on completing more of my list of things to do. I put my CIT pictures on Facebook and chatted with some camp people while i was looking at all the comments from both facebook and myspace. I went shopping with mom and found these chex mix bars that totally reminded me of smores so they went in the cart! haha. I was tired early so i layed in bed and read some more of Sisterhood and then i got to a part where she went out with a guy and i was like i should call Rob. I did and he was at pig out in the park. So if i was to have asked Rob to go he would have said yes, but parents said i could not go which sucks! But instead we talked for like 10-15 min and i asked him if he was going to homecoming with anyone and he was all "no". I jumped to the question and asked if he would go with me to my homecoming and he said "YES!" He said YES!!!! haha So we talked about that a tad and then he had to go so i let him go. I texted Charlotte and she was all "Really??? GO Ashley!!! haha then i said some stuff and she was like i am so proud of you! haha luv her! She asked who i was going to take dress shopping and i was all well probably kk since she is all modely and loves dressing up! haha she was all yeah i love dress shopping and if you lived in Portland i would totally go with ya! She told me i better put pictures on myspace for her to see! haha I will for everyone to see!
Then i decided that since i just told charlotte that i was going to go dress shopping with kk that i should probably let her know about him and i and homecoming and tell her that we have to dress shop! Then she replied that she wants to go with me to get my hair done and macup! ahhh i always do the same thing with my hair and i don't wear macup! So this will be fun! Yippe!